What you want is to be popular. Are you envious of the popularity of internet celebrities in tourist cities? Huangshan Municipal Party Committee Secretary Ling Yun: Huangshan is always top-notch

Release time:May 21, 2024 05:42 AM

This year is the sixth year that the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has been elevated to a national strategy. In order to implement the spirit of the General Secretary's important instructions, Liberation Daily and Shangguan News launched a series of interviews with political figures in the Yangtze River Delta cities, interviewing responsible comrades in key cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui to discuss how to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

Recently, Huangshan Municipal Party Committee Secretary Ling Yun has been non-stop attending major events related to the construction of Greater Huangshan: on the morning of April 26, the Chi-Huang high-speed railway was opened on the same day; in the afternoon of the same day, the Greater Huangshan Promotion Conference of the Hong Kong and Macao Executive Standing Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce was held in Huangshan; On the 28th, the Huangshan City Work Promotion Meeting for the construction of a world-class leisure, vacation, health and wellness tourism destination in Dahuang Mountain was held in Tunxi...

After two years of careful planning, the construction of Dahuang Mountain has officially begun. "Greater Huangshan" covers the four cities of Huangshan, Chizhou, Anqing and Xuancheng. It is positioned as "world-class" and has top tourism resources. As a leading city, what role will Huangshan play in this combination in the future? In the context of the continuous emergence of new Internet celebrity tourist cities, how can Huangshan, an old tourist city, innovate and create greater glory?

Lingyun: On March 30 this year, the Anhui Provincial Government held a promotion meeting for the construction of the Greater Huangshan World-class Leisure, Resort and Wellness Tourism Destination in Huangshan, marking that the construction of the Greater Huangshan Mountains has entered a stage of comprehensive advancement.

The construction of Greater Huangshan is a major strategy made by the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to promote the construction of a strong tourism province and cultivate new driving forces for high-quality development. It is the biggest opportunity, biggest driving force, and biggest dividend to promote the high-quality development of Huangshan.

Dahuang Mountain is originally a regional concept. With the improvement of the general transportation pattern, especially the opening of the Chi-Huang High-speed Railway, the entire Huangshan Mountains have entered the era of high-speed rail, and are more closely connected with the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

We position the construction of Dahuang Mountain in the overall pattern of coordinated regional development, seize the integrated development opportunities of the Yangtze River Delta, and strive to build a "Landscape Village Night" cultural tourism industry coordinate system to form a complete Dahuang Mountain cultural tourism product industry chain. Promote the sustainable development of Huangshan’s cultural tourism industry.

With Dahuang Mountain as the ordinate and Xin'an River as the abscissa, we will develop the four major economies of "Landscape, Village and Night" and make every effort to promote the construction of Dahuang Mountain as a world-class leisure, vacation, health and wellness tourism destination. The mountains are based on Huangshan Mountain as the vertical coordinate; the water is based on the Xin'an River as the horizontal coordinate; the villages are dotted with ancient villages, embedded in the coordinate system, inspiring the ancient cities of Huizhou, Yixian Ancient City, Tunxi Old Street, Liyang IN Lane, The vitality of Tunxi River Street, Yansi Old Street, Xiuning Qining West Street, etc.; night is to create a nighttime cultural economy and enrich leisure and vacation formats.

Promote the transformation of scenic spot tourism into all-area tourism, the upgrade of traditional sightseeing tourism to modern leisure and vacation tourism, and the extension of the tourism industry to the modern service industry with cross-border integration, create high-quality modern service industry clusters, and drive the development of high-end green advanced manufacturing and modern agriculture. It is the core task of the construction of Dahuang Mountain.

At the same time, the "Village Brand" IP has become a new entrance to Huangshan's cultural tourism traffic, driving rural tourism to cover more than 70% of the city's villages, receiving more than 52 million tourists, and total income exceeding 40 billion yuan. The per capita disposable income of the city's rural permanent residents Income and per capita savings rank among the top in the province.

Take Nanxi Nan Ancient Village as an example. It used to have a relatively poor environment, but in recent years, through the construction of "Harmonious Village", it has been successfully promoted to a high-quality demonstration village. There is also the 1,200-year-old Xixi Nan Ancient Village. This spring, the average daily passenger flow exceeded 10,000, even surpassing Xidi.

Introducing high-quality projects is an important part of promoting the construction of Dahuang Mountain. We are advancing projects such as Yujian International Tourism Resort, Wuyang Bay Tourism Resort, and Municipal Tourism T1 Line on a rolling basis, and are accelerating a number of major projects such as Xinanjiang Baili Gallery, East Huangshan International Leisure Resort, and Huangshan International Reception Hall. The construction of Qiyun Mountain, Daling Mountain, and Dalyi Mountain has laid out a number of cultural and tourism industry projects. The linkage between large projects and small projects has promoted the starry sky of cultural tourism projects.

So far, among the 225 Dahuangshan construction projects with a total investment of more than 200 billion yuan, 9.5 projects worth more than 100 million yuan have been signed and implemented.

Dahuang Mountain is a beautiful struggle. Huangshan will take the lead in Dahuang Mountain and join hands with brother cities to jointly improve product competitiveness, industrial integration, service support, project driving force, and brand communication, and comprehensively launch the "China Huangshan, World "Huangshan" brand, we strive to create a world-class high-quality tourist destination in the new era that has charm on site, scenery online, and scenery on the surface.

Aiming at "emotional tourism" and focusing on "small but beautiful"

Ling Yun: Huangshan is inherently top-tier. We have two top-tier IPs, Huangshan and Huizhou, as well as a large number of top-tier scenic spots. We hope to give all tourists a feeling that Huangshan is their poetry and distant place.

According to the scientific assessment of the carrying capacity of Huangshan Scenic Area, the upper limit of passenger flow in Huangshan Mountain in 2013 was 50,000. However, because Huangshan Mountain is a mountainous scenic area with steep mountains and narrow roads, if there are too many people, the experience will inevitably be compromised.

Last year, we lowered the upper limit of passenger flow to 30,000. The satisfaction survey of the World Tourism Organization Huangshan Observatory showed that last year’s Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Golden Week was the golden week with the highest tourist experience and comfort since the monitoring of tourist satisfaction was carried out for 12 consecutive years. .

The reduction in carrying capacity has not affected popularity. Last year, Huangshan Scenic Area and Xidi Hongcun received more than 4.5 million tourists. The city received more than 83 million tourists, and the total tourism revenue exceeded 74 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 45% and 58% respectively. %.

During the May Day holiday that just passed, the city received a total of 3.851 million tourists, with total tourism revenue of 2.72 billion yuan. Among them, Xixinan Village received more than 100,000 tourists for the first time, and the tourism reception volume has exceeded the whole year of 2023; Qiyunshan Ecological Cultural Tourism Resort reached 122,300 tourists, with a reception volume increasing by more than 40%. At the foot of Qiyun Mountain, the abandoned road has been turned into a new check-in The "To the Cloud World Sightseeing Train Micro Park" attracts tourists to spend a happy holiday here.

Ling Yun: Faced with the new situation in the tourism industry, first of all, we proposed "n small beauties of Dahuang Mountain".

At present, "emotional value" has become a new hot spot and trend in the cultural tourism market. We closely follow the new consumption trends and social trends of young people, aim at "emotional tourism", focus on small and beautiful resources such as "little beauties, small food, small beautiful scenery, small beautiful things, small beautiful accommodation", promote the sharing of hosts and guests, and create cultural Travel new brand.

Young people like to find inspiration in details. We start from the night economy and immersive tourism performances based on human fireworks, integrate Huizhou elements and popular aesthetics in a fashionable and youthful way, and cultivate night consumption, Internet celebrity shops, and e-sports competitions. and other new business formats, vigorously develop diversified nighttime products such as special performances and street concerts, and innovatively launch international fashion shows, Huifu Youxi, Huangshan Baidu Music Festival, etc., so as to make "good-looking, fun, delicious, and good photos" for consumers It brings sincere emotional experience and emotional resonance, allowing more people to fall in love with a village because of a dish, travel to a city because of a room, and fall in love with a city because of a show.

Ling Yun: In the "Dahuang Mountain" circle of friends, in accordance with the deployment of Anhui Province, we have established the "Dahuang Mountain Office". The four cities in the "Greater Huangshan Mountains" follow the practices of the Yangtze River Delta. They take turns to take charge every year, hold symposiums with major leaders or work coordination meetings, move around frequently and communicate more, implement the coordination mechanism of the four cities, and push the construction of the "Greater Huangshan Mountains" into the "express train" "Tao", and strive to create a world-class quality highland and dynamic area that is suitable for traveling, living and working.

In the circle of friends in the Yangtze River Delta, Huangshan City has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on promoting higher-quality integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta, actively leaned on it, followed it accurately, and fully integrated it, and regarded the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta as an economic and social development "top priority".

We are deeply promoting the coordinated and coordinated development of Quzhou, Huangnan, and Rao. On April 27, Huangshan Tourism Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Fujian Wuyi Tourism Group. Huangshan and Wuyishan, the friendly scenic spots that are both located in the "Union Garden" of Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian and Jiangxi, have joined hands again.

In addition, we have also strengthened ties with northwest, southwest, north China and other places, especially Dunhuang, forming the "Huihuang CP". Huizhou and Dunhuang studies come and go, communicate with each other, and further showcase the "beautiful Huangshan Mountain".

At the same time, Huangshan’s international circle of friends is also constantly expanding. Huangshan Mountain and Qiyun Mountain have become sister mountains with Jungfraujoch and Schilthorn in Switzerland. Five new pairs of friendly exchange relations have been established between Tunxi District and Merry City in Italy, and Xixinan and Giethoorn in the Netherlands. The number of international sister cities has increased to 31, becoming Anhui's first sister mountain. It is the first city in the province to achieve breakthroughs in friendly foreign exchanges at the city, county, town and scenic area levels.

In addition, we are deeply implementing the "Creative Huangshan Beauty in Huizhou" city brand global promotion plan to create an "international living room" for dialogue with the world.

Lingyun: Currently, there are strict restrictions on the spatial area of ​​metropolitan areas at the national level. The basic scope is a one-hour commuting circle. Therefore, the latest planning scope of Hangzhou metropolitan area includes Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Jiaxing, and Huzhou, with a total area of ​​22,000 square kilometers. Huangshan City and Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province is not included in this list, but it still carries out relevant cooperation as a member unit of the Hangzhou Metropolitan Area Coordination Committee Office.

In the context of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, Hangzhou and Huangzhou rely on major national cooperation platforms such as the Xin'an River-Qiandao Lake Ecological Environment Joint Protection Cooperation Zone and the Hangzhou-Huangzhou World-class Natural Ecology and Cultural Tourism Corridor to focus on infrastructure interconnection. Cooperation has achieved remarkable results in terms of interoperability, joint protection and management of ecological environment, coordinated development of industries, in-depth integration of culture and tourism, and joint construction of social undertakings.

On February 22 this year, the Hangzhou and Huanghuang municipal governments held a work exchange symposium. The meeting emphasized strengthening collaborative advancement with better mechanisms, constantly exploring new paths and new methods for cooperation between the two cities on the basis of the "Ten Matters for Zhejiang-Anhui Cooperation", and establishing various Smooth docking channels between departments, active practices in the co-prosperity of industries, co-connection of transportation, co-prosperity of people's livelihood, medical education, etc., jointly formulate a list of key cooperation matters between Hangzhou and Huangzhou in 2024, do a good job in the implementation of key tasks, and strive to form more It has the experience of being able to identify Hangzhou and Huang and can be widely replicated and promoted.

Huangshan's circle of friends is getting bigger and bigger. With the establishment of Huangshan's high-speed rail hub status, Huangshan's connections with the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will become even closer.

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A group of farmers who have been awarded senior professional titles and become local residents | Yang Jie | A group

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Jinhua, Quzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo, and Zhoushan have all been connected, and the new canal will be a navigable channel | waterway | new canal

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A ship becomes a new growth point for tourism in the Yangtze River Delta. Shanghai | Cruise | Yangtze River Delta

How much do people enjoy traveling by boat in the Yangtze River Delta? During the Dragon Boat Festival in 2023, there were 57 cruise ships dispatched from the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. Among them, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai respectively occupied the second, third, and fourth places of passenger sources. Compared to traditional land transportation, both inland and sea cruise ships are fresher tourism products. While tourists can enjoy unique experiences, this tourism method is becoming a new growth point in the tourism industry of the Yangtze River Delta, bringing long-term benefits of "cruise economy" and "cruise economy". At the end of March this year, Yangzhou welcomed the first luxury Yangtze River cruise ship visited this year. The "Century Legend" docked at the Yangzhou China Aviation Baosheng Wharf, and nearly 300 domestic and foreign tourists began their journey to Yangzhou, stopping for a day. About a week later, the Yangtze River cruise ship docked in Yangzhou again, increasing its itinerary to two days and one night. Yangzhou Slender West

Former Deputy Secretary General of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, former Deputy Director of Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission, Li Rongjin, Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Yangtze River Delta Daily
Former Deputy Secretary General of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, former Deputy Director of Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission, Li Rongjin, Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Yangtze River Delta Daily

1. Li Rongjin, former Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission, has been appointed as Deputy Secretary General of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. On June 12th, Deng Xiuming, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, came to Suqian to investigate the work of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. Li Rongjin, Deputy Secretary General of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, participated in the research. The above information shows that Li Rongjin, who previously served as the Deputy Director and Party member of the Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission, has become the Deputy Secretary General of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. Li Rongjin was born in June 1968 in Baoying, Jiangsu. He is an in-service graduate student with a doctoral degree and a member of the Communist Party of China. On February 23, 2023, the Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee issued a batch of pre appointment notices for provincial management leaders, stating that Li Rongjin intends to serve as a provincial-level leading cadre at the department level. On March 24th, the Jiangsu Provincial Government issued a notice of appointment and removal, and Li Rongjin was relieved of his position as Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission. 2. On June 20th, Zhejiang Province launched its first mail consolidation shipment to the sea,