Why does this hometown written by Sichuan writers always resonate with people, from "Jingzhe" to "The Beginning of Autumn"

Release time:May 19, 2024 16:30 PM

"I originally thought that my hometown was the place where I was born and raised. Later, I gradually discovered that my hometown is the place that I care about. Later, I discovered that all the places I am familiar with are my hometown. I gradually look at myself with a broader perspective. "Hometown." On the afternoon of May 19, Sichuan writer Du Yanglin brought his new work "The Beginning of Autumn" to the "Sinan Reading Club" to discuss "Hometown" with critic Wang Hongtu, humanities scholar Zhou Limin, and "Harvest" deputy editor Xie Jin. ” Start a conversation.

"The Beginning of Autumn" is another realist masterpiece created by Du Yanglin after the best-selling novel "Jingzhe". Through the transformation journey of the protagonist Ling Yunqing from a rural boy to an urban entrepreneur, it delicately outlines how a trend-setter of the times navigates challenges and opportunities. In it, starting a business is the fulcrum to leverage the transformation of individual and collective destiny. It is an ode dedicated to ordinary people who persevere and innovate in the changing times.

"Ling Yunqing" is the protagonist of the novel "Jingzhe" written by Du Yanglin three years ago. "Jingzhe" tells the story of the growth of rural boy Ling Yunqing. In "The Beginning of Autumn", Ling Yunqing came to the city and reconciled with the people who had hurt him in his hometown.

"All Ling Yunqing's actions in the city are a continuation of nostalgia. Entrepreneurship is actually the cloak of writing "The Beginning of Autumn". What I want to show is the daily life and inner feelings of the social group represented by Ling Yunqing in the changing times. The subtle human nature, as well as the dreams and responsibilities of this group, connect all living beings with the hometown complex." Du Yanglin believes that hometown is not only a regional term, but for many people, hometown is actually a spiritual imprint.

Wang Hongtu said that hometown is closely related to "where do I come from" that people often think about. "It is actually an emotional need for people to find their own origins. Hometown is not only a geographical concept, it is related to people. If there are no people, There is no culture and civilization in hometown. The thought of hometown can give people a kind of spiritual nourishment. This is a secret connection. In this sense, Du Yanglin's "The Beginning of Autumn". It is a clear reflection between literature and hometown.”

"The Beginning of Autumn" received an enthusiastic response after it was released in April this year. An additional 20,000 copies were printed just one week after its release. Within a month of its release, the second printing was in short supply, and a third printing was launched. Wang Hongtu shared his reading experience, "As a sequel to "Jingzhe", at first I thought the image of Ling Yunqing was a painful image, but after he entered the city, he became an entrepreneur, but it is different from the common image. As a meaningful entrepreneur, Ling Yunqing is a "Confucian businessman", that is, "a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way." It can be seen from his works that Ling Yunqing has a strong sense of social responsibility and friendship, and is not a money-oriented attitude. . I also read a spirit of continuous self-improvement. Ling Yunqing faced and overcame difficulties with a courageous quality emphasized by Confucianism.”

Zhou Limin said that he felt the same when reading some parts of "The Beginning of Autumn". "The protagonist and I have the same experience, both from the countryside to the city. People like Ling Yunqing are the first generation to 'go to the city' in the process of social change. , the conflict between rural and urban areas caused him inner struggle and entanglement. In fact, no matter whether we have the same experience or not, each of us may feel a sense of powerlessness in the vast sea of ​​people, and the novel just provides a way to relieve the powerlessness. "The Beginning of Autumn" preserves the process of reform and opening up and the changing identity of national society. Ling Yunqing has the pain caused by his native identity, but he reflects on his past experiences and transcends the pain of the past. " Zhou Limin said.

Xie Jin said that a good novel is like a crystal ball, and people can see different highlights from different angles. "We can see every cusp of the development of private enterprises from Ling Yunqing."

Xie Jin also saw Ling Yunqing's love and hate for his hometown in "Jingzhe" and "The Beginning of Autumn". "The emotion of hometown is deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people. The hometown brings painful memories to Ling Yunqing, but Ling Yunqing still gives back to her hometown with deep feelings. This contradiction actually intersects with many modern people. Hometown is a person The spiritual starting point, many writers will write brilliantly when they return to this starting point, Du Yanglin's "Jingzhe" and "The Beginning of Autumn" are examples," Zhou Limin said.

Du Yanglin said: "When I was creating, I have been thinking about why my hometown brings harm to Ling Yunqing. Through the character of Ling Yunqing, I analyze the differences between the concepts between the city and the countryside. I am also trying to answer these questions. I Writing about my hometown is not to criticize, but to reflect and examine and explore the various possibilities of the countryside.”

Wang Hongtu pointed out that "The Beginning of Autumn" does not focus on describing the dangers of the entrepreneurial environment, but provides a model of a coming-of-age novel. ""The Beginning of Autumn" describes many key points of Ling Yunqing's growth. Ling Yunqing continued to reflect on himself and finally completed his own journey." Metamorphosis.”

In response, Du Yanglin responded: "I want to use the growth of the group represented by Ling Yunqing to respond to the fervent call of this prosperous era."

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