A year-on-year increase of 100%... Minhang Science and Technology Festival released a gratifying "report card", and the number of projects approved by the city's little science and technology giants hit a new high

Release time:May 20, 2024 16:07 PM

On the afternoon of May 20, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Minhang District Science and Technology Festival was held at the Zero Bay Science and Technology Innovation Building. At the opening ceremony, 9 "Zhangjiang Star" companies were awarded licenses for 2023. Currently, there are 27 "Zhangjiang Star" companies in Minhang District, ranking among the best in the city; at the same time, Minhang District established the Shanghai Science and Technology Project in 2023 There are 26 small giant enterprises, and the number of projects approved has reached a record high, with a year-on-year increase of 100%, and the cumulative total ranks second in the city.

According to reports, this year’s Minhang District Science and Technology Festival focuses on the theme of “Technology Makes Life Better”. After the opening ceremony, 192 activities will be staged in turn throughout the district, divided into district-level key activities, venue science tours, youth science and innovation activities, science popularization The four major sections, including Yimin, bring a science and technology popularization feast to the general public.

At today's opening ceremony, a group of outstanding science and technology innovation enterprises, innovation studios, and popular science experts in various fields were commended. The first batch of key core technology "unveiling and leading" projects were signed on site, and a new round of science and technology innovation policy operations in Minhang District were released. Detailed rules, a map of representative enterprises of new quality productivity, and the "Big Zero Bay" zero-movement smart financial series brand financial products, and at the same time announced the launch of the first "Big Country, Small Craftsman" Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition.

In 2024, the construction of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center will celebrate its tenth anniversary. On May 15 this year, the newly revised "Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Regulations" were released, and the "Big Zero Bay" scientific and technological innovation source functional area was clearly included in the important carrying area of ​​Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center. For more than ten years, Minhang District has deeply cultivated the "Great Zero Bay" scientific and technological innovation source, adhered to the concept of high-quality innovative development, and made every effort to promote the construction of the "Great Zero Bay" scientific and technological innovation source functional zone, and was awarded the first batch of future industries in the city pilot area.

In recent years, while science and technology enterprises have grown rapidly, Minhang District has vigorously played the leading role of model workers, craftsmen, etc., and has cultivated 87 district-level innovation studios of various types, and 42 have been named Shanghai Innovation Studio, including new ones in 2023. 6 homes. Minhang District also strongly encourages employees to actively innovate and promote the transformation of innovation achievements. It has selected 261 innovation achievements of various district employees and won 83 municipal innovation achievement awards. In 2023, three projects selected by the District Federation of Trade Unions won the "Shanghai Employees Outstanding Innovation Achievement Award".

In recent years, Minhang District has focused on the construction of the "Big Zero Bay" scientific and technological innovation source functional area, focusing on policy, finance, services and other factors to continuously promote the development of scientific and technological innovation and release momentum for new productivity. At today's opening ceremony, a series of results were released.

For example, a new round of operational details for science and technology innovation policies was released. This year, Minhang District issued "Several Policy Opinions on accelerating the high-level development of scientific and technological innovation in Minhang District with the "Big Zero Bay" scientific and technological innovation source functional zone as the guide." In order to further promote the implementation of policy opinions, Minhang District's science and technology innovation policy operational details were released at today's opening ceremony, focusing on basic innovation source capabilities, key core technology research, scientific and technological achievement transformation and incubation, innovative and entrepreneurial enterprise development, and scientific and technological innovation Five major aspects, including talent agglomeration, help the development of various scientific and technological innovation entities and talents.

Another example is the cooperation among the first batch of "unveiling and leading" projects. In December 2023, Minhang District used the high-end equipment field as a pilot project and released for the first time the "2024 Big Zero Bay Key Core Technology Research "Revelation List" Demand List" to support cooperation between enterprises in the district and universities, scientific research institutions and other enterprises. To carry out research on key core technologies, the list involved 5 units. In the end, the 4 requirements were successfully found by the list revealers to cooperate with each other, and the contracts were signed at today's opening ceremony.

Another example is the release of the "Big Zero Bay" Lingdong Zhirong series of brand financial products. In order to help scientific and technological enterprises solve the problem of difficult and expensive financing, the Minhang District Science and Technology Commission and the Bank of Shanghai jointly launched the "Big Zero Bay" zero-dong smart financing series of brand financial products, targeting 0-1 start-up enterprises, 1-10 early and mid-term enterprises Enterprises and 10-100 growth stage enterprises are provided with loans of up to 2 million yuan, 8 million yuan, and 50 million yuan respectively. The first batch of 20 technology companies has received a total of 37.5 million yuan in credit.

The take-off of scientific and technological innovation is inseparable from the cultivation of innovative talents. In recent years, Minhang District has focused on key groups such as teenagers, using activities and competitions as the starting point to continuously enhance their innovative awareness and scientific spirit, and reserve a talent base for future development.

In terms of competitions, since 2018, Minhang teachers and students have won more than 2,200 awards of various levels in the Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition; in the Shanghai "Tomorrow Technology Stars" selection, nearly 350 projects of Minhang have won various awards. The title of Star of Tomorrow... In these two major municipal competitions, the number of awards won by Minhang has been increasing year by year, and it has ranked among the best in the city. At the district level, Minhang District holds nearly 70 youth science and technology events every year, including the Campus Model Festival, the "Young Edison" Selection, and the Youth Creation and Invention Grand Prix, with nearly 10,000 students winning awards.

In terms of activities, Minhang District has been carrying out the "Yangtze River Delta Children's Science Popularization Micro Fairy Tale Creation and Practice Activities" for 12 years, covering Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Xinjiang and other places, with a total of more than 110,000 children participating. At the same time, various brand activities such as scientific experiment exhibitions, science show competitions, "Ke Yue Min Xing" popular science reading theme activities, and science fiction painting competitions are widely welcomed. The annual "World Meteorological Day" and other meteorological science popularization activities can always create a wave of enthusiasm. upsurge.

At the opening ceremony of this Science and Technology Festival, Minhang District launched the first "Big Country, Little Craftsman" Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition to ignite the dreams and enthusiasm of young people for scientific and technological innovation through creative design and hands-on practice.

A year-on-year increase of 100%... Minhang Science and Technology Festival released a gratifying "report card", and the number of projects approved by the city's little science and technology giants hit a new high
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