To provide better services to 26,000 disabled people, Xuhui District launches the "Hui You Ai" charity brand to help the disabled

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 20, 2024 09:13 AM

The reporter learned from the Xuhui District Disabled Persons' Federation that during the 25th Shanghai Disabled Persons Week, Xuhui District launched the "Hui You Ai" public welfare brand to help the disabled. A series of actions such as the provision of sports services, the establishment of the "Hui Employment" Disabled Care Alliance, and the release of the "Hui Service" disability service map have continuously improved the social security system and care service system for disabled people, helping nearly 26,000 disabled people in Xuhui District achieve a high-quality life. .

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Xuhui District will carry out barrier-free renovations for 465 families with severe disabilities. Among them, 190 families with severe disabilities will undergo barrier-free renovation this year. The home of Xiaoxiao, an autistic patient in Tianlin Street, has not been updated for more than 10 years. The bathtub that was popular at that time has now become an obstacle for Xiaoxiao and her elderly grandmother to take a bath. There are safety risks when entering or leaving the house. After the barrier-free renovation, the bathtub was replaced with a shower, and the stove, cabinets, etc. were also updated. Xiaoxiao's grandma said that after the kitchen and bathroom were renovated, not only did life become more convenient, but they also felt better.

In addition, in conjunction with the deployment of national procuratorial organs in 2024 to carry out the special action of "Protecting People's Livelihood", the Xuhui District Procuratorate also negotiated with the District Disabled Persons' Federation to sign the "Agreement on Strengthening the Procuratorial Supervision and Cooperation Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Disabled Persons" to establish counterpart liaison and clues Mechanisms such as transfer, case-handling collaboration, information sharing, publicity linkage, etc., focus on the actual difficulties and needs of the disabled group, the crux of the problems and countermeasures in the construction of a barrier-free environment, give full play to the respective functional advantages of the procuratorial organs and the Disabled Persons' Federation, and give full play to the administrative public welfare Litigation promotes administration according to law and creates a synergistic force in protecting the rights and interests of persons with disabilities.

During the Disability Week, the Xuhui District Disabled Persons' Federation also jointly released the "Hui Employment" Disability Care Alliance Initiative with representatives of the 12 first batch sponsoring units of the alliance to jointly promote high-quality employment for disabled people. The newly released list of cultural and sports services for people with disabilities includes 14 major categories of activities, including barrier-free movie viewing, art exhibitions for special children, physical monitoring of people with disabilities, and sports festivals for people with disabilities, which will bring rich cultural and sports experiences to people with disabilities.

To provide better services to 26,000 disabled people, Xuhui District launches the "Hui You Ai" charity brand to help the disabled
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