Avoid “easy exit” and base yourself on reality

Release time:May 21, 2024 05:43 AM

Only by making good choices and giving up, and doing something and not doing something, can we accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces.

We must not only plan for one area but also the overall situation, pay attention to the development frontier, and also protect people's livelihood industries. Only by comprehensive research and judgment and scientific choices can we better promote high-quality development with new quality productivity.

A company hopes to build a 100,000-ton polysilicon project in the Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industry Base in Ningxia. The output value is not small, which is exciting. However, the project would consume almost half of Ningdong’s electricity and would crowd out other project resources. It may not be cost-effective overall, so the management committee decisively declined. Only by giving up can you gain. This local choice leaves enough room for long-term development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that “developing new productive forces does not mean neglecting or abandoning traditional industries.” Only by making good choices and giving up, and doing something and not doing something, can we accelerate the formation of new productive forces.

When deciding whether to choose or reject, you must be based on reality and understand your "family background", and you must not put on the "sudden brake".

New productivity is generated by revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth industrial transformation and upgrading. Traditional industries are also the cornerstone of cultivating emerging industries and future industries. The five-star red flag carried by the Chang'e-5 lander can withstand the harsh environment on the lunar surface and ensures that it does not fade, lose color, or deform. The basic material for making this flag, high-performance aramid fiber, was born out of the coal chemical industry. This product helps enterprises realize the transformation and upgrading from "selling coal by ton" to "selling industrial products by gram".

Traditional industries are not low-end industries. There are only sunset technologies and not sunset industries. Being divorced from reality and blindly "greedy for the big and seeking the new" will lead to homogeneous competition, or even "building a house on someone else's foundation." Only by revitalizing the "family assets", resolutely exerting efforts in areas that should be exerted, resolutely abandoning industries that should be abandoned, taking advantage of the situation, utilizing strengths and avoiding weaknesses, can the momentum of new productive forces be more abundant and vitality more evident.

When weighing the trade-offs, we must "look beyond the industry to see the industry" and "look beyond the local area to the local area" and be good at settling big accounts.

Traditional industries such as home appliances, food, and textiles are important industries that stabilize employment and foreign trade and cannot be given up lightly. Henan is focusing on developing high-end manufacturing and smart manufacturing, but the advantage and trump card of food production cannot be lost at any time. Inner Mongolia, which has "scenery above its head and coal at its feet", while vigorously developing clean energy, has not simply "de-coalized" but is working hard to promote green transformation as a whole. Xianyou, Putian, Fujian, is not only marching into the fields of new energy and new materials, but also committed to improving and strengthening traditional industries such as classical craft furniture and small crafts processing that are related to people's livelihood and employment.

We must not only plan for one area but also the overall situation, pay attention to the development frontier while also guarding people's livelihood industries, conduct comprehensive research and judgment, and make scientific choices, so that we can better promote high-quality development with new quality productivity.

Taking and discarding are not mechanical. What comes from "taking" must also be "ascended".

Traditional industries are not equivalent to backward industries and excess production capacity. They "cannot be treated as 'low-end industries' and simply exited." We must find ways to promote their transformation and upgrading. With the help of digital technology and a complete industrial chain, Guangdong clothing and garment enterprises have established a flexible supply chain system of "small orders and quick response"; after upgrading and transforming with "carbon capture", Jiangsu Shenghong Petrochemical Industry Group has achieved a green and carbon-negative industrial chain. , the annual carbon reduction effect is equivalent to planting 37,000 hectares of forest. Taking a closer look, as General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "the potential for using new technologies to transform traditional industries is also huge."

There is wisdom, pattern and responsibility in making choices. From the development positioning of one place and one region to the overall exploration of Chinese-style modernization, China is making choices every step forward. In response to economic transformation, should we be realistic or hypocritical? To resolve ecological pressure, should we take a new path or follow the old path of "pollution first, treatment later"? We have made the right decisions time and time again to promote China's economic stability and long-term development without fear of wind and rain.

Focusing on the future, insisting on proceeding from reality in everything, continuing to grasp the methodology of giving and taking, and accelerating the formation of new productive forces, high-quality development will surely have a stronger engine.

Avoid “easy exit” and base yourself on reality
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