The Marriage Culture Theme Service Month was launched, and the "Century-Yangpu, Centenary-Hundred" marriage culture brand was launched

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 20, 2024 12:59 PM

On May 20, the Yangpu District Civil Affairs Bureau and the District Party Committee’s Veteran Cadres Bureau jointly held the "Century Yangpu, Centenary Good Couple" - the 2024 Yangpu District Marriage Registration Collective Certification Ceremony at Douyin New Jiangwan Plaza to create "Century Yangpu, Centenary Good Couple" "Haohe" marriage culture brand.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, 17 newlyweds stepped onto the red carpet happily and entered the marriage hall hand in hand. Most of them are born in the 1990s, and some are born in the 2000s. Among them are teachers, doctors, nurses, firefighters, military officers and soldiers, government cadres, as well as high-tech talents from Internet "big companies" and enterprises such as financial institutions, law firms, and architectural design institutes. Outstanding young people in the unit. Witnessed by the blessings of more than a hundred guests at the scene, the newlyweds read out their marriage oaths in unison, received their marriage certificates, and signed a "pledge of love" together.

"I am very grateful to Yangpu Civil Affairs for carefully preparing this romantic and solemn collective marriage registration certificate awarding ceremony for us." Mr. Wang, the newcomer, said, "We are very destined to Yangpu. Yangpu has witnessed our love, and we also feel Yangpu Things are changing rapidly, so we decided to hold the most important ceremony in this life in Yangpu.”

In order to expand the influence of the "Hundred Years of Yangpu·Hundred Years of Good Union" marriage culture brand and extend the function of marriage culture service, at the event site, the "Fortunate to Meet You" Douyin Yangpu Wedding Volunteer Service Base was officially unveiled and established. It will enter the park through marriage and family services , providing marriage registration consultation, legal publicity, psychological counseling, and family counseling to corporate employees, actively advocating new civilized marriage customs, and popularizing the concept of harmonious marriage and family.

The 2024 "Hundred Years of Yangpu, Hundred Years of Good Union" Marriage Culture Theme Service Month is officially launched. This service month will be from May 20 to June 19. In addition to the collective certificate awarding ceremony, "Visiting the Happy Market, There are a total of 10 activities to extend "love", such as "Add more happiness" and "Heart to heart, forever bonding with a child's heart".

The "Walking with Love" and "Five Elders" studios were also unveiled at the scene. Huang Baomei, the winner of the "July 1st Medal" and a national model worker, as the representative of the "Five Elders" Happy Marriage Mentoring Group, sent her blessings to the newlyweds. The relevant person in charge of the Yangpu District Civil Affairs Bureau said that veteran cadres, veteran soldiers, veteran experts, veteran teachers, and veteran models have rich and valuable life experience. The studio will give full play to the "silver-haired" power of the "five elders" in marriage services to help The newlyweds take the "first step" to a happy marriage. It is reported that the Yangpu District Party Committee’s Veteran Cadres Bureau and the District Civil Affairs Bureau organized and mobilized a group of veteran comrades with high political quality, enthusiasm for public welfare, dedication, and happy marriages and families to join the team of specially invited certificate issuers for marriage registration, and established a "happy" Marriage" Mentoring Group. They will combine their own experiences to exchange and teach the skills and methods of running a family, opening the "key" to a happy life for new people, and reflecting the "red of happiness" with "red sunset".

The Yangpu District Civil Affairs Bureau stated that it will continue to optimize marriage registration services, forge a marriage culture brand, establish a new trend of civilized marriage customs, and create a new immersive marriage culture of "A Century of Yangpu, a Century of Good Cooperation" based on the profound historical accumulation of Yangpu's "four centuries" The landmark allows citizens to feel Yangpu's "sweetness index" and renewed charm, and contribute more to promoting the new practice of people's cities.

The Marriage Culture Theme Service Month was launched, and the "Century-Yangpu, Centenary-Hundred" marriage culture brand was launched
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