Promote the construction of beautiful Shanghai to achieve greater results! Chen Jining and Gong Zheng inspected the implementation of rectification of ecological and environmental protection issues on the spot

Release time:May 20, 2024 19:14 PM

Municipal Party Committee Secretary Chen Jining and Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Mayor Gong Zheng recently went to our city's forest land management and protection areas, rainwater and sewage mixed pipe inspection points and engineering project construction sites to inspect the implementation of rectification of ecological and environmental protection issues. Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization, further improve political stance, deepen ideological understanding, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, pay close attention to the rectification and implementation of ecological and environmental protection issues, and strive to solve outstanding problems. , make up for the shortcomings of facilities, improve long-term mechanisms, form a closed loop of work, continuously improve the level of ecological environment protection, and promote the construction of beautiful Shanghai to achieve greater results.

This afternoon, Chen Jining came to the Ecological Public Welfare Forest Management and Protection Demonstration Area of ​​Minmin Village, Luojing Town, Baoshan District, to inspect the progress of rectification of forest land issues, and carefully understand the work of seedling replanting, soil restoration and follow-up management and protection. He will resolutely do a good job in the central ecological forest management and protection demonstration area. Environmental protection inspection rectification and implementation work will be listened to and briefed on the situation, and clear requirements will be put forward. Chen Jining pointed out that the forest chief system is a responsibility system. It is necessary to consolidate responsibilities at all levels, tighten the responsibility chain, form a closed loop of responsibility, and effectively build and protect forest green space. We must adhere to planning red lines, strengthen rigid constraints, strengthen law enforcement inspections and daily inspections, and resolutely prevent arbitrary occupation and destruction of forest land. Behaviors that damage ecology and the environment must be seriously dealt with and held accountable in accordance with regulations and disciplines. It is necessary to stay focused on the problem, learn lessons, conduct in-depth analysis, trace the source, draw inferences from one instance and draw inferences from one instance to other cases, promote problem solving by taking action and making changes, effectively plug loopholes by establishing rules and regulations, and build joint efforts in forest protection through social participation.

Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand that the central environmental protection inspection is a major and serious political task, and it is a comprehensive physical examination and pulse inquiry on the city's ecological and environmental protection work. We must resolutely shoulder the responsibility and implement it in detail. We must respond to and act on inspection feedback issues as soon as possible, make changes while supervising, and make changes as soon as we know them, so as to ensure that everything is implemented and everything is responded to. We must persist in treating both the symptoms and root causes, and we must not only implement "immediate changes", but also do a good job in "long-term establishment", solidify the rectification results with institutional results, respond to social concerns with actual results, and better coordinate high-quality development and high-level protection.

At present, a new round of rainwater and sewage mixed connection census and rectification work is in full progress. At present, the drainage user list, drainage area division, key problem area plan preparation and mixed connection investigation have been completed. Chen Jining came to the Yingkou Road campus of Shanghai Publishing and Printing College to inspect the traceability of drainage pipes in this area. Workers took samples from rainwater wells and conducted on-site water quality testing. Municipal leaders inquired about the school's domestic sewage disposal situation, and learned about the city's rain and sewage mixed connection survey and rectification work plans and work progress. They were very concerned about the outstanding problems discovered in this round of inspections, and had in-depth exchanges with relevant responsible comrades on the urgent rectification and rectification. Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to focus on keeping the bottom line, making up for shortcomings, and preventing duplication, coordinate census and rectification work, fully understand the bottom line, clarify the rectification list, schedule work plans, accelerate the construction and upgrading of the pipeline network, and improve the quality of the water environment. Continue to consolidate and improve to provide basic support. This year's flood season is coming. We must closely integrate the construction of a resilient and safe city, do a solid job in flood prevention and typhoon prevention, speed up the filling of infrastructure shortcomings, increase the connectivity between facilities, enhance the overall treatment efficiency, and continuously improve sewage treatment and initial rainwater storage. ability.

Pollution such as noise from construction sites is an environmental issue of concern to the public. Gong Zheng and his party came to the Huaxing New City project site in Tianmu Community, Jing'an District, on the afternoon of May 17. They inspected the construction status of the construction site, inspected the construction site environment, and learned in detail about environmental protection prevention and control measures such as noise, dust, slag, and light pollution. The person in charge of the construction unit said that the Huaxing New Town project has formulated a clear plan to reduce vibration and noise through optimized management. If continuous construction is required, residents will be notified in advance. The construction site is equipped with wall spraying and dust removal fog cannon facilities, and measures such as vehicle washing and closed dust-proof nets are implemented for the transportation of construction earthwork.

Gong Zheng pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the concerns of citizens and prevent and control noise and other pollution. Construction units on construction sites must proactively carry out environmental improvements such as noise and dust, promote civilized construction and refined management, strengthen communication and explanations with surrounding people, minimize the impact on people's lives, and strive for the understanding and support of citizens. All departments and districts must strictly implement their ecological and environmental protection responsibilities, establish and improve the responsibility system, continue to optimize the assessment and evaluation system, and comply with the people's new expectations for a beautiful environment. It is necessary to keep a close eye on key places and establish mechanisms for collecting noise and other pollution information, handing over clues, efficient disposal, and supervision and accountability to ensure that residents’ complaints are handled in a timely manner. It is necessary to use information technology to strengthen source control, strengthen law enforcement supervision, and establish and improve long-term mechanisms.

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