What should I do if there are too many shared bicycles at the subway entrance? This TOD neighborhood party building alliance discussed and discussed

Release time:May 20, 2024 14:02 PM

In Wanli Street, Putuo District, there is a TOD block party building alliance, which connects six units, residential areas and enterprises related to the construction of the subway and Jingdong complex land. It takes the leadership of party building as the starting point to build resource sharing, improve services and promote vehicle of governance.

Recently, Wanli Street used the TOD Block Party Building Alliance Joint Meeting as a platform to invite alliance unit members, district unit representatives, district functional departments, street functional departments, resident representatives, National People’s Congress deputies, CPPCC members, etc. to participate, focusing on "Party Building Leads TOD, Together "Building Together Concentric Circles" launched the second phase of the grassroots practice discussion on sustainable community construction.

The party building alliance is a dynamically developing and expanding community. The member units of this joint meeting jointly sought development strategies and attracted new "powers" covering different fields such as construction, economy, and community, such as China Construction Eighth Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Wanli Street Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai Zhongan Xinke Information Co., Ltd., and Zhongjun Tianyu. .

“During peak commuting hours, there are a large number of shared bicycles around subway stations, and they are not processed in time, which affects residents’ travel.”

"There is dust during construction at the construction site. Are there relevant supervision and solution measures?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, representatives of surrounding residents expressed their concerns and confusions. Meituan Cycling Department, China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau, China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau, Putuo District Traffic Management Center, Wanli Street Functional Departments, CPPCC members, etc. all actively participated in the discussion, including strengthening supervision and guidance, optimizing dynamic big data management, and adhering to precision. Respond to measures, maintain contact and communication with the masses, etc.——

"Bike-sharing companies can consider displaying the usage and availability of surrounding shared bicycle parking spaces in real time to help users find available shared bicycles more conveniently, reduce travel waiting time, improve travel convenience, and increase resident satisfaction. Synchronously add updates The pricing strategy cultivates user experience and economically encourages users to park in surrounding free areas.”

“For key areas, the street community management office jointly controls the urban management, urban transportation, and construction management committees, strengthens inspections during the morning peak period, actively contacts the shared bicycle companies to control the amount of bicycles, and the bicycle companies strengthen the cleaning and transportation at fixed times; clean up at the shared bicycle companies If the clearing is not timely and the clearing effort is not enough, the district traffic control center will be contacted to designate a third-party clearing company to dispatch an order for clearing the road section. "

"Develop a pragmatic dust control plan, ensure capital investment, and use water spray dust suppression equipment."

"We very much welcome resident representatives to visit the construction site and further improve dust management."

After that, the resident representatives also put forward many suggestions: for example, building a health cabin and providing more medical services; adding breakfast points and ensuring food safety... Although the residents' requests were small, they were The most concerned, direct and realistic needs.

As the first batch of members of the Wanli TOD Block Party Building Alliance, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank Putuo Branch introduced in detail the health services in the "Heart Home" project from the aspects of smart medical facilities and accompanying volunteers.

Departments such as the Wanli Street Party and Mass Service Center, the Community Health Service Center and the Market Supervision Office also responded to relevant issues respectively and included the needs of residents as the focus of future work. Experts in the design field put forward aesthetic suggestions on the "medical, food, housing and transportation" planning that residents care about from the perspective of public art and design, adding vitality to TOD blocks.

Experts who observed the scene said: “Wanli Street has explored and formed a standardized and institutionalized experience path that can be promoted through discussion and discussion, and built an urban governance community in which everyone participates, is responsible, contributes, and shares. This is governance. The meaning of it.”

What should I do if there are too many shared bicycles at the subway entrance? This TOD neighborhood party building alliance discussed and discussed
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