SPDB Financial Leasing focuses on serving Chinese-style modernization and creating a new engine to serve the real economy

Release time:May 20, 2024 17:22 PM

The road is blue and the spring is beautiful and the autumn is fruitful. Puyin Financial Leasing has gone through 12 years.

Since its establishment, especially since 2023, SPDB Financial Leasing has actively implemented the requirements of "doing five major articles" put forward by the Central Financial Work Conference, resolutely implemented the head office's digital intelligence strategy, returned to the origin of leasing, served the real economy, and closely Focusing on the main business line of "clear strategy, focus on track, innovation and transformation, and lean management", we have clarified the professional business direction focusing on "aerospace, shipping, green and low-carbon, advanced manufacturing", focusing on serving Chinese-style modernization, and constantly creating It serves as a new engine for the real economy and achieves its own high-quality development. A series of honors such as "Contribution Award for the Top 100 Enterprises in Xuhui District, Shanghai in 2023", "Outstanding Subsidiary of the Group in 2023", "Take-off Award - Supporting National Major Strategic Leading Enterprises" have witnessed the growth pace of SPDB Financial Leasing and its commitment to serving the real economy. development trajectory.

After 12 years of continuous innovation and breakthroughs, the scale of Puyin Financial Leasing is getting bigger and bigger - by the end of April 2024, the company's total assets will be 151.7 billion yuan; its efforts to support the real economy are getting stronger - the company's cumulative investment in 2023 47.9 billion yuan, a record high in investment scale in history; the business structure is becoming increasingly optimized - the aerospace and shipping business is advancing steadily, and major progress has been made in the transformation of various businesses into the real economy. In 2023, equipment manufacturing investment will account for more than 32%, ranking first among all business investment sectors.

What makes Puyin Financial Leasing proud is that through continuous deepening in various business fields, Puyin Financial Leasing has achieved a new leap in the leased properties of "land, sea, air and sky"——

On March 29, the size of the SPDB Financial Leasing fleet exceeded 100 for the first time, and the scale of aviation assets exceeded 22 billion yuan, achieving a new leap forward in financial support for the "aviation power" strategy. As the only financial leasing company in China with the genetic imprint of domestically produced large aircraft, Puyin Financial Leasing has written into its articles of association "to support and promote the development of China's civil aircraft industry and create and build a financing platform to promote the sales of domestically produced aircraft" since its establishment. We have always pursued resonance with the domestic civil aircraft industry, actively built a "four complete" financial leasing service system, formulated an action plan to support domestic civil aircraft, and formed a strategy to support the development of domestic civil aircraft from multiple dimensions such as strategy, system, and action plan. collaborative mechanism. At present, it has delivered a total of 16 ARJ21-700 aircraft, and holds orders for 50 C919 aircraft and 30 orders for ARJ21-700 aircraft from COMAC.

In November 2023, as the 30th satellite soared into space in cooperation with the leading domestic satellite operation and application service company, Puyin Financial Leasing found its own bright starry sky in the aerospace field. Focusing on the national aerospace strategic deployment, SPDB Financial Leasing has broken through the traditional leasing business model and actively carried out aerospace satellite leasing business, and has now handled a total of 30 satellite leasing businesses. The high-resolution optical remote sensing satellite named "Pu Yin-1" has become an important part of China's star chain; the Long March 2 rocket set a launch record of 41 satellites in one rocket, including 23 and 23 satellites leased by Puyin. Satellite 24.

In May 2022, the 99,000 cubic meter ultra-large ethane transport ship "Grandi" ordered by Pudong Financial Leasing was officially delivered. The ship is the world's largest storage capacity independently developed, designed and built by my country, and is the world's first B-type VLEC transport ships are known as the "uncrowned king" among liquefied gas ships due to their difficulty in construction. This delivery is an outstanding achievement of SPDB Financial Leasing’s support of the shipping power strategy and its full support for the construction of Shanghai International Shipping Center. Since the official launch of shipping business in 2018, the company's shipping assets have rapidly expanded, with leases covering five major ship types: bulk, container, oil, gas and special ships, and the comprehensiveness and professionalism of customer service have continued to improve. In-depth implementation of "national shipbuilding", a total of 54 ship orders have been placed at domestic shipyards, of which the contract value of ship export projects is approximately 2.065 billion US dollars, and the contract value of domestic trade ship projects is approximately 691 million yuan, equivalent to a total of 15.4 billion yuan. Actively serving the development of the shipping center in the Lingang New Area of ​​the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, it has established a total of 57 shipping SPVs in the Lingang New Area, with a shipping asset balance of 8.906 billion yuan, becoming the largest cross-border shipping leasing company in the Lingang area. As of the end of April 2024, the balance of shipping leasing assets exceeded RMB 23 billion, with 111 ships held.

SPDB Financial Leasing has also been deeply involved in new energy, inclusive finance, green finance, high-end manufacturing and other industries, and has fully blossomed with frequent highlights -

In the field of integrated circuits, we continue to increase investment in semiconductor production, packaging and testing and other links. In June 2023, relying on the "Lingang New Area Banking and Insurance Industry Technology and Financial Innovation Test Base", the Shanghai Financial Leasing Service Integrated Circuit Industry Laboratory was jointly established by three Shanghai-based financial leasing companies, including SPDB Financial Leasing, in the Lingang New Area. The district was inaugurated and the first batch of cooperation projects in the country were signed. In July of the same year, Puyin Financial Leasing took the lead in launching the first free trade zone SPV integrated circuit equipment leasing project in the financial leasing industry. It was an innovative breakthrough in "financial leasing SPV carries out integrated circuit equipment leasing business". This will further help accelerate the agglomeration of integrated circuit industry elements in the new area and create a 100-billion-level industrial cluster.

In the field of vehicle engineering, we will develop and innovate new business models such as manufacturer leasing and cross-border SPV export of engineering vehicles. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative, Puyin Financial Leasing successfully delivered a 2000HP land oil drilling engineering vehicle to a large domestic state-owned enterprise, the United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Company, at Tianjin Port. This is the company's first time passing through Tianjin. The entire set of large-scale equipment leased by the Dongjiang Free Trade Zone SPV to overseas lessees has achieved a new breakthrough in the company's first cross-border leasing business in the traditional business field.

In the field of inclusive finance, we continue to expand the depth of cooperation with leading photovoltaic companies. As of the end of March 2024, the "Puhuizhu" household photovoltaic operating leasing business has invested a total of 4.135 billion yuan, involving 17 provinces and cities, benefiting 32,400 farmers, and the cumulative installed capacity has exceeded 1GW.

In the field of clean energy, we continue to create a full life cycle service solution for green assets of "wind, solar, and storage", and basically realize the main business models for new energy industry chain customers from raw materials such as silicon and cobalt, component manufacturing, power station operations, and battery energy storage. full coverage. As of the end of March 2024, the company's total installed capacity of clean energy power stations exceeded 4.48GW.

The development and leap forward of Puyin Financial Leasing has benefited from continuous product innovation. The company has explored and researched the launch of Puhang Financial Leasing, Pu Ke Financial Leasing, Pu Ke Financial Leasing, and Pu Yin Financial Leasing respectively for cross-border finance, technology finance, inclusive finance, supply chain finance, and green finance. Key featured products such as Huizhu, Pulianzhu, and Pujiezhu; thanks to the solid advancement of digital transformation, the digital system efficiently empowers business development and helps reduce costs and increase efficiency; thanks to the continuous improvement of asset quality and focus on preventing financial risks Effective measures, by the end of 2023, the company's provision ratio and provision coverage ratio will rank among the top three in financial rents worth hundreds of billions.

"New journey, start again." 2024 is the twelfth anniversary of the establishment of Puyin Financial Leasing, and it is also a critical year for promoting the implementation of the “14th Five-Year Plan” strategic development plan. SPDB Financial Leasing stated that it will fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Financial Work Conference, and the Central Economic Work Conference, and complete the "five major articles" of technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance. Steadily accelerate business development, continuously improve management capabilities, strive to achieve the strategic goals of professional, distinctive, and international development, actively cultivate and develop new productive forces in the field of financial leasing, and promote the company to comprehensively move towards a new stage of high-quality development!

SPDB Financial Leasing focuses on serving Chinese-style modernization and creating a new engine to serve the real economy
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