The scope of application and operation guide are here. Minor traffic accidents on Shanghai's ground roads can be handled remotely via video link.

Release time:May 21, 2024 09:15 AM

If a motor vehicle encounters a minor traffic accident, you no longer need to dial "110" and wait for the traffic police to arrive at the scene to deal with it. You only need to take out your mobile phone and open the "Traffic Control 12123" App, click on the "Accident Video Quickly" function, and you can "video call" with the traffic police for remote handling. ACCIDENT.

The reporter learned from the Traffic Police Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau that Shanghai has gradually promoted the "Accident Video Quick Response" since April this year, and now covers all ground roads in the city. At present, the city has handled more than 4,000 traffic accidents through this function, with an average handling time of 6 minutes and a 100% satisfaction rate for accident return visits.

Open the "Traffic Control 12123" App, and the "Accident Video Quick Points" button can be seen on the upper left side of the homepage. Click to enter the function module. Below the safety reminder, the accident location has been automatically located and the accident time has been automatically generated. Click "Video Alarm" to have a direct video connection with the local traffic police department.

Traffic Control 12123 App has launched the "Accident Video Quick Response" function

"Please take a photo of the collision location. The two drivers stand together and take a photo." This morning, a collision accident between two vehicles occurred in Jing'an District. At the Traffic Accident Remote Processing Center of the Jing'an Traffic Police Detachment, the police wore headphones to communicate with the accident driver on the other side of the video, guiding the parties involved to film the collision at the scene and conduct remote evidence collection.

After verifying the information from both parties, the police reminded the two drivers that evidence collection had been completed and that they should evacuate the scene safely as soon as possible. Both parties' mobile phones would receive a text message confirming liability for the accident within 15 minutes.

Wang Xiaobin, captain of the Accident Trial Team of the Jing'an Traffic Police Detachment, said that compared with traditional accident handling methods, "Accident Video Quick Processing" is more convenient and efficient. The parties involved do not need to wait for the police to arrive at the scene, and can be completed in a few minutes via video connection.

Dong Lechen, a policeman from the Accident Division of the Traffic Police Corps, said that in the "Accident Video Quick Response" function, relevant accident information is collected by the police officers in the background, including the license plates of both parties, driver information, collision location, etc., and the parties no longer need to manually enter it. "Compared with the party negotiation of 'quick settlement and easy compensation', the 'accident video quick settlement' directly involves the traffic police in determining liability and can issue an accident liability determination letter, which can help the parties to dispel their concerns, facilitate quick evacuation from the scene, and reduce the risk of damage to the road. "Passage Impact."

At present, the remote processing function of traffic accidents has been enabled in 16 districts of the city. In addition, in other cities where the "Accident Video Quick Service" has been opened, parties involved can also use this function to handle minor traffic accidents remotely.

Applicable accidents: Motor vehicle traffic accidents that only cause material damage

According to the Shanghai Public Security Traffic Police Department, the current "Accident Video Quick Response" function is applicable to traffic accidents that only cause material damage between motor vehicles on the city's ground roads from 7:00 to 19:00 every day, and all parties involved in the accident All have compulsory motor vehicle traffic accident liability insurance.

After an accident occurs, on the premise of ensuring on-site safety protection, any party to the accident can click "Accident Video Quickly" through the "Traffic Control 12123" App. The system will automatically locate and obtain the accident location information and connect to the traffic police department in the jurisdiction.

During the video call, the police officer will remotely guide the parties to collect information and fix evidence, and verify the driver, motor vehicle and compulsory traffic insurance information through the background.

After that, the system will notify the parties of the accident determination result through mobile phone text messages. The parties can check the electronic version of the accident determination certificate through the "Online Process" of the "Traffic Management 12123" APP, and use this to report the accident to the insurance company and carry out subsequent claims settlement.

If you have any objection to the determination of accident liability, you may apply for review in writing within three working days from the date of delivery of the accident determination document.

No. 500, Wanping South Road
Be careful to catch you
May 23, 2024 10:33 AM
Xiao Ke
In fact, they read the comments every day, but they just pretend not to see the comments [face covering]. You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.
May 23, 2024 10:29 AM
May 23, 2024 09:49 AM
The key is that the car owner did not change lanes, he just turned and turned on the turn signal [tears]
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The editor is also under a lot of pressure [cracked]
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6996 Tips
May 22, 2024 16:14 PM
Future prospects
"If you have something to say, points will be deducted first." "Come on, let's continue deducting points." "Who hit you?" "I won't cooperate with the coercive measures."
May 22, 2024 15:20 PM
I finally understand why shouting can’t wake up a person pretending to be asleep. This is an example.
May 22, 2024 15:09 PM
Xiao Ke
In fact, they read the comments every day, but they just pretend not to see the comments [face covering]. You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.
May 23, 2024 10:29 AM
May 23, 2024 09:49 AM
Mr. Qi, please don’t lie with your words.
@ a piece of pot meat
May 22, 2024 14:55 PM
Big flower
6996th like [like]
May 22, 2024 13:59 PM
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Qingfeng (editing photography)
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aaWu Liang
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Compensation 6996 yuan
May 22, 2024 12:18 PM
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Sheng Ming
May 22, 2024 11:42 AM
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Singapore Culture and Tourism
No, thank you
May 22, 2024 10:09 AM
A man
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May 22, 2024 10:04 AM
May 22, 2024 09:39 AM
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May 22, 2024 08:59 AM
[Crying loudly] Thank you for your hard work, editor
May 22, 2024 08:35 AM
No. 500, Wanping South Road
Be careful to catch you
May 23, 2024 10:33 AM
Xiao Li saves money to open a supermarket for his wife
The editor is also under a lot of pressure [cracked]
May 22, 2024 18:02 PM
old frog
6996[awkward laugh][awkward laugh][awkward laugh]
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Li Luo
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Hua Hua
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User 636799042037
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@CCTV News Come to the comment area
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A sunshine happiness
More comments than likes
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Pi Jiu
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Singapore Culture and Tourism
May 21, 2024 23:18 PM
Can I not use it? Can I change my insurance? [Smile] Definitely not.
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Zhou Fei
Really awesome
May 21, 2024 21:40 PM
Tipping Bucket Garden Hu Tutu
Ah, what is 6996?
May 21, 2024 21:11 PM
Is 6996 yuan okay?
May 21, 2024 20:59 PM
Curry Guru👾(Beng Yuandai)
Getting a driver's license is all about this stuff
May 21, 2024 20:50 PM
The boat of no connection (medicine) ⛵
Every time I encounter this kind of question, I don’t get it right every time, which is weird [tears running][tears running]
May 21, 2024 20:19 PM
Xiao Li🐇💫🌟💫
Direct 6996 [a polite smile]
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Did you change lanes and turn on the lights? [Look]
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The key is that the car owner did not change lanes, he just turned and turned on the turn signal [tears]
May 23, 2024 06:49 AM
ζัOne cup of soy milk
I don’t know what 6996 is
May 21, 2024 18:08 PM
Fine 6996 yuan [see]
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Is 6696 okay [licking the screen]
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How to solve Shanghai CA6996,,,, I ask every day [tears]
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Hua Hua
It’s been so long, forget it, everyone [see]
May 21, 2024 14:48 PM
Singapore Culture and TourismHua Hua
No, thank you
May 22, 2024 10:09 AM
Hua HuaSingapore Culture and Tourism
Come to Sijing [pick your nose]
May 22, 2024 05:30 AM
Singapore Culture and Tourism
May 21, 2024 23:18 PM
Can't forget
May 21, 2024 21:55 PM
The boat of no connection (medicine) ⛵
Every time I encounter this kind of question, I don’t get it right every time, which is weird [tears running][tears running]
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