There is a missing group photo of 20 "new couples"

Release time:May 20, 2024 05:35 AM

My wife and I didn’t know my junior brother Wang Fengfan and my junior sister Liang Fangyuan, but we were invited to witness their marriage.

The one who invited us to be witnesses was Fudan School of Journalism. This year marks the 95th anniversary of the founding of the School of Journalism. As a celebration event, 10 couples were invited to witness the marriages of 10 couples. These 20 people are all graduates of the "intelligent manufacturing" here. The oldest couple’s marriage witnesses are now 10 years old. Not as good as the first, but more than the worst. My wife and I have already had a pearl wedding and are about to have a coral wedding.

It is not accurate to say that it is a collective wedding. It is just an "enhanced version" of the wedding ceremony. Most of the 10 couples attending the wedding have had weddings before, and some are already "the child's father" and "the child's mother." Just because the age of marriage is relatively short, it can be regarded as newly married. Wearing wedding dresses, lightly applying pink and pink, and holding their husbands on their arms, they all looked gentle and charming, adding a lot of liveliness and romance to the birthday of the School of Journalism.

Because we didn’t know which couple to marry at the beginning, my wife and I discussed that we should first write a universal couplet as a blessing and send it to any couple. Later, when we learned that we were witnessing the marriage of Wang Fengfan from Jiaxing and Liang Fangyuan from Ningbo, my wife and I changed our minds. We should definitely send a special couplet. Wang Fengfan and Liang Fangyuan, what harmonious, interesting and recognizable names made me naturally think of "Fang Ling Yong Ji" and "Xian Shou Heng Chang". It would be great to write a couplet with their names: without leaving the style, you have your own radius. Don't lose sight of your style.

At the wedding ceremony, I asked Xiao Wang and Xiaoliang whether he wanted to listen to the universal type or the special type of couplet. The young couple had different opinions. Later, the husband and wife agreed to listen to the special type. In fact, I hope in my heart that they all want to hear it, otherwise half of my wife and I’s mental work would be wasted. But then again, customization is popular nowadays. Thinking about it now, it’s better to make the general couplet public while it’s still hot, in order to show off: New journalists are on a new journey, seeking truth, excitement and light. "Seeking prosperity" doesn't mean a prosperous career and a prosperous family. These two couplets are very irregular in terms of rhyme and contrast, but my wife and I sincerely wish the new couple and the college success.

Today is May 20th, and I can’t help but remember an interesting story about newcomers, journalists, and newcomers saying “I love you.” It happened yesterday afternoon on the lawn in front of the library of Fudan School of Journalism. This is another thing that my wife and I should remember about our alma mater. Unfortunately, I took a lot of photos yesterday, but I forgot to take a group photo of 20 couples and teachers from the School of Journalism.

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A group of farmers who have been awarded senior professional titles and become local residents | Yang Jie | A group

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The Yangtze River Delta has begun to "compete for population", and "compete for talent" is not yet limited enough | Jiangsu | Population

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Jinhua, Quzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo, and Zhoushan have all been connected, and the new canal will be a navigable channel | waterway | new canal

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A ship becomes a new growth point for tourism in the Yangtze River Delta. Shanghai | Cruise | Yangtze River Delta
A ship becomes a new growth point for tourism in the Yangtze River Delta. Shanghai | Cruise | Yangtze River Delta

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Former Deputy Secretary General of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, former Deputy Director of Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission, Li Rongjin, Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Yangtze River Delta Daily
Former Deputy Secretary General of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, former Deputy Director of Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission, Li Rongjin, Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Yangtze River Delta Daily

1. Li Rongjin, former Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission, has been appointed as Deputy Secretary General of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. On June 12th, Deng Xiuming, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, came to Suqian to investigate the work of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. Li Rongjin, Deputy Secretary General of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, participated in the research. The above information shows that Li Rongjin, who previously served as the Deputy Director and Party member of the Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission, has become the Deputy Secretary General of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. Li Rongjin was born in June 1968 in Baoying, Jiangsu. He is an in-service graduate student with a doctoral degree and a member of the Communist Party of China. On February 23, 2023, the Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee issued a batch of pre appointment notices for provincial management leaders, stating that Li Rongjin intends to serve as a provincial-level leading cadre at the department level. On March 24th, the Jiangsu Provincial Government issued a notice of appointment and removal, and Li Rongjin was relieved of his position as Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission. 2. On June 20th, Zhejiang Province launched its first mail consolidation shipment to the sea,