Why does China lead the world in power batteries? , the President of Jiaotong University talks about Qian Xuesen’s letters and the Ningde era

Release time:May 18, 2024 13:59 PM

As an important event of the 2024 Shanghai Science and Technology Festival, the 3rd Shanghai Science and Technology Communication Conference was held today at the Zhangjiang Science Hall. Ding Kuiling, president of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in his keynote speech that Shanghai should be a vanguard in science and technology communication, and universities should be leaders in science and technology communication. "In this letter, I would like to make a suggestion: my country's automobile industry should skip the stage of using gasoline and diesel and directly enter the new energy stage of reducing environmental pollution." In his speech, Ding Kuiling recounted what Academician Qian Xuesen wrote to Vice Premier Zou Jiahua in 1992. A letter and the reasons for the rise of the Ningde era.

The theme of this Shanghai Science and Technology Communication Conference and Keynote Conference is "Strengthening Science Popularization Capacity Building and Promoting High-Quality Development of Science Popularization". Many science and technology workers conducted exchanges around the creation of science popularization works, strengthening the science popularization talent team, and promoting the development of the science popularization industry. At the keynote conference, the establishment ceremony of the Science and Technology Communication Laboratory of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was also held; the first batch of senior professional title recognition results for science and technology communication were released. Chen Lei, whose online name is "Hunzige", and Li Zhizhong, whose online name is "Pineapple", were awarded researchers , Peng Zhihui, whose online name is "Zhihui Jun", was awarded the title of associate researcher. During the Shanghai Science and Technology Festival, the first batch of recipients of senior professional titles in science and technology communication will be awarded certificates, and applications for intermediate professional titles will be launched at the same time.

These measures in Shanghai demonstrate the important value of science and technology communication and science popularization. In Ding Kuiling's view, the speed of scientific and technological development has accelerated significantly in recent years, and scientific research results in many fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and photon science are constantly emerging. In this era of rapid technological change, scientific and technological communication is an indispensable support point for disseminating knowledge, cultivating talents and gathering resources.

Academician Ding Kuiling attended the 3rd Shanghai Science and Technology Communication Conference.

"We must tell the story of technological innovation well, make the voice of Shanghai's technological innovation heard, and bring the most cutting-edge and hottest technologies to the public," Ding Kuiling said. How to tell a good story about technological innovation? He gave an example. In August 1992, Qian Xuesen, the founder of China's aerospace industry, wrote to Zou Jiahua, then Vice Premier of the State Council, proposing to immediately formulate a plan for battery-powered cars, striving to allow China's automobile industry to catch up. Today, China's electric vehicle industry is already in a leading position in the world. CATL has ranked first in the world in terms of power battery usage for 7 consecutive years. In 2023, the global power battery usage market share will reach 36.8%. From Mr. Qian’s letters to the rise of Chinese enterprises, people are filled with emotions. The stories of China’s scientific and technological innovation are worth exploring and spreading.

In August 1992, Academician Qian Xuesen wrote a letter to Vice Premier Zou Jiahua

Ding Kuiling told the audience that Zeng Yuqun, chairman of CATL, is an alumnus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He asked Zeng Yuqun why domestic power batteries are doing so well? He replied: "Our basic research on electrochemistry is solid. The electrochemistry papers published by Chinese scholars account for more than 40% of the world's total. Our talents are strong enough, so the products are good enough." These words not only revealed the success of domestic battery research and development The reasons also show that our government is forward-looking and scientific in its layout of scientific and technological innovation.

Through popular, professional, and international science and technology communication, Shanghai science and technology workers should spread this kind of science and technology innovation stories that are both inspiring and confident, both global attention and close to life, more widely, more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and inspiring more people. Young people are involved in this field, promoting the accelerated development of domestic battery and new energy vehicle industries.

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