"Chinese Martial Arts" Science and Technology Innovation Fair, six major sections of interesting science... The 2024 Putuo District Science and Technology Festival is launched

Release time:May 20, 2024 14:32 PM

"Shanghai Xiaoke" science and technology volunteer service Putuo trip launched; "Innovation Lane" TED, talk about "new productivity empowers Chinese-style Sora development"; 30 micron ultra-thin flexible glass debuted at "China Wushu" Science and Technology Innovation Fair ; "Future Talk" science popularization salon, brainstorming dialogues with celebrities, new productivity; Shanghai Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Changfeng Ocean World and other wonderful science popularization activities to benefit the people...

On May 20, this year's Putuo District Science and Technology Festival was launched and will last until May 31. It focuses on the "Chinese Wushu" science and technology innovation brand, promoting the spirit of scientists, popularizing science for the people, popularizing science to benefit the people, and strengthening science education for teenagers. There are six special activities including the opening section, youth section, popular science forum section, science and innovation section, people-benefiting section and online section.

At the launch ceremony of the 2024 Putuo District Science and Technology Festival, the "Shanghai Xiaoke" science and technology volunteer service Putuo trip was launched. The Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Service Party Building and Joint Building Office and the Putuo District Science and Technology Commission signed a cooperation agreement, which will rely on 8 directly affiliated undertakings of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. The policy resources and service platform of the city's science and technology innovation service party-building and joint-building units, which are composed of units, take party-building and joint-building as the starting point to serve the science and technology innovation needs of enterprises and parks in Putuo District, and focus on carrying out a series of science and technology policy publicity, on-site consultation and professional guidance and other volunteer service activities.

Academician Peng Shou of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor Jiang Xuefeng of East China Normal University sent messages to science and technology workers and young people through videos and live TED, encouraging them to study hard and climb to the top of science; outstanding contestants in the Shanghai Popular Science Explanation Competition, Xu Zengyi of the Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry, A popular science explanation was carried out around the theme of "Gold Medal Scout" on table cancer. Liangjian Shanghai Institute of Chemical Industry broke through the stuck neck technology and promoted the industrialization and localization of isotope carbon 13; Putuo District's newly built "Innovation Lane" science and technology innovation space settled in Aishi Technology , Fang Hao, head of external affairs, brought - TED in Innovation: New productivity empowers the development of domestic Sora, looking forward to the future development of generative artificial intelligence.

In the 2024 Putuo Science and Technology Festival "Future Talk" science popularization salon, three guests from universities and enterprises conducted in-depth discussions with more than a hundred middle school students on site around plastic recycling, driverless driving, video generation AI technology, etc. that are of concern to young people. Dialogue to inspire young people’s passion for science and innovation.

30 micron ultra-thin flexible glass, smallest active hydrogen atomic clock unveiled

As an important event of the 2024 Putuo District Science and Technology Festival, the "China Martial Arts" Science and Technology Innovation Fair "opens", displaying the focus on science and technology by universities, institutions, and enterprises in Putuo District in recent years from the fields of artificial intelligence, new energy, and new materials. Self-reliant and self-reliant, we have achieved outstanding results in the fields of choke technology and industrial common technology research.

At the same time, in the science and technology innovation market, providing financial services and policy services to science and technology innovation enterprises is an indispensable part of promoting the virtuous cycle of "technology-industry-finance" and creating a "rainforest-style" innovation ecosystem. The Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Service Party Building Joint Unit, the District Talent Work Bureau, the District Intellectual Property Office, the Youth League Committee Youth Assistance Group, banks, etc. provide on-site policy docking, science and technology finance and other services for on-site institutions and enterprises.

The science and technology products on display at the Science and Technology Innovation Market are dazzling. The 30-micron ultra-thin flexible glass brought by China National Building Materials International Engineering Group Co., Ltd. has ushered in a new era of glass. This ultra-thin glass is only a quarter of the thickness of A4 paper, but has the high temperature resistance, high hardness and high strength of traditional glass. The transmittance and other characteristics can withstand 1 million times of 180-degree bending in the fatigue endurance test, which is equivalent to a folding screen mobile phone being opened and closed 200 times a day, and can be used continuously for up to 13.7 years.

The new generation of ultra-small active hydrogen atomic clock developed by Shanghai Optical Link Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. weighs only 10kg. It is currently the world’s smallest active hydrogen atomic clock. Its miniaturization and compact design make it suitable for use in a variety of high-end equipment platforms. Has broad application potential.

The Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry, a long-established scientific research institute in the Wuning Innovation Community, demonstrated on-site "electronic special gas for high-end chips, panels, etc. - high-abundance boron trifluoride-11", "stable isotope labeled medical diagnostic reagents" and Used in scientific and technological achievements such as ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, a strategic material for national defense and military industry. Among them, the high abundance of boron trifluoride-11 can significantly improve the stability and anti-interference ability of the chip during the manufacturing process. The carbon 13-breath test is the gold standard for clinical diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection. The Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry has made a breakthrough The key technology for the production of isotope carbon-13 breaks the long-term monopoly of reagent products by the United States and promotes localization.

The "AI Psychological Cabin" jointly created by iFlytek and the School of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of East China Normal University focuses on the mental health of teenagers and allows them to have natural and empathetic conversations with teenagers through various communication methods such as video, voice and text. , not only can accurately capture and understand the emotional fluctuations of teenagers, but also express sincere acceptance and empathy, thereby helping them enhance self-awareness and self-awareness, and provide tailored action suggestions and psychological support.

In addition, there is a policy presentation area next to the "Science and Technology Innovation Market". Staff from the city's science and technology innovation service party-building joint construction unit will focus on the three major issues that innovation entities care about, including science and technology innovation coupons, technology contract certification and registration, and science and technology innovation finance. Policies will be announced and the content will be broadcast live simultaneously.

During the 2024 Putuo District Science and Technology Festival, science popularization bases, scientific research institutes, and science and technology innovation enterprises located in Putuo District will also bring more than 40 interesting and rich science popularization activities to benefit the people.

Among them, Changfeng Ocean World and Legoland Discovery Center are offering half-price discounts to the general public. Changfeng Ocean World will also launch three "Shark Behind the Scenes Tour" marine knowledge popularization classes to lead friends of all ages to explore the unknown secrets of sharks. secret.

"Surveying and Mapping through Children's Eyes" brought by the Shanghai Institute of Surveying and Mapping will take the public to visit classic red cultural map works, historical old maps, mobile maps, etc., and popularize maps from the perspective of teenagers through personal experience of "digital VR" Knowledge and national territorial awareness.

Shanghai Hengniu Culture Technology Co., Ltd.'s "labwalk scientific exploration activity" helps cultivate young people's scientific and technological innovation capabilities through the experience of scientific interactive devices in the fields of sound, light, force, electricity, magnetism and other 60-minute scientific practical explorations in five major themes.

The Shanghai Textile Museum has also planned a variety of science popularization activities, including a public welfare learning bazaar, a salon with the theme "Clothes give birth to all things, reconstruction of tradition", and "Clothes give birth to all things, reconstruction of tradition - Five-Colored Horse Face Skirt". Exhibitions and science popularization in the park - "Sachet" handicraft activities, etc.

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Why do people choose the suburban park in Shanghai as the "place where dreams start"?, Overseas students returning to China to start their own businesses | Entrepreneurship | Suburban areas

Although only 28 years old, Shandong young man Xue Yunhao is already a "veteran entrepreneur". After graduating from Loughborough University in the UK and returning to China, he has had two entrepreneurial experiences in other provinces and cities. For his third entrepreneurial venture, he set his sights on Qingpu in Shanghai. "The park is big and new, and the office environment is very good!" This is Xue Yunhao's first impression of Shanghai Qingpu Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Park. Having settled in the park for just over a month, Shanghai Shike Fun Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., founded by him, has entered the right track of development, and the incubated trendy toy brand is about to face the market. The reporter learned that in September last year, the Qingpu Innovation Park located in the Hongqiao Business District officially opened, and soon became a dream destination for "Xue Yunhao". In less than a year, the park has attracted nearly 50 entrepreneurial enterprises, and among the nearly 200 international students working hard in the park, the vast majority are master's students

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A few days ago, the theme activity of "good governance of Jiuting to build a dream for the future" in jiuting town to celebrate the 102 anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China and the forum on grass-roots governance led by party building was held in the town conference center. starting with the "small incision" of group rent governance for commercial housing, it explored new paths and new plans for group rent governance led by party building, and did homework on community governance innovation and fine management. It is understood that in the past years of rapid economic development, Jiuting Town has attracted a large number of migrants due to its unique transportation, industrial and environmental advantages. The non-registered population in the jurisdiction accounts for more than 70% of the total population, and the influx of migrants has also brought huge challenges to social governance. Through combing the 12345 hotline in the past three years, the number of complaints about group rent has reached 913, which is a hot and difficult issue for the people in Jiuting. How to govern? After inductive analysis, the total

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Is it rare? Watermelon can also be grown in the air! Jiading, the "New Farmer" Plays New Agricultural Patterns Journalist | Watermelon | Cultivation

Have you ever seen over 7000 green watermelons growing on a stand over one meter above the ground? Recently, in Dengta Village, Jiading Industrial Zone, Shanghai Agricultural Strawberry Production Professional Cooperative, covering an area of four acres, saw this novel scene in a multi story greenhouse. Planter Wang Dongming told reporters that "planting watermelons in the air" is not innovative, but the benefits are real: the utilization of space has been improved, ventilation conditions have been improved, diseases and pests have been reduced, fruit types are better, and sales are better. "Like other industries, agriculture also needs innovation and more experimentation and exploration. Planting watermelons in the air will definitely improve in the future!" The yield of "stand up cultivation" of watermelons has increased by nearly one-third. "This variety is called" Jiading Shuangxian ", including red flesh watermelons" Hongxiaoxian "and yellow flesh watermelons" Huangxiaoxian ". This type of watermelon is not big."

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The regionalized party building in Xuhui welcomes a larger "circle of friends" towards the future, "together Xuhui | innovation | circle of friends"

On June 25th, the 2023 Xuhui District Regional Party Building Promotion Conference on "Together, Towards the Future" was held at the Shanghai Academic Activity Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Focusing on high-level party building leading and promoting high-quality development, efficient governance, and high-quality living, 30 key work projects for regional party building in Xuhui in 2023 were announced at the meeting. Since the beginning of this year, Xuhui District has successively reached cooperation agreements with Fudan University, East China University of Science and Technology, Zhongshan Hospital, Real Estate Group, Shenneng Group, Jiushi Group, Shanghai Customs, Microsoft China and other units in various fields such as economic development, people's livelihood guarantee, and urban construction, continuously improving the effectiveness of party building and joint construction. At the meeting on that day, Xuhui District, together with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai Normal University, Xinhua News Agency Shanghai Branch, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch, and Central Committee, respectively

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On June 21st, the "Art River Fenghua" Performing Arts World Party Building Alliance was established. The Party Building Alliance was initiated by the Party Committee of Huangpu Culture and Tourism Group, which led relevant units within the Performing Arts World as the first batch of members to actively explore new models of Party building in industrial clusters. With the socialist core values, it led the development of the cultural and performing arts industry, gathered high-quality industrial resources, and helped incubate excellent cultural and performing arts works, making the Performing Arts World brand a leading industry in Shanghai, China, and even internationally. The alliance will focus on five major sectors: "Art Integration Party Mass", "Art Promotion Industry", "Art Benefiting People's Livelihoods", "Art Promoting Talents", and "Art Shining Brand". Through the landing of 12 "Art+" projects in 2023, it will promote the interconnection and connection of party building work among member units, and achieve resonance, integration, and promotion of party building and industrial development in a "two-way" and "multi-directional" cooperation model