Today’s data selection: It only takes 5.5 hours to fly from Kashgar to Shanghai; the first batch of people who went to Japan to scan goods have already been taxed

Release time:May 08, 2024 18:53 PM

According to the Xinhua Daily Telegraph, domestic bionic robots have now begun mass production. It is reported that the viral video comes from the EX robot of Jinshitan, Dalian. It appeared at the World Robot Conference in Beijing in August 2023 and was the only bionic humanoid robot company participating in the conference. The company's engineers have appeared on many occasions to interact with robots, and the company also specially made a robot twin "brother" for him.

Reporters learned from the Shanghai Xinjiang Aid Front Headquarters on May 8 that China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines will launch new scheduled direct flights from Shanghai Pudong to Kashgar on May 10 and 18 this year respectively. The two routes are non-overlapping. There are three flights per week, which means there will be direct flights between Shanghai and Kazakhstan 6 days a week. Taking a flight from Shanghai to Kashgar currently requires transfers or stops in Xi'an, Urumqi and other places, and the whole journey takes 8 to 9 hours. After the direct flight from Shanghai to Kashgar, the flight time from Shanghai to Kashgar is 6.5 hours, and the return time from Kashgar to Shanghai is 5.5 hours.

The first batch of people who went to Japan to scan goods have already been taxed

The exchange rate of the yen fell to a 34-year low, and Chinese tourists rushed to buy Japanese luxury goods, cameras, and cosmetics. In the eyes of purchasing agents, Japanese LV has little price advantage. The era of price difference has passed. Earning 10,000 yuan for one purchase is just an exception. my country's customs regulations stipulate that items worth less than 5,000 yuan are tax-free when entering the country, and items exceeding 5,000 yuan need to pay 20% tax. Many tourists failed to pass the customs, and the money they saved was "taxed" by the customs. Some even said "it is better to buy at home."

Entering May, many fruits have entered the ripening season. The busiest part of the Kunming fruit market is the durian wholesale area. In the past two days, the number of durians on the market has increased significantly, and the price has dropped by an average of about 20 yuan per kilogram. Some wholesalers said that the wholesale price in the past two days was between 15 yuan and 25 yuan per kilogram. In the retail market, everyone is rushing to buy their favorite durians. Depending on the quality, the retail price of durians ranges from 18 yuan to 48 yuan per kilogram. Have you eaten durian?

South Korea’s imports of Chinese green onions soar 764%

In March this year, South Korea's imports of Chinese green onions and cabbages surged by 764% and 171% respectively compared with the same period last year. At the same time, imports of carrots and onions also increased. In order to stabilize prices, South Korea will apply zero tariffs to seven new commodities, including cabbage, cabbage, and carrots, starting this month. It is expected that the scale of imported agricultural products will further expand in the short term.

Today's data selection: Train tickets for the National Day holiday have sold over 100 million copies; China's US Treasury holdings hit a new low since 2009
Today's data selection: Train tickets for the National Day holiday have sold over 100 million copies; China's US Treasury holdings hit a new low since 2009

According to data, over 100 million train tickets have been sold during the National Day holiday. From September 13th to 18th, railways across the country sold over 100 million train tickets. Sales in the aviation sector are also very active, with a search index from a platform showing that the search popularity for domestic air tickets during the 2023 National Day holiday has returned to 2019, reaching 104% of the same period. Guangzhou's transaction volume only increased by 20% after recognizing houses but not loans. At the end of August this year, Guangzhou became a pioneer in policy relaxation among the four first tier cities. After the initial release of the "house recognition but not loan recognition" policy, Guangzhou's real estate market policy has once again relaxed, reducing the interest rate on first home loans to LPR-10bp, reducing the down payment ratio for second home loans that have been settled to 30%, and reducing the down payment ratio for second home loans that are still in use to 40%. Whether it is the threshold for purchasing a house or the cost of purchasing a house, Guangzhou has already achieved this

Has the real estate market in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen rebounded? The new policy of "recognizing houses but not loans" has passed for ten days
Has the real estate market in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen rebounded? The new policy of "recognizing houses but not loans" has passed for ten days

On September 1st, Shanghai and Beijing successively announced the implementation of the "house recognition but not loan recognition" policy. As the name suggests, as long as a homebuyer does not have a house under the local name, regardless of whether they have had a mortgage before, they can enjoy the first home execution loan policy, enjoy down payment ratio and interest rate discounts. At this point, all first tier cities have taken the initiative to promote the optimization of real estate policies. So, what have been the changes in the real estate market in first tier cities since the policy was promulgated? The heat has increased, but the increase in transaction size is limited. Firstly, it can be confirmed that the heat of the first tier real estate market has indeed rebounded, as the number of people viewing houses has increased. According to data from the China Index Research Institute, after the policy was implemented, the national willingness to purchase property increased by 15 percentage points, with significant increases in Shanghai and Beijing, both exceeding 20 percentage points. According to data from Shanghai Lianjia, during the first weekend of policy relaxation

Today's data selection: Large scale price increase of traditional Chinese medicine; The magnitude of global temperature rise in the next five years may exceed the original threshold
Today's data selection: Large scale price increase of traditional Chinese medicine; The magnitude of global temperature rise in the next five years may exceed the original threshold

The large-scale price increase of 25 commonly used bulk Chinese medicinal materials has exceeded 200%. Since June this year, the continuous rise in prices of Chinese medicinal materials nationwide has attracted attention from all parties. According to reports released by relevant industry associations, in several major wholesale and trading markets of traditional Chinese medicine, such as Bozhou in Anhui, Anguo in Hebei, Chengdu in Sichuan, and Yulin in Guangxi, over 200 conventional varieties have increased by more than 50% compared to the same period last year, 25 commonly used bulk medicinal materials have increased by more than 200%, and some varieties have even increased in price by 4 to 9 times. Experts explain that the primary factor driving up the price of traditional Chinese medicine is the frequent occurrence of abnormal weather, which leads to a reduction in the production of traditional Chinese medicine. Meanwhile, as the recognition of traditional Chinese medicine among the general public deepens, the market demand for traditional Chinese medicine health care is also increasing. Ranking of Talent Attraction in Chinese Cities: Over 70% of Eastern Cities in Top 100, Beijing and Shanghai are Deep Dwelling Cities

Today's data selection: More and more fresh graduates are returning to the county to take the civil service exam; Zongzi gift box mix and match to reproduce 980 yuan high price county | system | selection
Today's data selection: More and more fresh graduates are returning to the county to take the civil service exam; Zongzi gift box mix and match to reproduce 980 yuan high price county | system | selection

More and more fresh graduates return to the county to take public examinations. In recent years, the employment focus of college graduates has gradually sunk, and they have entered prefecture-level cities and below to work. The work in the county system has attracted more and more graduates. The latest report released by MyKeSi shows that the focus of employment of fresh college students continues to sink. The proportion of fresh college students employed in municipalities directly under the central government and sub-provincial cities has shown a downward trend. Among them, the undergraduate class decreased from 17% and 30% in the 2018 class to 13% and 28% in the 2022 class, and the higher vocational class decreased from 11% and 28% in the 2018 class to 9% and 25% in the 2022 class. Of course, this change itself is also related to the expansion of college enrollment and the increase of graduates year by year. Data show that the total number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022, exceeding 10 million for the first time,

Today's data selection: Beijing heat stroke has entered a high incidence period; Vietnam's Three Star Apple Factory Affected by Thermal Shock | High Temperature | High incidence Period
Today's data selection: Beijing heat stroke has entered a high incidence period; Vietnam's Three Star Apple Factory Affected by Thermal Shock | High Temperature | High incidence Period

Beijing heat stroke into the high incidence of heat stroke is a severe heat stroke, clinical, heat stroke patients to the elderly and outdoor work groups. Traffic police, firefighters, construction workers, sanitation workers and other outdoor workers are prone to heatstroke due to long-term high-temperature environment, while many elderly people are not used to turning on air conditioners, resulting in excessive indoor temperature and rising humidity, which eventually leads to the occurrence of heat stroke. "Elderly people are highly susceptible to heat stroke due to inadequate thermoregulation. Most elderly people also have underlying diseases that, once they suffer from heat stroke, can cause abnormal liver function, kidney function, coagulation and respiratory failure, which are likely to be fatal." Zhang Qing, deputy chief physician of the emergency department of Chaoyang Hospital, said that family members should remind the elderly who live with them to turn on the air conditioner in time to cool down when they are at home in hot weather and ventilate frequently. Recent