From the upper limit to the lower limit! Anyone made an accurate prediction? Shanghai Stock Exchange: Check! ,30 seconds

Release time:May 21, 2024 10:25 AM

In response to the large fluctuations in Nanjing Chemical Fiber's stock price from the upper limit to the lower limit in 30 seconds on the afternoon of May 20, the Shanghai Stock Exchange officially took action!

At noon on May 21, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued the "Notice on Nanjing Chemical Fiber Stock Trading Situations." The "Notice" pointed out that the Shanghai Stock Exchange has paid attention to relevant online information about the stock price trend on May 20, and immediately initiated transaction verification, and will take corresponding measures in a timely manner and in accordance with regulations based on the verification results.

At about 14:35 in the afternoon on May 20, Nanjing Chemical Fiber, which had been trading at the daily limit, was shocked. In just 30 seconds, it was hit by selling from the daily limit to the lower limit.

What is even rarer is that someone on the Internet accurately predicted the limit drop more than 40 minutes in advance. According to screenshots posted online, at 13:47 pm on May 20, someone posted on the Tonghuashun platform, "Nanjing Chemical Fiber has a surprise for you at 2:34 pm." This prediction was only one day away from the time when Nanjing Chemical Fiber's stock price plunged that afternoon. minute.

This "accurate" prediction has attracted a lot of attention. Many investors have questioned whether there may be suspicion of stock price manipulation behind the scenes. Platform information shows that the IP address of the above-mentioned poster is Shandong, and he has posted many times recently to predict the trends of some stocks.

At 17:00 on the same day, the netizen posted another article on the Oriental Fortune Stock Forum: "To clarify, I sent the news, but I did not smash the market. This can be predicted."

Data from the Nanjing Chemical Fiber Dragon and Tiger List on May 20 showed that the top five sales department seats totaled 67.6708 million yuan. Among them, the first seat sold was the Zhejiang Branch of Fed Securities, with a sales amount of 20.85 million yuan; the seat of the Shaoxing Jinkeqiao Avenue Sales Department of Northeast Securities was sold second, with a sale amount of 16.7916 million yuan. Donghai Securities Nanjing Branch, Ping An Securities Nantong Gongnong South Road Sales Department, and East Asia Qianhai Securities Suzhou Liuyuan Road Sales Department sold 13.3003 million yuan, 8.4523 million yuan, and 8.2766 million yuan respectively.

As the Shanghai Stock Exchange launches transaction verification, the truth about Nanjing Chemical Fiber’s stock price is expected to come to light. The Shanghai Stock Exchange also reminds investors to pay attention to investment risks and conduct prudent transactions in compliance with regulations.

From the upper limit to the lower limit! Anyone made an accurate prediction? Shanghai Stock Exchange: Check! ,30 seconds
Upstart Wood Industry
That's called strength
May 22, 2024 15:31 PM
Is it possible to use Alipay for investment consulting?
May 22, 2024 15:10 PM
The sea - millet
I'm stuck with this guy too. I've never seen such a bad ticket.
May 22, 2024 15:09 PM
Baldhead will lose 6 today
May 22, 2024 15:01 PM
Panda old water friend
There is no bottom in the chaotic market. I have been watching the "Bull Game" recently. The short-term has always been accurate. Use your little hands, Alipay, and search.
May 22, 2024 14:28 PM
The clouds clear and the fog clears
Don't think about it, I'll cut this piece of garbage
May 22, 2024 14:24 PM
Hua Xiansen
The same goes for c-ticket [face covering]
May 22, 2024 14:23 PM
Indifferent? ? ? ? ?
Haha, can I still play?
May 22, 2024 14:19 PM
Post a few more posts and make them visible only to yourself. Which one of the predictions is accurate will be posted [Thinking]
May 22, 2024 13:59 PM
Sister Mi loves to eat fish
right. This is the model... if you use more numbers and different times, you will eventually get it wrong [laughs awkwardly]
May 22, 2024 13:38 PM
Don’t eat spicy food~
May 22, 2024 13:30 PM
Summer waiting for the wind
May 22, 2024 13:26 PM
The little brother became an uncle
No, it would be a real loss if I couldn’t walk a little bit.
May 22, 2024 13:10 PM
Brother Peng's - Qi Delong Dongqiang
He was involved in the group of people who smashed the market. It was no accident.
May 22, 2024 13:09 PM
How to go? [Awkward laugh] All I have lost is blood. [Heartbroken] What about you? Have you left?
May 22, 2024 12:52 PM
The memory of falling maple leaves
There is always a guess right.
May 22, 2024 12:50 PM
You are almost becoming the chairman of the board
May 22, 2024 12:43 PM
Catching fat sheep in Qingqing grassland
The floor will not be opened today [face covering]
May 22, 2024 12:41 PM
Deshan No. 1
I believe it too. After all, it’s almost the same as winning the Welfare Lottery.
May 22, 2024 12:41 PM
The memory of falling maple leaves
Let's worry about how much we will lose today.
May 22, 2024 12:38 PM
Kwai Star spokesperson
Post one every minute and delete the wrong ones. Many predictions are like this, just a routine.
May 22, 2024 12:03 PM
It's them, not him [face covering]
May 22, 2024 11:59 AM
addictive laziness
It’s not like I’ve never seen it before, so I’m making such a fuss [picking my nose]
May 22, 2024 11:57 AM
May 22, 2024 11:48 AM
Descendants of the Dragon
Let me see if you are confused [cover your face][cover your face][cover your face][cover your face]
May 22, 2024 11:28 AM
Little girl with squinting eyes
Labor and management, uh... Nanjing Chemical Fiber looked at the tickets it had received and doubled them. It lost money today and yesterday [awkward laugh][awkward laugh][awkward laugh][awkward laugh] scolding the market
May 22, 2024 11:13 AM
User 6630582147775
The same was true for the last ticket
May 22, 2024 11:09 AM
crimson boy
Are you in the car too? But I can’t kick him down myself [face covering]
May 22, 2024 11:02 AM
Buy Happy 8 for 100,000 [face covering]
May 22, 2024 10:57 AM
The little brother became an uncle
It’s such a scam. I deposited it in the bank and got three years of regular interest. This thing is still more than four yuan.
May 22, 2024 10:53 AM
Be happy $
Twin Towers Food has a surprise on 13.02
May 22, 2024 10:52 AM
Just take a look if you have nothing to do
Looking at the calendar, I found that my sister-in-law is "very fierce"
May 22, 2024 10:47 AM
He is the main force
May 22, 2024 10:17 AM
A leisurely stroll in the bamboo forest
May 22, 2024 10:06 AM
Send me some evidence
May 22, 2024 09:53 AM
Brother Cheng⚅
Surprise floor [nose picking]
May 22, 2024 09:52 AM
User 2600268011564
May 22, 2024 09:52 AM
blue snowflake
Brother, convert long orders into short orders [see]
May 22, 2024 09:41 AM
A leisurely stroll in the bamboo forest
This is all true, but you still don’t believe it. This is the so-called stock god. [Like] [Like] [Like] Did you sing today?
May 22, 2024 09:28 AM
Where are the 300 lots of western resources that stood guard for 11.59 yuan in 2017?
May 22, 2024 09:23 AM
Zhang Dundun
absolute coincidence
May 22, 2024 09:15 AM
My dream of your life
It's exciting, you guys, yesterday the world was heaven and earth, today the earth is heaven and earth [face covering]
May 22, 2024 09:13 AM
Rainbow Island Owner
This is a big hot money, most of the tickets are with him
May 22, 2024 09:04 AM
Impossible, he will be afraid of people running away [cover face] [cover face]
May 22, 2024 09:02 AM
jog slowly
It's not possible, it is
May 22, 2024 08:46 AM
Wait another three years
May 22, 2024 08:39 AM
Why a name?
Be confident and eliminate the possibility
May 22, 2024 08:31 AM
Thousands and eight hundred troubles
It’s normal to be right
May 22, 2024 08:28 AM
sunshine boy
Today it's really hard, I'm convinced
May 22, 2024 08:20 AM
There are not so many people who are stupid [呲gna]
May 22, 2024 08:20 AM
What does parents' love feel like?
He must have shipped it himself
May 22, 2024 08:20 AM
Leaning alone on Wangjiang Tower
It has increased 10 times and is almost 90
May 22, 2024 08:07 AM
Rural uncle (no subsistence allowance)
It’s really awesome to be within one minute
May 22, 2024 07:49 AM
Love life as you like
Can I get a refund for the 2,800 I paid before?
May 22, 2024 07:49 AM
Chen Pengpeng
Earned 14.7
May 22, 2024 07:47 AM
Did he set the smashing program himself?
May 22, 2024 07:29 AM
You don’t believe what you see with your eyes
May 22, 2024 07:26 AM
Only this is possible
May 22, 2024 06:54 AM
Mr. Xie
[Awkward laugh][Awkward laugh] There’s nothing Big A can’t do
May 22, 2024 06:51 AM
One-stop luck
It has been delisted [laughing][laughing]
May 22, 2024 06:49 AM
Wrong dreams all day long
It's also possible that he was blinded
May 22, 2024 06:48 AM
The little brother became an uncle
It seems like there are still people left [face covering]
May 22, 2024 06:46 AM
as you wish
Make a fuss [cover face]
May 22, 2024 06:16 AM
Han Duoduo
Which platform’s stock is it? I’ll give it a thumbs up [face covering]
May 22, 2024 06:03 AM
Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang
8.79 Highland is waiting for you
May 22, 2024 05:41 AM
My classmates at the securities company can also [laugh awkwardly], they have internal instructions.
May 22, 2024 05:37 AM
Water and wood are evergreen
Yes, very correct
May 22, 2024 05:28 AM
I have been using 7.2 sets for three years [Crying out] [Crying out] [Crying out] [Crying out] [Crying out] [Crying out]
May 22, 2024 05:10 AM
Brother Cheng⚅
This is not coming [laughs awkwardly]
May 22, 2024 04:51 AM
The Chinese stock market specializes in dealing with all kinds of dissatisfaction [face covering] [face covering]
May 22, 2024 04:44 AM
Fu Qiang
Is waterproof priced at 17 yuan?
May 22, 2024 04:32 AM
Chaoshan Zhoutoufu
this one?
May 22, 2024 04:28 AM
May 22, 2024 04:21 AM
The little brother became an uncle
There’s no need to call me if the Three Gorges Dam doesn’t collapse [face covering]
May 22, 2024 04:17 AM
Super brother
Chairman, didn’t I inform you of yesterday’s shareholders’ meeting?
May 22, 2024 04:01 AM
The world is not worth it
I believe you are right, but it can't be accurate to a few minutes or seconds.
May 22, 2024 03:59 AM
Shun Feng Shun Shui
You predict for ten years, see if you can be right once
May 22, 2024 03:42 AM
User 6337510128293
I just took a look at Three Gorges Energy for you. Sorry, it’s still half full [cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 22, 2024 03:38 AM
Do not forget the early heart
Is there such a possibility? This brother posted 2:34, so there may be a surprise. The news was known to the main force. The main force will follow the trend. [cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 22, 2024 03:35 AM
Mr. Xiaowei
Today 4.65
May 22, 2024 03:32 AM
Is there any secret? [covers face]
May 22, 2024 03:26 AM
No coincidence makes it into a book [face covering]
May 22, 2024 03:04 AM
Feng Chunhua
May 22, 2024 03:02 AM
I was defrauded of tens of thousands by Big A, can you help me get it back?
May 22, 2024 02:46 AM
Anhui Laofan
There's still half a good thing [Crying out][Crying out][Crying out]
May 22, 2024 02:38 AM
Namikaze Shisui
He smashed it
May 22, 2024 02:35 AM
We are all downgraded people at the end of the world, why should we say thank you! [Smile]
May 22, 2024 02:25 AM
Nirvana rebirth,
What’s surprising? Every monster stock is predicted to fall to its limit every afternoon.
May 22, 2024 02:16 AM
Greedy little snake
You're not working this time [呲gna]
May 22, 2024 02:05 AM
Stock maniac Lao Chai
Maybe it should be [cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 22, 2024 01:37 AM
Meeting in a dream (Cat and Monkey)
Yesterday I ate a piece of the floor here [face covering]
May 22, 2024 01:36 AM
All the way north
Thank you [clasp fist]
May 22, 2024 01:32 AM
User 5620028049315
It should be like this, otherwise how could it be so accurate?
May 22, 2024 01:05 AM
Paul watches TikTok
Jiangxi Lottery still has no reason why it happened
May 22, 2024 00:45 AM
More than three dollars, my friend!
May 22, 2024 00:44 AM
All the way north
Help me also take a look at the 2000 lots of Hechi Chemical on 13.47 in 2008. There's a lot of money now. Don't dare to look [sobbing]
May 22, 2024 00:31 AM
Accurate to the minute
May 22, 2024 00:15 AM
Run, hippopotamus
Wanfeng Aowei also had one last month
May 22, 2024 00:10 AM
direction of headwind
It’s coming soon, it will definitely arrive in 31 years [Bixin]
May 22, 2024 00:07 AM
Peace of mind is a blessing
There is nothing wrong with smashing the market. There is no fraud or forgery. It is normal logic to sell high and buy low.
May 21, 2024 23:50 PM
Today it has risen by more than 10 points from the lower limit.
May 21, 2024 23:27 PM
Like the wind
He cheated on the exam! Complain to him [cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 21, 2024 23:14 PM
Professional elevator man
In the short play, there is [呲ya] who travels back in time
May 21, 2024 23:14 PM
The elegant windÆ
Quantified results in 6 seconds. . . [weak][weak]
May 21, 2024 23:11 PM
Beanie Babies
There's still half of it [crying]
May 21, 2024 23:11 PM
It’s not all done by one person, it’s all controlled by a team.
May 21, 2024 22:47 PM
Don’t doubt the prediction ability of some people. There are still people in Jiangxi who accurately predict lottery numbers and spend hundreds of thousands to buy a number and pocket a prize pool of 220 million.
May 21, 2024 22:39 PM
Even if you hit the limit, you are very capable [like] [like].
May 21, 2024 22:21 PM
Wang Zhanbo
This time it’s three minutes off! [Nine turns of large intestine]
May 21, 2024 22:15 PM
Awa cat
Nanjing Chemical Fiber saw it and said, "There is a surprise at 14:34." The ticket opened at 14:35 and plummeted to the limit! If there are no ghosts here, then this world is really illusory
May 21, 2024 22:13 PM
A leisurely stroll in the bamboo forest
May 21, 2024 22:13 PM
Chasing my tomorrow
There's no way he's being fooled. Accurate to the point, this is countless times more difficult than winning the jackpot
May 21, 2024 21:50 PM
Little golden cypress
No way, so awesome
May 21, 2024 21:37 PM
Nanjing Chemical Fiber gives you a chance to escape today
May 21, 2024 21:29 PM
Galaxy Flying Heron
Let me help you see, today is 4.65
May 21, 2024 21:15 PM
It can be predicted within minutes and seconds. How likely is this to you?
May 21, 2024 21:01 PM
What's the use of my natural talents?
Congratulations, Chairman, it’s almost half done
May 21, 2024 20:55 PM
Kind little bamboo rat
I said Guolian Securities will continue to rise
May 21, 2024 20:52 PM
+ +-
I held 4.85 for 10 days and lost 1 point. Sold, weaving every day
May 21, 2024 20:51 PM
User 4997292025129
People are the main force
May 21, 2024 20:22 PM
East City High Table
879’s family
May 21, 2024 20:10 PM
Goodbye that time
Did you add me with a small account?
May 21, 2024 20:07 PM
life and death
The dealer saw this post
May 21, 2024 20:06 PM
Xiao Yu (Thank you for your love)
Your calculation is also very powerful. [Thumbs up]
May 21, 2024 20:01 PM
Xi'an Photographer-Lao Niu📷
My BAIC Blue Valley finally didn’t lose so much money.
May 21, 2024 20:01 PM
Baoziyu Clothing Studio
And there were many people trapped in the trap in front of me.
May 21, 2024 19:47 PM
Money rules the world
Already doubled
May 21, 2024 19:39 PM
A heart full of blue sea and sky
Nanjing Chemical Fiber
May 21, 2024 19:16 PM
A generation of genius
There is no chance this year [呲ya] Wait two years
May 21, 2024 19:15 PM
confidant oneself
So I won’t buy it, and I won’t play if I can’t win.
May 21, 2024 19:14 PM
Handsome guy
Went to see Wanfeng Aowei last month
May 21, 2024 19:07 PM
The little brother became an uncle
Be smart, otherwise it's just a trap
May 21, 2024 19:06 PM
User 89521229658
Maybe he was right because he was talking nonsense. If he had any inside information, he would be investigated.
May 21, 2024 19:02 PM
Xu Yicheng
The major shareholder lifts the ban [face covering]
May 21, 2024 18:25 PM
A ruthless woman is a queen
Aikang Technology has been delisted and cannot be sold [crying] If you step on the thunder, you will lose everything.
May 21, 2024 18:24 PM
I entered the market on the first day it opened, and left the market with all my positions within 4 days [呲呲]
May 21, 2024 18:16 PM
No. 98
Does he have so much rice? How many meters can he break the plate?
May 21, 2024 18:11 PM
blue sky
You're right, I smashed it.
May 21, 2024 18:03 PM
Starting with L and ending with G
You came back from time travel, right? [laughing evilly]
May 21, 2024 17:55 PM
The little brother became an uncle
I guess we have to wait until the Shanxia Dam collapses and we won’t be able to get up.
May 21, 2024 17:45 PM
The other half, after persisting for several years,
May 21, 2024 17:27 PM
Sanshu Fruit Industry
The warehouse is full of Xinxiang chemical fiber
May 21, 2024 17:14 PM
small domain
Get off your waterproof ticket quickly.
May 21, 2024 17:14 PM
The second handsome man in Sichuan
[laughing][laughing] Today at 2:46 pm, Nanjing Chemical Fiber continues to surprise [laughing][laughing]
May 21, 2024 17:07 PM
Panda old water friend
There is no bottom in the chaotic market. I have been watching the "Bull Game" recently. The short-term has always been accurate. Use your little hands, Alipay, and search.
May 22, 2024 14:28 PM
Sister Mi loves to eat fish
right. This is the model... if you use more numbers and different times, you will eventually get it wrong [laughs awkwardly]
May 22, 2024 13:38 PM
Catching fat sheep in Qingqing grassland
The floor will not be opened today [face covering]
May 22, 2024 12:41 PM
Be happy $
Twin Towers Food has a surprise on 13.02
May 22, 2024 10:52 AM
Brother Cheng⚅
Surprise floor [nose picking]
May 22, 2024 09:52 AM
My dream of your life
It's exciting, you guys, yesterday the world was heaven and earth, today the earth is heaven and earth [face covering]
May 22, 2024 09:13 AM
Brother Cheng⚅Greedy little snake
This is not coming [laughs awkwardly]
May 22, 2024 04:51 AM
Greedy little snake
You're not working this time [呲gna]
May 22, 2024 02:05 AM
Wang Zhanbo
This time it’s three minutes off! [Nine turns of large intestine]
May 21, 2024 22:15 PM
Xiao Yu (Thank you for your love)
Your calculation is also very powerful. [Thumbs up]
May 21, 2024 20:01 PM
The country is endless
Chairman, I finally found you online. Come back quickly to organize the overall situation.
May 21, 2024 16:40 PM
Anyone can predict this without spending any money. What if you get it right, like this time.
May 21, 2024 16:32 PM
East and back
Stock industry chain [face covering]
May 21, 2024 16:15 PM
The little brother became an uncle
In 21 years, 5,000 lots of Three Gorges Energy stood guard at 8.79. Please help me see if I got 10 yuan.
May 21, 2024 16:02 PM
The sea - millet
I'm stuck with this guy too. I've never seen such a bad ticket.
May 22, 2024 15:09 PM
The clouds clear and the fog clears
Don't think about it, I'll cut this piece of garbage
May 22, 2024 14:24 PM
Don’t eat spicy food~
May 22, 2024 13:30 PM
Summer waiting for the wind
May 22, 2024 13:26 PM
The little brother became an unclewood
No, it would be a real loss if I couldn’t walk a little bit.
May 22, 2024 13:10 PM
How to go? [Awkward laugh] All I have lost is blood. [Heartbroken] What about you? Have you left?
May 22, 2024 12:52 PM
May 22, 2024 11:48 AM
The little brother became an uncleUser 2600268011564
It’s such a scam. I deposited it in the bank and got three years of regular interest. This thing is still more than four yuan.
May 22, 2024 10:53 AM
User 2600268011564
May 22, 2024 09:52 AM
blue snowflake
Brother, convert long orders into short orders [see]
May 22, 2024 09:41 AM
Where are the 300 lots of western resources that stood guard for 11.59 yuan in 2017?
May 22, 2024 09:23 AM
Wait another three years
May 22, 2024 08:39 AM
Leaning alone on Wangjiang Tower
It has increased 10 times and is almost 90
May 22, 2024 08:07 AM
Chen Pengpeng
Earned 14.7
May 22, 2024 07:47 AM
One-stop luck
It has been delisted [laughing][laughing]
May 22, 2024 06:49 AM
The little brother became an uncleZhang Zhang Zhang Zhang
It seems like there are still people left [face covering]
May 22, 2024 06:46 AM
Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang
8.79 Highland is waiting for you
May 22, 2024 05:41 AM
I have been using 7.2 sets for three years [Crying out] [Crying out] [Crying out] [Crying out] [Crying out] [Crying out]
May 22, 2024 05:10 AM
May 22, 2024 04:21 AM
The little brother became an uncleSuper brother
There’s no need to call me if the Three Gorges Dam doesn’t collapse [face covering]
May 22, 2024 04:17 AM
Super brother
Chairman, didn’t I inform you of yesterday’s shareholders’ meeting?
May 22, 2024 04:01 AM
User 6337510128293
I just took a look at Three Gorges Energy for you. Sorry, it’s still half full [cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 22, 2024 03:38 AM
Mr. Xiaowei
Today 4.65
May 22, 2024 03:32 AM
Feng Chunhua
May 22, 2024 03:02 AM
Anhui Laofan
There's still half a good thing [Crying out][Crying out][Crying out]
May 22, 2024 02:38 AM
openAll the way north
We are all downgraded people at the end of the world, why should we say thank you! [Smile]
May 22, 2024 02:25 AM
All the way northopen
Thank you [clasp fist]
May 22, 2024 01:32 AM
openAll the way north
More than three dollars, my friend!
May 22, 2024 00:44 AM
All the way north
Help me also take a look at the 2000 lots of Hechi Chemical on 13.47 in 2008. There's a lot of money now. Don't dare to look [sobbing]
May 22, 2024 00:31 AM
direction of headwind
It’s coming soon, it will definitely arrive in 31 years [Bixin]
May 22, 2024 00:07 AM
Beanie Babies
There's still half of it [crying]
May 21, 2024 23:11 PM
A leisurely stroll in the bamboo forest
May 21, 2024 22:13 PM
Galaxy Flying Heron
Let me help you see, today is 4.65
May 21, 2024 21:15 PM
What's the use of my natural talents?
Congratulations, Chairman, it’s almost half done
May 21, 2024 20:55 PM
+ +-
I held 4.85 for 10 days and lost 1 point. Sold, weaving every day
May 21, 2024 20:51 PM
East City High Table
879’s family
May 21, 2024 20:10 PM
Money rules the world
Already doubled
May 21, 2024 19:39 PM
A generation of genius
There is no chance this year [呲ya] Wait two years
May 21, 2024 19:15 PM
The little brother became an uncle【Fearless】......
Be smart, otherwise it's just a trap
May 21, 2024 19:06 PM
I entered the market on the first day it opened, and left the market with all my positions within 4 days [呲呲]
May 21, 2024 18:16 PM
The little brother became an uncleI→lonely
I guess we have to wait until the Shanxia Dam collapses and we won’t be able to get up.
May 21, 2024 17:45 PM
The other half, after persisting for several years,
May 21, 2024 17:27 PM
The country is endless
Chairman, I finally found you online. Come back quickly to organize the overall situation.
May 21, 2024 16:40 PM
Investment wisdom
Is there a possibility that he was the one who smashed the market? [Look]
May 21, 2024 15:54 PM
Siyu non-staple food supermarket delivery (World Trade Center Huazhong Wanhuo Mall)
We have heavily invested in China Telecom and China Xidian and insisted on not reading the market for 10 days.
May 21, 2024 15:41 PM
Wouldn't it be okay if you told me in advance that you were going to sell it?
May 21, 2024 15:11 PM
Investment wisdom
It was actually able to hit the market limit down to the exact time. Do you believe this is a coincidence? I don’t believe it anyway
May 21, 2024 15:03 PM
Hua XiansenInvestment wisdom
The same goes for c-ticket [face covering]
May 22, 2024 14:23 PM
originInvestment wisdom
Post a few more posts and make them visible only to yourself. Which one of the predictions is accurate will be posted [Thinking]
May 22, 2024 13:59 PM
Brother Peng's - Qi Delong DongqiangInvestment wisdom
He was involved in the group of people who smashed the market. It was no accident.
May 22, 2024 13:09 PM
Deshan No. 1gonewithwind
I believe it too. After all, it’s almost the same as winning the Welfare Lottery.
May 22, 2024 12:41 PM
ReceiverInvestment wisdom
It's them, not him [face covering]
May 22, 2024 11:59 AM
Descendants of the Dragongonewithwind
Let me see if you are confused [cover your face][cover your face][cover your face][cover your face]
May 22, 2024 11:28 AM
User 6630582147775gonewithwind
The same was true for the last ticket
May 22, 2024 11:09 AM
crimson boysmall domain
Are you in the car too? But I can’t kick him down myself [face covering]
May 22, 2024 11:02 AM
IOYInvestment wisdom
Buy Happy 8 for 100,000 [face covering]
May 22, 2024 10:57 AM
TianceInvestment wisdom
He is the main force
May 22, 2024 10:17 AM
A leisurely stroll in the bamboo forestGoodbye that time
May 22, 2024 10:06 AM
A leisurely stroll in the bamboo forestInvestment wisdom
This is all true, but you still don’t believe it. This is the so-called stock god. [Like] [Like] [Like] Did you sing today?
May 22, 2024 09:28 AM
Kay&KayInvestment wisdom
Impossible, he will be afraid of people running away [cover face] [cover face]
May 22, 2024 09:02 AM
jog slowlyInvestment wisdom
It's not possible, it is
May 22, 2024 08:46 AM
Why a name?Investment wisdom
Be confident and eliminate the possibility
May 22, 2024 08:31 AM
YurunjingheInvestment wisdom
There are not so many people who are stupid [呲gna]
May 22, 2024 08:20 AM
What does parents' love feel like?Investment wisdom
He must have shipped it himself
May 22, 2024 08:20 AM
Rural uncle (no subsistence allowance)Investment wisdom
It’s really awesome to be within one minute
May 22, 2024 07:49 AM
HzaiInvestment wisdom
Did he set the smashing program himself?
May 22, 2024 07:29 AM
implementInvestment wisdom
You don’t believe what you see with your eyes
May 22, 2024 07:26 AM
Coming[Jiakun]Investment wisdom
Only this is possible
May 22, 2024 06:54 AM
Wrong dreams all day longInvestment wisdom
It's also possible that he was blinded
May 22, 2024 06:48 AM
as you wishInvestment wisdom
Make a fuss [cover face]
May 22, 2024 06:16 AM
Water and wood are evergreenInvestment wisdom
Yes, very correct
May 22, 2024 05:28 AM
Fu Qiangsmall domain
Is waterproof priced at 17 yuan?
May 22, 2024 04:32 AM
The world is not worth itgonewithwind
I believe you are right, but it can't be accurate to a few minutes or seconds.
May 22, 2024 03:59 AM
Shun Feng Shun Shuigonewithwind
You predict for ten years, see if you can be right once
May 22, 2024 03:42 AM
FeitianwuInvestment wisdom
No coincidence makes it into a book [face covering]
May 22, 2024 03:04 AM
Namikaze ShisuiInvestment wisdom
He smashed it
May 22, 2024 02:35 AM
Stock maniac Lao ChaiInvestment wisdom
Maybe it should be [cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 22, 2024 01:37 AM
User 5620028049315Investment wisdom
It should be like this, otherwise how could it be so accurate?
May 22, 2024 01:05 AM
Accurate to the minute
May 22, 2024 00:15 AM
Peace of mind is a blessingInvestment wisdom
There is nothing wrong with smashing the market. There is no fraud or forgery. It is normal logic to sell high and buy low.
May 21, 2024 23:50 PM
1171704561Investment wisdom
Today it has risen by more than 10 points from the lower limit.
May 21, 2024 23:27 PM
Like the windInvestment wisdom
He cheated on the exam! Complain to him [cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 21, 2024 23:14 PM
The elegant windÆInvestment wisdom
Quantified results in 6 seconds. . . [weak][weak]
May 21, 2024 23:11 PM
123mtrNo. 98
It’s not all done by one person, it’s all controlled by a team.
May 21, 2024 22:47 PM
loveInvestment wisdom
Even if you hit the limit, you are very capable [like] [like].
May 21, 2024 22:21 PM
Chasing my tomorrowgonewithwind
There's no way he's being fooled. Accurate to the point, this is countless times more difficult than winning the jackpot
May 21, 2024 21:50 PM
It can be predicted within minutes and seconds. How likely is this to you?
May 21, 2024 21:01 PM
User 4997292025129Investment wisdom
People are the main force
May 21, 2024 20:22 PM
Goodbye that timeInvestment wisdom
Did you add me with a small account?
May 21, 2024 20:07 PM
Baoziyu Clothing StudioInvestment wisdom
And there were many people trapped in the trap in front of me.
May 21, 2024 19:47 PM
User 89521229658Investment wisdom
Maybe he was right because he was talking nonsense. If he had any inside information, he would be investigated.
May 21, 2024 19:02 PM
Xu YichengInvestment wisdom
The major shareholder lifts the ban [face covering]
May 21, 2024 18:25 PM
No. 98Investment wisdom
Does he have so much rice? How many meters can he break the plate?
May 21, 2024 18:11 PM
blue skyInvestment wisdom
You're right, I smashed it.
May 21, 2024 18:03 PM
small domainInvestment wisdom
Get off your waterproof ticket quickly.
May 21, 2024 17:14 PM
gonewithwindInvestment wisdom
Anyone can predict this without spending any money. What if you get it right, like this time.
May 21, 2024 16:32 PM
Investment wisdom
Is there a possibility that he was the one who smashed the market? [Look]
May 21, 2024 15:54 PM
Let them take the exam first!, Zibo proposes to suspend baking for 3 days? Netizen: No problem owners | Barbecue | Take the exam first
Let them take the exam first!, Zibo proposes to suspend baking for 3 days? Netizen: No problem owners | Barbecue | Take the exam first

On June 4th, the Zhangdian District Barbecue Association in Zibo, Shandong Province issued a proposal letter to all barbecue business owners. The majority of barbecue business owners: sharpen a sword after ten years of hard work, only waiting for the moment of success today. The annual college entrance examination is approaching, and another generation of students will rush to the examination room with dreams and hopes. Creating a quiet and comfortable learning, examination, and rest environment for candidates taking the college entrance examination is not only our common aspiration, but also our shared responsibility and obligation. To this end, the Zhangdian District Barbecue Association has proposed to the majority of barbecue business owners to create a quiet environment. From the evening of June 6th to the evening of June 9th, we advocate for the closure of all barbecue shops, striving to create a quiet examination environment for candidates and using practical actions to assist in the college entrance examination. 2. Advocate for green travel. During the exam period, it is recommended that homeowners choose green modes such as public transportation as much as possible

The United States "bows its head": allows the import of a chemotherapy injection from Qilu Pharmaceutical, but there is a severe shortage of anti-cancer drugs in factories | Drug | United States
The United States "bows its head": allows the import of a chemotherapy injection from Qilu Pharmaceutical, but there is a severe shortage of anti-cancer drugs in factories | Drug | United States

According to the Wall Street Journal website on June 3rd, the US Food and Drug Administration is relaxing regulations on importing certain chemotherapy drugs to address the shortage of anti-cancer drugs. The institution stated that it will allow Chinese pharmaceutical company Qilu Pharmaceutical to ship a chemotherapy injection called cisplatin to the United States, although the product has not yet been approved by the Drug Administration and the bottle is labeled in Chinese. The US Food and Drug Administration also announced on the 2nd that it will allow an Indian factory that has temporarily suspended production due to production violations to resume exporting certain anti-cancer drugs to the United States, as long as the latter meets conditions such as third-party certification of their quality. The institution stated that it will also flexibly increase the supply of other cisplatin products and chemotherapy drugs. ▲ Information image: Workers at the Jinan High tech Preparation Branch of Qilu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Iran Saudi Military Alliance? The United States is in a hurry: This goes against reason. UAE | Iran | United States
Iran Saudi Military Alliance? The United States is in a hurry: This goes against reason. UAE | Iran | United States

Senior Iranian military leaders recently announced that they will form a new naval alliance with Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as well as India and Pakistan. In response, the US responded that this move was "contrary to reason.". According to an exclusive report by the US "Breakthrough Line of Defense" website on June 3, a US military official told the website that Iran's claim that Tehran will soon establish a naval alliance with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries is "unreasonable". According to reports, Tim Hawkins, spokesperson for the US Fifth Fleet and Joint Maritime Forces, said, "Iran is the number one factor causing regional unrest, and its claim to form a naval security alliance to protect the waters it threatens is unreasonable." Hawkins said, "Action is important, so we are working with partners to strengthen defense around the Strait of Hormuz."

Communication: "Steel Camel Team" galloping on the Eurasian continent, Xinjiang Hall | Central Europe | Camel Team
Communication: "Steel Camel Team" galloping on the Eurasian continent, Xinjiang Hall | Central Europe | Camel Team

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 4, Xinhua News Agency: Zhao Ge, Wang Kewen, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency who is riding in the "iron and steel camel team" in the Eurasian continent, is busy at the railway port of Khorgos, Xinjiang, no matter whether it is sunny or rainy. With the sound of the whistle, trains from China to Europe slowly enter and exit, and then gallop day and night on the Eurasian continent. In the port loading yard, the tall gantry crane steadily grabs the containers and arranges them in an orderly manner like building blocks. When the shower suddenly came, Heimiti, the cargo loading attendant in the freight workshop of Khorgos Station, continued to command the gantry crane to carry out the reloading operation. "It's very busy changing goods now, and we need to make full use of our work time," he said. Since May, he has clearly felt that the frequency of China Europe freight trains has been increasing. Khorgos was the hub of the Silk Road in ancient times, and is now an important hub along the "the Belt and Road". In the past 10 years, the "the Belt and Road" Initiative

44.1 million acres of wheat have been harvested, with over half of the wheat harvest in Henan province
44.1 million acres of wheat have been harvested, with over half of the wheat harvest in Henan province

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Henan Province announced on the 3rd that as of 17:00 that day, the province had harvested 44.1 million mu of wheat, accounting for about 51.7 percent of the province's planting area, and the wheat harvest process was more than half. According to the time difference between wheat ripening, at present, the wheat harvest in Xinyang and Nanyang in the province has basically ended, and the main wheat harvest has moved north to the central Henan region and extended north. On the same day, many places in Henan ushered in a new round of rainfall process. All over the world rushed to harvest wheat before the rain or when the rain stopped. Official data show that from 17:00 on the 2nd to 17:00 on the 3rd, the province harvested 9.11 million mu of wheat 24 hours a day. While grasping the "window period" to harvest wheat, Henan clearly requires all localities to do a good job in wheat purchase by classification. The official minimum purchase price for wheat in 2023 is 1.17 yuan per catty. The province requires each