Those who study medicine remember the old red doctor, and those who study law review the history of legislation, from a century-old campus to a century-old former residence

Release time:May 18, 2024 10:41 AM

By the West Lake, the foundation for the constitution was laid. "Do you know? Hangzhou is the place where the first constitution of the People's Republic of China was drafted." Wang Yongxiang, director of the "May Fourth Constitution" Historical Materials Exhibition Hall, came to Shanghai to tell teachers and students that at the end of 1953, Chairman Mao Zedong led a constitution drafting group on the shore of the West Lake , which took 77 days to draft the first draft of the constitution, laying an important foundation for the formal birth of our country’s 1954 Constitution.

On May 18th, International Museum Day, this exhibition hall was set up in Building 30, No. 84 Beishan Street, the former site where Chairman Mao drafted the Constitution. Together with many other national red rule of law publicity and education bases, the exhibition hall was established in Shanghai The University Legal Culture Education Alliance was signed and co-established. The "'Hundred Lectures on Law' Entering Campuses" event was launched at the same time. The 18 universities in the alliance with law disciplines will bring the culture of rule of law to large, medium and small campuses in Shanghai. On the same day, the special exhibition "The Wind Rises from the Sea - Mutual Learning between Modern Lawyers and Chinese and Foreign Civilizations" was also opened at the Centennial Campus of East China University of Political Science and Law in Suzhou Hewan, displaying nearly 100 handwritings, books and old photos of modern lawyers. and other precious objects.

A special exhibition will be held in the newly renovated Building 24. Photo by Xu Ruizhe

"Building an integrated community of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools should be fresh, vivid, and flesh-and-blood, rather than dry, scripted, and lifeless." Recently, East China University of Political Science and Law and the High School Affiliated to East China University of Political Science and Law , the Affiliated Songjiang Experimental School, and the Affiliated Songjiang Senior High School hosted the theme education activity of "Youth Pursues Dreams to Strengthen the Country with Me" ideological and political integration of universities, middle schools and primary schools. Student representatives from universities, middle schools and primary schools participated in the scene of "Using Youthful Me to Rule China by Law" Through reciting, the voice of youth and the ambition to build a strong country are revealed. Guo Weilu, Secretary of the Party Committee of East China University of Political Science and Law, said this during the theme activity tutorial.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 45th anniversary of the resumption of East China University of Political Science and Law. As one of the first batch of key experimental universities for "big ideological and political courses" in Shanghai, the school youth league committee sent invitations to three "Huazheng Department" schools at the beginning of the spring semester, and teacher representatives from the four schools jointly carried out the theme activity of "Integration of Ideological and Political Courses in Large, Middle and Small Schools" Collective lesson preparation, "Every school is carrying out ideological and political integration activities in large, medium and small schools. Our Huazheng Department still needs to focus on the elements of our rule of law and create its own characteristics."

In this major ideological and political class, the short sitcom "Standpoint" returned to Yan'an to explain the case and interpret the "people-centered" revolutionary rule of law tradition of the Communist Party of China. Ma Jun, a sophomore at the Huazheng School of Government, said that the themed activities allowed him to take a time machine and talk to the past and the times across time and space. "When my younger brothers and sisters and I shout out, 'Chasing the light all the way, walking with sonorous steps,' we are their role models, and they are our motivation." He Ruijie, a third-year student at Huazheng Affiliated School, said that with junior high school, high school and college The brothers and sisters gathered together, it was extremely lively, so happy and shocked.

Li Nanhua, the son of martyr Li Xuezhou, attends class.

Those who study law review the history of legislation, and those who study medicine remember the old red doctors. Recently, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine moved ideological and political courses into the former residence of martyrs, so that "Generation Z" can continue to inherit the spirit of red medicine. College students from the School of Public Health of Traditional Chinese Medicine and students from primary and secondary schools in Zhangjiang Town, Pudong New Area "held hands" and went to the former residence of martyr Li Xuezhou in the local academy town to start classes. From the exhibition hall of the martyrs’ deeds on the first floor of the martyrs’ former residence to the place where Li Xuezhou composed poems on the second floor, it has also become the “practice base for teaching ideological and political courses at the School of Marxism, Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine.”

Li Nanhua, the son of martyr Li Xuezhou, told the students how his father used medicine to save the world and fight against Japan to save the country. More than a hundred years ago, Academy, a remote village by the sea, was very backward and the people's lives were miserable. Young Li Xuezhou gradually established his ambition to practice medicine to save the people and embarked on the road of revolution. During the Anti-Japanese War, he used his medical practice as a cover to raise funds for the New Fourth Army, treat the wounded, and provide free medical treatment to poor patients.

Li Xuezhou has a special Chinese medicine bag, and he often hides information in the bag and passes it on. He also secretly organized the armed team of the Youth Anti-Japanese Association and led the people in his hometown to carry out various struggles and anti-corruption activities. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the New Fourth Army in eastern Zhejiang was ordered to withdraw northward, but Li Xuezhou still persisted in the underground revolutionary struggle. He was arrested in April 1947 and died heroically at the age of 33. According to Nanhui County Chronicles, on the night of the execution, a poor farmer risked his life to collect Li Xuezhou's body.

At the scene, Li Yijing, deputy chief physician of Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine and captain of the Muhammadiyah unit of the 190th batch of Chinese medical teams aiding Morocco, also told the students about their foreign aid medical experiences. She held a lecture titled "What the Medical Team Aiding Morocco Has to Say" to promote the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in fighting the epidemic during the epidemic. As local hospitals in Morocco have relatively backward equipment and insufficient manpower, Li Yijing and her colleagues on the medical aid team filled the local medical gap and used traditional Chinese medicine to build a bridge of friendship between the people of China and Morocco.

"The on-site teaching taught me a valuable lesson. I am a primary school student. I know that the red scarf on my chest contains the beliefs and expectations of my ancestors, which inspires me to study harder." Cai Cai, Class 1, Grade 3, Zhangjiang Town Central Primary School Mi Lin said. A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that the Traditional Chinese Medicine Plan will continue to carry out the student social practice survey of "Visiting Ten Thousand Households - People's Health Survey" and student social experience projects for communities, hospitals, nursing homes, disabled service centers and other institutions. , promote the close integration of ideological and political theory and social practice, and tell the story of Red Medicine in the new era.

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