The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduced the relevant situation and President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to France

Release time:May 07, 2024 14:54 PM

On May 7, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian hosted a regular press conference. A reporter asked that President Xi Jinping is paying a state visit to France. Can the spokesperson further introduce the visit?

Spokesperson Lin Jian said that President Xi Jinping is paying a state visit to France at the invitation of French President Macron. After arriving at Paris Orly International Airport on the 5th, President Xi Jinping delivered a written speech. Yesterday, President Xi Jinping attended the welcome ceremony held by President Macron, held talks with President Macron and met with reporters. They jointly attended the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee and delivered a speech. That night, President Macron and his wife held a welcome banquet for President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan. During the visit, President Xi Jinping also held a tripartite meeting between China, France and EU leaders with President Macron and European Commission President von der Lein.

During his talks with President Macron, President Xi Jinping pointed out that he was pleased to pay his third state visit to France on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The precious 60-year history of China-France relations will enable us to better think about how to start the next 60 years. The two sides must adhere to independence and jointly prevent a "new cold war" or camp confrontation; they must persist in mutual understanding and jointly promote harmonious coexistence in a colorful world; they must persist in being far-sighted and jointly promote an equal and orderly multipolar world; they must persist in mutual benefit and win-win, and work together to Oppose "decoupling and breaking chains". China is willing to maintain strategic communication with France, respect each other's core interests, and consolidate the strategic stability of bilateral relations. Explore the vast potential of mutually beneficial cooperation and promote an upward balance in bilateral trade. The two sides should strengthen the alignment of development strategies, deepen cooperation in traditional advantageous areas such as aerospace and aviation, strengthen cooperation in nuclear energy, innovation, and finance, and expand cooperation in emerging areas such as green energy, intelligent manufacturing, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence. Both sides should speed up the "two-way" people-to-people and cultural exchanges and continue to successfully organize various activities of the China-France Culture and Tourism Year. China supports France in successfully hosting the Paris Olympics and will send a high-level delegation to France to compete. China is willing to deepen cooperation with France in areas such as climate change and biodiversity, and is also willing to strengthen dialogue and communication with France in areas such as artificial intelligence governance and the reform of the international financial system. The two sides also issued four joint statements on the situation in the Middle East, artificial intelligence and global governance, biodiversity and oceans, and agricultural exchanges and cooperation, and signed nearly 20 bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of green development, aviation, agriculture and food, commerce, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

At the tripartite meeting between leaders of China, France and the European Union, President Xi Jinping pointed out that China has always viewed China-EU relations from a strategic height and a long-term perspective. Today's world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. As two important forces, China and the EU should adhere to partnership positioning, persist in dialogue and cooperation, deepen strategic communication, enhance strategic mutual trust, build strategic consensus, carry out strategic collaboration, promote the stable and healthy development of China-EU relations, and contribute to the world. China continues to make new contributions to peace and development. China-EU relations have strong endogenous driving force and broad development prospects. They are not targeted at, dependent on, or controlled by a third party. It is hoped that the EU institutions will establish a correct understanding of China and formulate a positive policy towards China. The essence of China-EU cooperation is complementary advantages and mutual benefit. The two sides have extensive common interests and huge space for cooperation in green and digital transformation. The two sides should properly handle economic and trade frictions through dialogue and consultation and accommodate the legitimate concerns of both sides.

Lin Jian introduced that President Xi Jinping also had an in-depth exchange of views with President Macron and President von der Leyen on international and regional issues of common interest such as the Ukraine crisis and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, pointing out that China, France and the European side all hope to cease fire and end the war as soon as possible. As both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, China and France should speak out for the peaceful resolution of hot-spot issues and contribute to building a world of lasting peace and universal security. China is willing to continue to maintain communication with relevant parties.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduced the relevant situation and President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to France
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Editor's note: The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China points out that China's excellent traditional culture has a long and profound history, and is the wisdom crystallization of Chinese civilization. It contains values such as serving the public, the people as the foundation of the country, governing with virtue, reforming the old and promoting new, appointing people with merit, integrating nature and humanity, striving for self-improvement, carrying material with virtue, promoting trustworthiness and harmony, and being kind to neighbors. It is an important embodiment of the Chinese people's accumulated worldview, worldview, social view, and moral view in long-term production and life, and is highly consistent with the values of scientific socialism. The Chinese people's "outlook on the universe, the world, society, and morality" reflects the long history and cultural heritage of Chinese civilization, and is an important dimension for the world to understand China, the Chinese people, the CPC, and the Chinese nation. The "East West Question" column of China News Agency has launched a series of plans to interpret the "Four Views"