Xi Jinping published a signed article in Serbian media

Release time:May 07, 2024 15:44 PM

Belgrade, May 7. On May 7, when he was in Belgrade for a state visit to Serbia, President Xi Jinping published a signed statement in the Serbian "Polita" entitled "Let the light of iron-clad friendship illuminate the road to China-Serbia cooperation." article. The full text of the article is as follows:

Let the light of iron-clad friendship illuminate the road to cooperation between China and Serbia

On the day of Mengxia, all things are beautiful. In this time of hope, at the invitation of President Aleksandar Vucic, I am about to pay a state visit to the Republic of Serbia. This is the second time that I have set foot on this beautiful and legendary land of Serbia since I took office as the President of the People's Republic of China. The beautiful scene of my visit to Serbia eight years ago is still vivid in my mind. Over the past eight years, the two sides have cooperated closely and achieved fruitful results. I look forward to once again discussing friendship and discussing cooperation with President Vucic and other Serbian leaders and friends, so as to inject new vitality into the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia.

China and Serbia are far apart, but the two peoples are always connected hand in hand. During the turbulent years of the anti-fascist war and the period of national construction in the last century, the two peoples cultivated profound friendly feelings that span time and space. In the current world of major changes unseen in a century, the two sides have become more firmly supportive of each other, their mutually beneficial cooperation has become closer, and exchanges and mutual learning have become more in-depth. No matter how the international situation changes, China and Serbia will always be true friends and good partners. Our iron-clad friendship is everlasting and has set an example for exchanges between countries and peoples.

We adhere to mutual respect and trust. President Vucic and I have established a good working relationship through meetings, phone calls, letters, etc. The two countries maintain close exchanges at all levels and in all fields. Both sides fully understand and respect the development path chosen by their respective peoples, adhere to the principles of fairness and justice, firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns, and have close and smooth coordination and cooperation in bilateral and multilateral fields. The comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries has continued to deepen and become more substantial.

We insist on mutual benefit. Serbia is China’s first free trade partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Last year, China was Serbia’s largest source of investment and its second largest trading partner. Cooperation in economy, trade, industrial chain, and infrastructure construction between the two sides is in the ascendant, helping the two countries' respective modernization processes. The HBIS Smederevo Steel Plant I visited in 2016 is already one of the three largest export companies in Serbia. Serbian agricultural and food products such as honey, red wine, beef and mutton are very popular among Chinese consumers.

We insist on helping each other. After the COVID-19 outbreak, I had two phone calls with President Vucic and reached important consensus on anti-epidemic cooperation. China has provided aid and priority to Serbia with multiple batches of medical protective supplies, and has also dispatched an expert team to Serbia. Serbia fully supports China's "Operation Spring Seedlings" to help expatriates abroad during the epidemic, and Serbian non-governmental organizations have spontaneously donated masks and other materials to the Chinese people. This kind of brotherhood that provides help in times of need is extremely precious.

We insist on learning from each other. Both China and Serbia are committed to pursuing the happiness of the people and the prosperity of the country. The two countries actively carry out exchanges of experience in state governance and strengthen exchanges between political parties. The people of the two countries have a deep affection for each other, and there are lively cultural, sports, tourism and other people-to-people exchanges. Serbian basketball star Jokic cheers for the China-U.S. Country Basketball Tournament. The two countries mutually exempt ordinary passport holders from visas, which facilitates personnel exchanges, exchanges and cooperation.

The Chinese say, "Friends unite through righteousness." Serbians say, "Friends are the best wealth in life." The long-term friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Serbia fully demonstrate that the continuous deepening and development of bilateral relations conforms to the historical trend, is in line with the fundamental interests of the people, and is conducive to the common progress of both parties. In the new era and new journey, there is broad space for the further development of China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership. Through this visit, I am willing to work with Serbia to carry forward the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia, take concrete actions to better benefit the two peoples, promote world peace and development, and jointly promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

We should always be good friends who treat each other sincerely. China and Serbia will deepen and expand their comprehensive strategic partnership. The two sides will continue to move forward along the path of mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual support and mutual assistance, and continue to provide each other with firm support on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns. China respects and supports the development path chosen by the Serbian people, supports Serbia's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and opposes any force interfering in Serbia's internal affairs.

We must always be good partners for win-win cooperation. China is comprehensively promoting Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development and accelerating the development of new productive forces. In recent years, Serbia has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development. China and Serbia should deeply tap the potential for mutually beneficial cooperation, implement the mid-term action plan for jointly building the "Belt and Road", strive to create more iconic projects, expand cooperation in emerging fields such as technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green energy, digital economy, and artificial intelligence, and share Development opportunities and create a better future together.

We must always set a good example in promoting fairness and justice. As staunch friends and defenders of world peace, China and Serbia hold similar positions on many major international and regional issues. Faced with the international situation of chaos, we must strengthen coordination and cooperation in the United Nations and other international organizations, jointly advocate an equal and orderly world multipolarization and inclusive economic globalization, practice true multilateralism, and strive to Maintain world peace and stability and international fairness and justice.

We must always be good friends who connect people's hearts. The iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia has been tempered by blood and fire, and has gained new brilliance in the new era. We need to create a three-dimensional and diverse pattern of cultural exchanges and local cooperation, make good use of the "visa-free direct flights" effect, give full play to the role of mutually established cultural centers, increase cooperation in education, sports, culture, tourism and other areas, and create more opportunities for young people , let the friendship between China and Serbia be passed down from generation to generation.

At this moment, we cannot forget that 25 years ago today, NATO brazenly bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, and three Chinese journalists, Shao Yunhuan, Xu Xinghu, and Zhu Ying, were unfortunately killed. The Chinese people value peace but will never allow historical tragedies to happen again. The friendship forged with blood between the people of China and Serbia has become the common memory of the two peoples and will also inspire both sides to move forward together.

Looking back at the journey, thousands of mountains are far away, and looking forward to the road ahead, there are thousands of spring trees. Standing at a new historical starting point, we are willing to work with our Serbian friends to stay true to our original aspirations, join hands in progress, write a new chapter in national development and revitalization, and build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. In the springtime and autumn harvest, let us witness and look forward to the tree of China-Serbia friendship growing vigorously and bearing more fruits that will benefit the two peoples.

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