Relying on "standardized diagnosis, treatment and long-term follow-up", late-stage ovarian cancer can achieve long-term survival

Release time:May 07, 2024 10:36 AM

It grows in the pelvic and abdominal cavity and has no obvious symptoms in the early stage. Many patients are discovered in the late stage. Ovarian cancer, the "silent killer", is attracting increasing attention from society. May 8th is the 12th World Ovarian Cancer Day. A public welfare science popularization activity held by the Ovarian Tumor Clinical Center of Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University revealed that the quality of diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer patients can be greatly improved by standardizing long-term follow-up of diagnosis and treatment.

Zang Rongyu, director of the Ovarian Cancer Institute of Fudan University and director of the Ovarian Tumor Clinical Center of Zhongshan Hospital, said that the survival rate of patients with advanced ovarian cancer is generally low. In fact, through standardized diagnosis and treatment and long-term follow-up management, the five-year survival rate of patients can be increased to 60 %above.

Since 2009, Zhongshan Hospital has established the Shanghai Gynecological Oncology Collaborative Group. The team has successively conducted a number of clinical studies related to late-stage and recurrent ovarian cancer and published corresponding research results. About 70% of patients can participate in the research and benefit from it.

Standardized diagnosis and treatment requires the superb skills of the medical team, and it is also necessary to provide patients with comprehensive services including psychological counseling and perioperative management. Through nearly 20 years of clinical research, Zhongshan Hospital has established a complete standardized diagnosis, treatment and long-term follow-up system for ovarian cancer, and will continue to be committed to early diagnosis and treatment of the disease in the future. Experts specifically pointed out that the use of targeted drugs in patients with ovarian cancer needs to strictly follow the indications and medication time to avoid abuse.

This event also invited patients to share their diagnosis and treatment experiences. Zang Rongyu said, “We encourage family members to participate in training sessions and work with patients to avoid treatment delays, reduce the risk of complications, and improve treatment effects.”

Relying on "standardized diagnosis, treatment and long-term follow-up", late-stage ovarian cancer can achieve long-term survival
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