Gong Zheng attended the symposium, Chen Jining visited charity workers and investigated charity work, marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Shanghai Charity Foundation

Release time:May 07, 2024 15:15 PM

Today is the 30th anniversary of the Shanghai Charity Foundation. In the morning, Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to the Municipal Charity Foundation to visit charity workers and came to the community charity market to investigate the development of charity work in our city. Chen Jining pointed out that public welfare and charity are an important symbol of social civilization and progress and a full manifestation of the city’s spiritual character. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on public welfare and charity, conscientiously practice the concept of people’s city, guide and support more willing and capable enterprises, social organizations and individuals to actively participate in public welfare and charity, and promote public welfare and charity. Take the lead in high-quality development, set a benchmark, and jointly write a new chapter of "Better City, Better Life" in the new era. In the afternoon, Gong Zheng, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended the 30th anniversary symposium of the Shanghai Charity Foundation.

Gather social good and become social love. Over the past 30 years, the Municipal Charity Foundation has always adhered to the purpose of "providing care for the elderly, supporting young children, assisting students, and relieving the poor, relying on society to run charity, and running charity well for society", and is committed to exploring charity resources, implementing charity assistance, and spreading charity concepts. Various projects have been implemented, benefiting a total of approximately 50.5 million people. Chen Jining came to the Municipal Charity Foundation Exhibition Hall and had in-depth exchanges with Chen Tiedi, Feng Guoqin and Zhong Yanqun, the successive directors of the Municipal Charity Foundation, to learn about the development process, special projects and work results. In the exhibition hall, sections of video materials, event photos, and groups of donation data collectively display the Municipal Charity Foundation’s efforts in helping to alleviate poverty, participating in disaster relief, promoting charity culture, building charity brands, and practicing sunshine charity. Practical exploration. Hearing that over the years, more and more people have participated in public welfare and charity in different ways, and the concept of "everyone can be charitable, and can do charity" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Chen Jining said that the Municipal Charity Foundation is a leader in the field of public welfare and charity. Shining business card, making important contributions to the development of public welfare and charity in Shanghai. In the new era and new journey, we must always adhere to the people-centered development thinking, adhere to the original intention of public welfare, promote charity culture, actively explore and innovate, strengthen effective connection with social assistance, social welfare and other systems, continue to polish Shanghai’s charity brand, and lead and drive more Many people understand charity, support charity, and devote themselves to charity, injecting more positive energy into society. We should take social credibility as the lifeline, further optimize the organizational system, improve institutional norms, and create a more professional, efficient, and transparent benchmark for social organizations.

Community charity is an active practice of Shanghai’s charity extending to the grassroots. Using charity supermarkets and community foundations as platform carriers, the Municipal Charity Foundation integrates regional resources and launches various charity service projects such as helping the elderly and the disabled, assisting serious illnesses, and providing childcare and education assistance. Chen Jining came to the Zhaoqing Party and Mass Service Center in Xietu Road Street, Xuhui District, and inspected the charity supermarket and the "Fellow Parents and Respect the Elderly" charity market. There is a dazzling array of charity products here, and residents come to buy in an endless stream. In front of booths such as free clinic consultations, haircuts and umbrella repairs, charity sales, etc., many residents got what they needed and enjoyed convenient services. Chen Jining walked among the volunteers and residents, greeted everyone cordially, and learned about the development of community charity projects. He said that grassroots communities are closest to the citizens and are the "charity front" at the doorstep. It is necessary to understand the needs of citizens, build a good service carrier for the people, integrate charity resources from all parties, and benefit needy groups in a timely and accurate manner. Based on the actual situation of the region, we should expand charity channels, innovate charity methods, promote charity and charity to be integrated into citizens' daily life and become a way of life, so that the good trend of upward kindness can be ubiquitous.

Gong Zheng pointed out in his speech at the symposium that since its establishment 30 years ago, the Municipal Charity Foundation has adhered to the purpose of "relying on society to run charity and running charity well for society", giving full play to its unique advantages and gathering charity power to provide assistance to those in need, emergency rescue, and counterpart assistance. played an important role. We must further integrate Shanghai's charity into the city's overall development, expand new areas of activity, fill gaps and omissions in a timely and accurate manner, and work together to tightly knit the social security network and make charity more cohesive. Integrate into people's daily life, further enhance the brand of charity activities such as "Beloved Under the Blue Sky", develop community charity, use the Internet to enhance the level of technological empowerment, and make charity more vital. Integrate into the development of urban culture, widely publicize charity, strengthen role models, promote the spirit of volunteerism, let the concept of "one for everyone, everyone for one" be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and make charity more inspiring. Integrating into the construction of Shanghai under the rule of law, the revised Charity Law will be implemented in September this year. The rule of law must be used to ensure standardization, efficiency, openness and transparency, and make charity more credible. Party committees and governments at all levels in Shanghai will continue to support the high-quality development of charity.

Gong Puguang, President of the China Charity Federation, attended the symposium and delivered a speech. Municipal leader Li Zheng, Honorary Chairman of the Municipal Charity Foundation Chen Tiedi, Honorary Chairman Feng Guoqin, Chairman of the Shanghai Charity Foundation Zhong Yanqun, Presidents of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Charity Federations Li Xiaomin, Qiu Dongyao and Liu Li attended the relevant events Activity. Outstanding representatives from all walks of life involved in charity spoke at the symposium.

Gong Zheng attended the symposium, Chen Jining visited charity workers and investigated charity work, marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Shanghai Charity Foundation
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