Xi Jinping and Macron attended the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee and delivered speeches

Release time:May 07, 2024 11:08 AM

On the afternoon of May 6, local time, President Xi Jinping and French President Macron attended the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee in Paris and delivered an important speech titled "Carrying on the Past and Forging into the Future, Join Hands to Create a New Era of China-France Cooperation" . The two heads of state took a group photo with representatives of Chinese and French entrepreneurs, and then walked into the theater auditorium together.

Amid warm applause, Xi Jinping delivered a speech.

Xi Jinping pointed out that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. Sixty years is a cycle of sixty years in the traditional Chinese calendar, which means carrying on the past and forging ahead into the future. Over the past 60 years, China and France have been sincere friends. The two countries uphold the spirit of independence, mutual understanding, foresight, and mutual benefit in establishing diplomatic relations, and have become a model for countries with different civilizations, different systems, and different levels of development to achieve mutual success and move forward together. For 60 years, China and France have been win-win partners. China has become France's largest trading partner outside the EU, and the economies of the two countries have formed a strong symbiotic relationship in which we have each other and we have you.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China is an important representative of Eastern civilization, and France is an important representative of Western civilization. China and France have no geopolitical contradictions or fundamental conflicts of interest. They share the spiritual resonance of independence, the mutual attraction of splendid cultures, and pragmatic cooperation with broad interests. There is no reason not to develop bilateral relations well. Standing at a new crossroads of human development and facing the ups and downs of a century of changes in the world, China is willing to intensify all-round exchanges and cooperation with France to push China-France relations to a higher level and achieve greater results.

Xi Jinping and Macron attended the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee and delivered speeches

Looking into the future, we are willing to work with France to enrich the economic and trade connotation of the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership. China has always regarded France as a priority and reliable partner, and is committed to expanding the breadth and depth of bilateral economic and trade relations, opening up new areas, creating new models, and cultivating new growth points. China is willing to continue to actively use the "from French farm to Chinese table" full-chain rapid coordination mechanism to allow more high-quality French agricultural products such as cheese, ham, and wine to appear on the tables of Chinese people. China has decided to extend until the end of 2025 its visa-free policy for citizens of 12 countries including France to come to China for a short period of time.

Looking into the future, we are willing to work with France to promote mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Europe. China and Europe are the two major forces promoting multipolarity, the two major markets supporting globalization, and the two major civilizations advocating diversity. Both sides should adhere to the correct positioning of the comprehensive strategic partnership, continuously enhance political mutual trust, and jointly oppose the politicization, ideologicalization and pan-security of economic and trade issues. We hope that the EU and China will meet each other halfway, enhance understanding through dialogue, resolve differences through cooperation, and eliminate risks through mutual trust, so as to build China and the EU into key partners for each other's economic and trade cooperation, priority partners for scientific and technological cooperation, and trusted partners for industrial and supply chain cooperation. . China will independently expand the opening of telecommunications, medical and other service industries to the outside world, further open the market, and create more market opportunities for companies from various countries, including French and European companies.

Looking into the future, we are willing to work with France to address global challenges. In today's world, the peace deficit, development deficit, security deficit, and governance deficit continue to increase. As both major independent countries and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, China and France should shoulder responsibilities and missions, use the stability of China-France relations to cope with world uncertainties, strengthen coordination at the United Nations, practice true multilateralism, and promote an equal and orderly world. Multipolar and inclusive economic globalization.

Xi Jinping emphasized that currently, China is promoting in-depth reform, promoting high-quality development, and accelerating the development of new productive forces with a high level of opening up. We are planning and implementing major measures to further comprehensively deepen reforms, steadily expand institutional opening up, further expand market access, and reduce the negative list for foreign investment access. This will provide broader market space for countries around the world, including France, and bring about broader market space. Come to more opportunities for win-win cooperation. French companies are welcome to actively participate in the Chinese-style modernization process and share the opportunities of China's development.

Xi Jinping and Macron attended the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee and delivered speeches

Xi Jinping pointed out that in more than two months, France will usher in the grand Paris Olympics. The Olympic Games are a symbol of unity and friendship and the crystallization of mutual learning among civilizations. Let us stick to the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, continue traditional friendship, practice the Olympic motto of "Faster, Higher, Stronger - More United", join hands to create a new era of Sino-French cooperation, and jointly write a new chapter of a community with a shared future for mankind!

About 200 representatives from the Chinese and French governments, enterprises and other sectors attended the closing ceremony.

Xi Jinping's speech at the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee

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Xi Jinping and Macron attended the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee and delivered speeches
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