Starting tomorrow, 3911 people will be enrolled! Announcement on the supplementary recruitment of civil servants for the national examination is out

Release time:May 07, 2024 09:23 AM

Registration for the 2024 supplementary recruitment of civil servants by central agencies and their directly affiliated agencies is about to begin. Applicants can log on to the "Central Agencies and Their Directly Affiliated Agencies' 2024 Examination Recruitment Special Website for Civil Servants" from 8:00 on May 8 to 18:00 on May 10 "Register online and interviews will be held in mid-to-late May.

A total of 22 departments participated in this supplementary recruitment, planning to recruit 3,911 people, of which more than 3,000 planned to recruit recent college graduates. Persons who have participated in the 2024 written examination for the recruitment of civil servants by central agencies and their directly affiliated agencies and passed the public subject written examination but have not been hired for the position they originally applied for can apply.

Announcement on the Supplementary Recruitment of Civil Servants by Central Agencies and Their Directly Affiliated Agencies in 2024

According to the work arrangements for the recruitment of civil servants for the 2024 examination of the central agencies and their directly affiliated agencies, combined with the recruitment situation and employment needs, some positions require supplementary recruitment for qualified personnel. The relevant matters are now announced as follows:

In addition to meeting the qualifications specified in the "Announcement on the Recruitment of Civil Servants for the 2024 Examination of Central Agencies and Their Directly Affiliated Agencies", applicants should also meet the following conditions:

Participated in the 2024 written examination for the recruitment of civil servants by the central agencies and their directly affiliated agencies.

Meet the qualification requirements for the intended position.

The public subject written test scores must meet the qualifying score for both the position to be applied for and the position for which the applicant originally applied, and the test categories are the same. If the position to be applied for is subject to written test requirements for professional subjects, the written test scores for professional subjects must also reach the passing score line, and the test categories are the same.

In the recruitment of civil servants for the 2024 annual examination of central agencies and their directly affiliated agencies, those who have not yet been identified as candidates for recruitment have not yet been identified for the positions they originally applied for.

From now on, applicants can log in to the "Special Website for Civil Servants Recruited by Central Agencies and Directly Affiliated Agencies for the 2024 Examination" to inquire about supplementary recruitment positions, number of candidates recruited, examination categories, qualifications, consultation telephone numbers, etc.

From 8:00 on May 8, 2024 to 18:00 on May 10, 2024, candidates can log in to the "Special Admissions Website" with the username and password registered when registering, select a position and submit an application. If applicants have questions about the qualifications such as majors, academic qualifications, degrees, work experience, etc. for relevant positions and need consultation, they can contact the recruitment agency directly. Applicants can apply for other positions before the deadline for submitting applications.

When non-online applicants participate in supplementary recruitment, please contact the recruitment agency where you plan to apply directly and submit a written application before 18:00 on May 10, 2024.

From 8:00 on May 11, 2024 to 18:00 on May 12, the recruitment agency will review the qualifications of both online applications and written applications for this unit. The qualification review is generally conducted in order from high to low according to the applicant's total score in the public subject written test and the administrative vocational ability test subject score. Those who have the same score in both will enter the qualification review together; for those who have set the conditions for the written test in professional subjects For the position, the qualification review will be conducted in order from high score to low score based on the applicant's composite score, total public subject written test score, and administrative vocational ability test subject score. Those with the same three scores will enter the qualification review together. After the ratio of the number of qualified candidates for each position to the number of recruitment plans reaches the prescribed ratio, the recruitment agency will no longer conduct qualification examinations for other personnel.

After May 13, 2024, applicants can log in to the "Special Admissions Website" to check the qualification review results and enter the interview list.

The supplementary recruitment interview, physical examination, inspection, publicity and other work shall be carried out by the recruitment organ. The relevant arrangements and requirements can be found in the interview announcement issued by the recruitment authority on the department's website and the "examination and enrollment special website".

This supplemental recruitment will not publish or specify exam tutoring books, nor hold or entrust any institution or individual to hold exam tutoring training classes. Regarding civil servant examination training, websites or publications in the society, candidates are requested to be vigilant and treat them rationally to avoid being deceived and prevent damage to their rights and interests. The National Civil Service Bureau works with relevant departments to maintain good examination order and create a fair, just, safe and orderly examination environment.

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