More than 800 million illegal gains may be returned to the Bian family. Tsai Ing-wen plans to "pardon" Chen Shui-bian before "520"

Release time:May 07, 2024 09:04 AM

It is rumored that Tsai Ing-wen plans to "pardon" Chen Shui-bian before leaving office.

China Taiwan Net reported on May 7 that former Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian was sentenced to 20 years in prison. However, he only served more than 6 years in prison before he was granted "medical parole" in 2015 due to "dementia" and other diseases. However, his condition never subsided. He appeared in court to help his daughter in a lawsuit, and started a live broadcast to "give guidance", frequently stepping on red lines and intensifying social antagonism on the island. According to Taiwan media reports, outgoing Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen has decided to "pardon" Chen Shui-bian before "520", and her staff will begin to develop supporting measures.

According to insiders on the island, Tsai Ing-wen's staff are currently discussing that in cases where Chen Shui-bian has been convicted, Tsai Ing-wen will first exercise the so-called "pardon" for Chen Shui-bian, and then "exempt him from punishment". If Chen Shui-bian is granted "pardon", although he is still a guilty person, he will not have to go to jail for the unfinished sentence. However, this will become "not guilty of corruption" and will fall into another kind of controversy.

According to reports, the most difficult aspect of amnesty for Chen Shui-bian is the handling of more than 1.1 billion yuan in illegal gains. At present, the Taiwan District Court has confiscated 300 million yuan, and 800 million yuan is still being seized. If Chen Shui-bian is granted "amnesty," the 800 million yuan in illegal gains that have not been confiscated will probably be returned to Chen Shui-bian. In addition, other seized luxury homes, diamonds and jewelry worth hundreds of millions of yuan will also be unfrozen, and it will be confirmed that " The criticism that Taiwanese leaders can keep the proceeds of corruption and money laundering crimes may be difficult for people on the island to accept.

More than 800 million illegal gains may be returned to the Bian family. Tsai Ing-wen plans to "pardon" Chen Shui-bian before "520"
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