Scamming huge amounts of compensation, the director of the demolition office's wealth is like a castle in the air: five floors are created out of thin air

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:08 PM

Case file

Gou Xuejun, male, Han nationality, born in December 1972 in Bazhong, Sichuan Province, started work in November 1987, joined the CPC in May 1989, and served as a member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the office of Xicheng Street, Bazhou District, Bazhong City, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the office of Dongcheng Street.

In March 2022, Gou Xuejun was subjected to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Bazhou District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law.

In September 2022, Gou Xuejun was expelled from the Party and from public office due to his serious violation of Party discipline, constituting a violation of official duties and suspected of corruption and bribery.

In March 2023, Gou Xuejun was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment and a fine of RMB 1 million for the crimes of corruption and bribery in accordance with the law.

Case Investigation

"What do I need so much money for? Now I have to pay for my greed. People cannot lose their rationality and clarity, let alone lose their bottom line and principles..." Standing on the trial bench, Gou Xuejun wept bitterly as he made his final statement in court, but unfortunately it was already too late to repent.

In December 1972, Gou Xuejun was born in a remote small mountain village in Bazhong. In his youth, Gou Xuejun responded to the national call to enlist and became a border soldier of the People's Liberation Army. In the army, he is not afraid of hardship or fatigue, and even though he performed well, he joined the Communist Party in the army. After being discharged from the military and transferred to another profession, Gou Xuejun was diligent, dedicated, and fulfilled his duties. He was awarded the title of Advanced in a row, and after undergoing multiple job training, he successfully stepped onto the leadership position. But later on, seeing his old classmates and comrades who were not as good as him in the past doing business and making a fortune, while he could only receive a little "dead salary", Gou Xuejun's mentality gradually became imbalanced.

Gou Xuejun, former deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and former director of the office in Dongcheng Street, Bazhou District, Bazhong City, is under review and investigation.

In February 2012, the Jiangnan Second Ring Road shantytown renovation command center was established in Bazhou District. Gou Xuejun was appointed as the deputy commander and office director of the command center, responsible for the daily work of the command center and coordinating the collection, negotiation, inspection and supervision of housing. Gou Xuejun secretly felt delighted and felt that the opportunity to make a fortune had arrived. Especially after witnessing the birth of "nouveau riche" millionaires, he finally let go of his last bit of hesitation and concern and embarked on the path of "getting rich" by using his power to deceive demolition compensation.

Instruct subordinates to fabricate and fraudulently obtain huge compensation payments

In October 2012, Gou Xuejun called in Hu, a staff member of the command center, and asked him to help him make a false survey data. Hu brought in Bai, who was familiar with drawing survey maps, and the two quickly fabricated a false house survey data with an area of 200.9 square meters. A few days later, Gou Xuejun invited Hu and Bai to meet at a tea house in the old city. After reading the materials, Gou Xuejun felt that the area was too small. The two of them understood and modified the materials in front of Gou Xuejun, increasing the area to 350 square meters. Subsequently, Gou Xuejun used his power to successfully pass the process of house surveying and compensation negotiations with false information. A few months later, Gou Xuejun cheated out a compensation of 1.841 million yuan for house demolition, and Hu and Bai each received a "labor" reward of 100000 yuan.

Having successfully obtained the compensation for demolition, Gou Xuejun, who is familiar with the road, conspired with Li and once again extended his criminal hand to the field of demolition. He used Nanba Second Community as a fictional address for the demolished house and fabricated two false survey materials. In order to make the fabricated survey data more authentic, the survey time was advanced to February 2012, and signatures were made on the survey personnel, recorder, and other places in imitation of the handwriting of the command center staff, and sent to the command center for review. Subsequently, Gou Xuejun took advantage of his work convenience to smoothly pass the approval process for false information. In the end, Gou Xuejun successfully fraudulently obtained compensation funds of 2.2046 million yuan, while also helping Li to obtain compensation funds of 976000 yuan and a resettlement and return of 382.02 square meters.

Recalling the past, Gou Xuejun also hesitated. When Bai and Li presented two false housing demolition compensation agreements on their desks, Gou Xuejun couldn't help but feel a bit scared. He quietly closed the door to the office, admiring his "masterpiece" time and time again. A series of compensation agreements for housing demolition with bright red official seals meant a set of resettlement and return houses, which was intoxicating to think about. "What am I really doing? How will I arrange these 'houses' in the future?" Gou Xuejun struggled in his heart, but he thought that he could live a' prosperous' life from now on. In the end, he completely gave up the bottom line of integrity and let himself fall into the vortex of corruption.

Demolition review should be done with clear and real prices to generate revenue

Following the principle of "even the smallest mosquito is still meat", Gou Xuejun cooperated with Hu and Bai to help others increase their house area and gain benefits. In 2012, Lai and others sought help from Bai through relatives in order to obtain a larger area of demolition, resettlement, and housing. To complete this business, Bai approached Hu. Hu approached Gou Xuejun on the grounds that "Bai's relative has a house that has been locked in by the surveyor, but now he feels that the area is a bit small and is willing to increase it with some money.". Gou Xuejun knew it was fake, but he nodded and agreed with ease.

Bai accepted the order, Hu ran errands, and Gou Xuejun nodded. The three of them successfully collaborated again, receiving a total of 220000 yuan in cash. Gou Xuejun received 80000 yuan, while Hu and Bai each received 70000 yuan.

In November 2012, the first compensation fund for housing demolition was successfully disbursed. After a brief period of panic and unease, Gou Xuejun completely let himself go and became a "wealthy man", rushing to pay for his meals and tea, and spending a lot of money on high-end consumption. Transition fees went up to his bank card one after another, and his life of extravagance and extravagance completely forgot about himself, turning his power into a tool for him to make money.

Jointly working together to create a "clever move" to create a five story building out of thin air

In December 2012, the demolition of Jiangnan Second Ring Road was about to end. Bai wanted to take advantage of the last opportunity to make a profit again. He approached Hu and asked him to communicate with Gou Xuejun. Worried about the revelation of the matter, Gou Xuejun felt guilty and scared, and wanted to stop. He tried to dissuade the two, but Bai and Hu remained resolute. Caught by someone as a leverage, Gou Xuejun had to once again use his power to collude with the two of them to obtain compensation for the state's demolition. After Gou Xuejun agreed, Bai and Hu carefully planned and fabricated a five story building out of thin air on Dengzui Road in Bazhou District.

The fabricated address of the demolished house belongs to state-owned land and requires a property certificate and land use certificate in order to negotiate. I took out a real property certificate from the command center and handed it to Hu and Bai, and asked them to apply for 5 sets of fake property certificates and land use certificates in other places. In order to distinguish between fake and fake, Gou Xuejun helped the two people plan and create a "five story building" out of thin air.

Due to concerns about the exposure of the situation, Gou Xuejun originally planned to give up his first floor, but chose not to include it in the negotiation compensation process. Hu and Bai used this "empty tower" without a ground floor to defraud 1.4974 million yuan in compensation for land acquisition and resettlement, as well as 228.77 square meters of housing.

Scamming huge amounts of compensation, the director of the demolition office's wealth is like a castle in the air: five floors are created out of thin air

At this moment, Gou Xuejun, who had already been immersed in the comfortable life of a wealthy man, could not remember the trust and heavy trust of the organization, the responsibilities on his own, and the bottom line of a Communist Party member! Completely treating the renovation of shantytowns as their own "business" to generate income, they repeatedly took advantage of their positions and colluded with others to fraudulently obtain demolition compensation of 7.0209 million yuan, resettled and returned 7 units of 718.37 square meters, and personally received 4.1946 million yuan; Illegal receipt of 200000 yuan in cash from others. In the end, Gou Xuejun was sentenced to twelve years in prison and fined RMB 1 million for committing corruption and bribery crimes in accordance with the law. Bai was sentenced to nine years imprisonment and a fine of RMB 500000 in accordance with the law for committing the crimes of corruption and bribery. Hu was sentenced to eight years and six months imprisonment and a fine of RMB 300000 in accordance with the law for committing the crimes of corruption and bribery.

Case Analysis

From a rural child to a border soldier, and then to a top leader in important positions, all embody the hard work of the organization. However, in the face of the temptation of money and the test of power, Gou Xuejun lost his ideals and beliefs, forgot his original mission, and used the convenience of his position to deceive the government into providing compensation for relocation, with a particularly large amount. Gou Xuejun seriously violated the Party discipline and national laws and regulations, and was suspected of corruption and bribery. According to the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Punishment, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Punishment of Public Officials and other relevant provisions, Gou Xuejun was expelled from the Party and public office. According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, Gou Xuejun's behavior should be deemed to constitute the crime of corruption and bribery.

1. Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Actions

Article 27: If a party organization discovers during disciplinary review that a party member has engaged in illegal and suspected criminal activities such as embezzlement, bribery, abuse of power, dereliction of duty, rent-seeking of power, transfer of benefits, favoritism and fraud, and waste of national resources, it shall be given the disciplinary action of revoking the party's position, leaving the party for inspection, or expelling the party membership.

2. Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 45: Supervisory organs shall, based on the results of supervision and investigation, make the following measures in accordance with the law:


For those suspected of committing official crimes, if the supervisory organs, after investigation, believe that the facts of the crime are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient, they shall prepare a prosecution opinion, and together with the case file materials and evidence, transfer them to the People's Procuratorate for lawful examination and prosecution;


3. Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Sanctions against Public Officials

Article 33: Those who engage in any of the following behaviors shall be given a warning, recorded a demerit, or a major demerit; Those with serious circumstances shall be demoted or dismissed from their positions; Those with serious circumstances shall be dismissed:

Corruption and bribery;


4. Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 382: State officials who, taking advantage of their positions, embezzle, steal, defraud or illegally occupy public property by other means are guilty of corruption.

Article 385: State officials who, taking advantage of their positions, extort money or property from others, or illegally accept money or property from others to seek benefits for them, shall be guilty of bribery.

Author: Mi Mingfu Wang Rong Laiguo

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