Many places in the south continue to carry out rescue and disaster relief work

Release time:Jun 21, 2024 05:33 AM

News: At present, many places in the south are focusing on flood prevention, continuing to carry out various rescue and disaster relief work, and speeding up the repair of damaged infrastructure, striving to minimize the losses caused by disasters.

Many places in the south continue to carry out rescue and disaster relief work

Guangdong has mobilized all forces to go deep into the front line and actively carry out emergency rescue and relief. In Meizhou Pingyuan, Jiaoling and other places that were severely affected by the disaster, water-damaged roads are being cleared as soon as possible. The Guangdong Provincial Emergency Aviation Rescue Center has dispatched aviation rescue helicopters to deliver generators, food, drinking water and other supplies to the affected villages, and at the same time transferred the trapped people and injured people out.

Many places in the south continue to carry out rescue and disaster relief work

Wuping County, Longyan City, Fujian Province dispatched emergency management, transportation and other forces to the disaster site, mobilized nearly 300 flood prevention and rescue equipment and materials such as assault boats, rubber boats, life jackets, as well as large-scale transportation equipment such as excavators and forklifts for emergency rescue. As of 12:00 today, Wuping County has evacuated more than 68,000 people.

Many places in the south continue to carry out rescue and disaster relief work

Affected by continuous rainfall, the water levels in some sections of the Xiangjiang, Zijiang and Yuanjiang river basins of Hunan's four major rivers have risen by 3 meters to 7.5 meters in recent days. Many small and medium-sized rivers have experienced floods. All localities are taking strict precautions, and more than 23,000 people have been urgently evacuated in the affected areas.

Many places in the south continue to carry out rescue and disaster relief work

Today, rainfall occurred in many places in Anhui, and heavy rain occurred in some parts of Huangshan City, and some villagers in some villages and towns were trapped by floods. At present, nearly 900 emergency rescue teams in the city are stepping up rescue and disaster relief to transfer people from dangerous areas.

Many places in the south continue to carry out rescue and disaster relief work

Many rivers in Guangxi experienced floods exceeding warning levels, and some areas of Guilin were flooded. Rescuers promptly evacuated trapped people. As the water level receded, traffic in the city was gradually restored.

Jiangxi keeps a close eye on key areas such as mountainous areas, reservoirs, and rivers, strengthens responsibility, enhances coordination, conducts real-time monitoring of disaster warnings, and investigates potential risks.

Today, the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters launched a Level 4 emergency response for flood control in Anhui, Chongqing, and Hubei. The National Disaster Prevention, Reduction, and Relief Committee raised the national disaster relief emergency response level to Level 3 in response to the severe flood disaster in Guangdong Province. The Ministry of Emergency Management, together with relevant departments, urgently allocated 30,000 pieces of central disaster relief supplies to Guangxi.

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Water Resources recently allocated 916 million yuan of central fiscal funds for water conservancy disaster relief. Among them, 499 million yuan was allocated to support Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi and other places in carrying out flood disaster relief and safe flood season, with a focus on subsidies for the repair of water conservancy projects damaged by water.

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