Xi Jinping has always paid attention to this major issue and visited Qinghai again

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 21, 2024 03:40 AM

After attending the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference in Yan'an, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Qinghai for inspection. This is his fifth inspection outside Beijing this year. On June 18, the General Secretary visited the Xining National Middle School and Hongjue Temple in Guoluo, Xining City. On the 19th, he listened to the work report of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government.

After three years, the General Secretary went to Qinghai again. What did he focus on and emphasize? "Current Affairs News Eye" explains for you.

In Chengbei District, Xining City, Qinghai Province, there is a boarding school, Golog Xining National Middle School, which was built with the investment and assistance of Shanghai and is affiliated to the Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The first stop of the General Secretary's visit to Xining was to visit the teachers and students here.

Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is located in the southeast of Qinghai Province, with an average altitude of more than 4,200 meters. The oxygen content in the atmosphere is only 60% of that at sea level. It is easily affected by cold currents from the north and northwest, and the natural conditions are relatively harsh. In order to meet the people's demand for high-quality educational resources, the local government, with the help of Shanghai's counterpart support, built the Guoluo Xining National Middle School in Xining.

The school was completed and put into use in July 2019. It has six grades in junior and senior high schools, and its management team and teaching staff are selected from all over the country. The school currently has 68 teachers, including 7 from the Shanghai-aided Qinghai teaching team. In 2023, the school's college entrance examination pass rate will exceed 70%.

△Beijing and Shanghai provide educational counterpart support to Yushu and Golog.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the General Secretary has visited Qinghai three times, and this is his first time to visit a campus.

The General Secretary listened carefully. He listened to the introduction of Shanghai and other eastern regions' assistance to Qinghai's education and school construction. The General Secretary asked very detailed questions. He asked in detail about the student composition, curriculum setting, physical exercise, Mandarin proficiency and other situations.

The General Secretary also observed carefully. He walked into the canteen and dormitory building to check the students' dining and accommodation conditions. The General Secretary instructed the canteen staff to ensure that the students' food is safe, nutritious and delicious.

At the Xining National Middle School in Goluo, the General Secretary also observed an ideological and political class.

In the classroom of the first grade of high school, an ideological and political class with the theme of "New Era, New Hometown" is in progress. Students use vivid and tangible ways to describe the changes in their hometown in the new era.

Last month, the General Secretary gave important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools. He pointed out that the content should be supported by the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture should be used as the foundation of strength to explain the truth in depth and vividly, "continuously improving the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses."

△The ideological and political class with the theme of “New Era, New Hometown” for the first grade high school class of Xining National Middle School in Golog.

This ideological and political class at Goluo Xining National Middle School spoke of new trends and new actions.

In the first-year high school classroom, the General Secretary said that we should make the forging of a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation a focus of the school's ideological and political courses, tell the story of the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics, tell the story of comprehensively advancing the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization in the new era, tell the story of the Chinese nation community and national unity and progress, and instill the sense of community for the Chinese nation into children's hearts from an early age.

△The ideological and political class with the theme of “New Era, New Hometown” for the first grade high school class of Xining National Middle School in Golog.

That afternoon, the General Secretary also visited Hongjue Temple in Xining City to learn about the Tibetan Buddhist community's efforts to carry forward the fine tradition of patriotism and love for religion and promote national unity and progress.

Hongjue Temple is a Gelugpa temple of Tibetan Buddhism. Its history can be traced back to the earthen altar built here by Princess Wencheng when she entered Tibet in the 7th century. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, Hongjue Temple was granted to the Sixth Panchen Lama for management. Since then, it has become the residence and main Dharma propagation site of successive Panchen Lamas in Xining, and a bridge between successive central governments and Tibetan Buddhism.

△Qinghai Province National Unity and Progress Education Base.

At Hongjue Temple, the General Secretary visited the exhibition of the Qinghai Province National Unity and Progress Education Base, etc. He walked into the main hall and listened to the introduction of the temple's efforts to strengthen daily management and promote national unity and progress.

The General Secretary urged that this precious historical and cultural heritage should be well protected and new contributions should be made to forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and promoting national unity and progress.

In July 2021, the General Secretary visited Drepung Monastery in the western suburbs of Lhasa during his inspection in Tibet. He pointed out that "the law of religious development lies in 'harmony'." "Religions should be harmonious, society should be harmonious, and ethnic groups should be harmonious. I hope that Tibetan Buddhism will develop in the right direction. I believe that this road will become wider and better."

This time at Hongjue Temple, the General Secretary sent an earnest message: He hopes that the Tibetan Buddhist community in Qinghai will carry forward the fine tradition of patriotism and love for religion, promote religious harmony, social harmony, and ethnic harmony, and play an active role in China's modernization process.

Organically combine and complement each other to do a good job in this big article

On the morning of June 19, General Secretary Xi Jinping listened to the work report of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. He stressed that we must continue to promote the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Qinghai.

How to do a good job in protection and development is the constant concern of the General Secretary for Qinghai. He visited Qinghai three times, participated in the deliberations of the Qinghai delegation twice, and talked about ecological protection and high-quality development many times.

When inspecting Qinghai in 2016, the General Secretary said that Qinghai’s greatest value lies in its ecology, its greatest responsibility lies in its ecology, and its greatest potential also lies in its ecology.

When participating in the review of the Qinghai delegation in 2021, the General Secretary said that Qinghai has a major responsibility for the country's ecological security and the sustainable development of the nation. It must shoulder the important mission of maintaining ecological security, protecting the Sanjiangyuan, and protecting the "Chinese Water Tower", and be responsible to the country, the nation, and future generations.

Three months later, the General Secretary went to Qinghai for another field trip, during which he stressed that protecting Qinghai's ecological environment was "a major concern of the country."

Correctly grasping and handling the relationship between development and protection is a must for Qinghai.

Three years ago, when attending the deliberation of the Qinghai delegation, the General Secretary pointed out that promoting ecological priority, promoting high-quality development, and creating high-quality life are organically combined and mutually beneficial.

It was on this occasion that the General Secretary proposed that we should combine Qinghai's advantages and resources to accelerate the construction of a world-class salt lake industrial base, create a national clean energy industry highland, an international eco-tourism destination, and a green organic agricultural and livestock product export base.

From Sanjiangyuan, Qilian Mountains to Qinghai Lake, from Qarhan Salt Lake to Qinghai Shengyuan Carpet Group Co., Ltd., the General Secretary provided on-the-spot guidance to Qinghai in promoting ecological protection and high-quality development of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

At the work report meeting of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the General Secretary once again emphasized the issue of development and protection. He pointed out that Qinghai has the important mission of maintaining ecological security, and industrial development must adhere to the principle of doing what it should and not doing what it should not, and focus on cultivating a modern industrial system that reflects local characteristics and advantages.

The General Secretary stressed that the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau's ecosystem is rich and diverse, but also very fragile. Strengthening ecological and environmental protection and maximizing ecological functions are the main tasks of this region.

In his speech, the General Secretary also made important arrangements for effectively guaranteeing and improving people's livelihood, doing a good job in ethnic and religious work, and studying and educating party disciplines.

During his last visit to Qinghai, the General Secretary said, "Now, wherever we go, Communist Party cadres at all levels should ask the villagers: What kind of good life do you want? Let's work together to promote and realize a better life." "A happy country, a modern country, will definitely be built."

At the source of the Three Rivers and the Hehuang Valley, the chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Qinghai is being written vigorously, and the vast sky and fertile land are unfolding a beautiful picture.

Reporter: Zhang Xiaopeng, Wang Pengfei, Fan Kai, Yang Bo, Yao Yao, Duan Dewen, Li Jin, Xu Yongsong, Li Bing, Guo Hong, Yang Xinyu, Zhao Hua, Lu Hongyu, Zhou Ti, Xie Xiaoguang

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