The 2024 college entrance examination for students from three schools in Shanghai will start tomorrow! Quickly read the pre-exam tips and examination room rules

Release time:May 09, 2024 12:20 PM

The 2024 unified cultural examination for the admission of fresh graduates of secondary vocational schools to Shanghai's general colleges and universities will be held on May 11 and 12. The specific time and subject arrangements are as follows:

The Shanghai Education Examination Authority reminds candidates to pay attention to the following matters:

1. Candidates should fully consider traffic, weather and other factors, reasonably arrange travel time and routes, arrive at the test site at least 45 minutes before the start of each subject, and actively accept the security check conducted in accordance with regulations before entering the test site. Those who are 15 minutes late will not be allowed to enter the test center.

For the Chinese subject test on the morning of May 11, candidates are prohibited from entering the test center starting from 9:15. After 11:00, candidates can submit their papers in advance.

For the mathematics subject test on the afternoon of May 11, candidates will not be allowed to enter the test center starting from 2:15. After 3:10, candidates can submit their papers in advance.

For the foreign language subject test on the morning of May 12, candidates are prohibited from entering the test center from 8:45. After 10:10, candidates can submit their papers in advance.

2. Candidates must enter the test center with a paper version of their admission ticket and a valid original ID. Neither the front nor the back of the admission ticket may be altered or written on during use. Valid identification documents include: resident ID card, social security card with photo, driver's license, passport, military ID card.

3. On the day of the exam, candidates are advised to put necessary exam supplies such as 2B pencils, black writing pens, ballpoint pens or signature pens, rulers, compasses, set squares, and unenclosed erasers into transparent stationery bags and bring them to the exam center. In principle, schoolbags and other items not related to the exam are not allowed to be brought into the exam center.

Candidates are strictly prohibited from bringing any communication tools into the examination center.

Special reminder: Once a candidate is found carrying a mobile phone in the examination room after the exam starts, regardless of whether it is turned on and used, it will be treated as cheating.

Candidates must consciously abide by the rules of the examination room and take the examination with integrity. If there are any violations or illegal acts, the "Education Law of the People's Republic of China", "Measures for Handling Violations in National Educational Examinations", "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", "Interpretations of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Applicable Laws in Handling Criminal Cases such as Cheating in Organized Examinations" 》Treat it seriously.

The 2024 college entrance examination for students from three schools in Shanghai will start tomorrow! Quickly read the pre-exam tips and examination room rules
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