Xi Jinping held talks with Hungarian President Šuyuk

Release time:May 09, 2024 16:42 PM

Budapest, May 9: On the morning of May 9, local time, President Xi Jinping held talks with Hungarian President Šuyuk at the Presidential Palace in Budapest.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Hungary was one of the first countries to recognize New China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Hungary have always respected each other, treated each other as equals, and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results. The relations between the two countries have withstood the test of international vicissitudes and achieved sustained and in-depth development from cross-continental friends and friendly cooperative partners to comprehensive strategic partners. Currently, China-Hungary relations are at their best in history, with traditional friendship deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and fruitful cooperation in various fields. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. China is willing to work with Hungary to maintain traditional friendship, deepen political mutual trust, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, and lead China-Hungary relations to a higher level.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China-Hungary relations have maintained steady development over the past 75 years. Both sides should sum up valuable experiences and point out the way forward. First, we should insist on treating each other as equals, follow a development path that suits our country's national conditions, and firmly control our future and destiny in our own hands. The ever-lasting friendship between China and Hungary is neither directed against a third party nor is it restricted by a third party. The second is to adhere to mutual trust and mutual assistance, always understand each other and firmly support each other in safeguarding each other's sovereignty, security and development interests. The third is to adhere to win-win cooperation, expand cooperation in various fields within the framework of jointly building the "Belt and Road", and promote the docking of respective development strategies. The fourth is to adhere to fairness and justice, stand on the right side of history, and strive to make positive contributions to the cause of human peace and development.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China is comprehensively advancing the great cause of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation with Chinese-style modernization, which will bring huge opportunities to the world. China welcomes Hungarian friends to board the development express train of Chinese-style modernization, and is willing to continue to deepen political mutual trust with Hungary, promote closer integration of Chinese-style modernization and Hungary's "Opening to the East" strategy, deeply tap the potential for practical cooperation, and continue to expand exchanges in various fields. China is willing to work with Hungary to continue to lead the cooperation in building the "Belt and Road" and the cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries in the right direction, and promote deepening and solid cooperation. It is hoped that Hungary will take the opportunity of assuming the rotating EU presidency in the second half of this year to promote the stable and healthy development of China-EU relations.

Shuyuk said that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hungary and China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have always developed bilateral relations in the spirit of mutual respect and mutual trust. Since the two countries established a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2017, bilateral cooperation in various fields has achieved positive results. Thanks to President Xi Jinping for proposing the Belt and Road Initiative, Hungary has benefited a lot from cooperation in infrastructure connectivity and other areas. President Xi Jinping proposed global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, and advocated strengthening international dialogue and cooperation, which is crucial to solving various challenges facing the current world and preventing confrontation between camps, and the Hungarian side highly appreciates it. Strengthening cooperation with China is Hungary's established policy. Hungary looks forward to close exchanges with China, strengthening the docking of development strategies, and promoting key cooperation projects such as the Hungary-Serbia railway to bring more benefits to the people. I believe that President Xi Jinping’s historic visit will definitely elevate the Hungary-China comprehensive strategic partnership to a new and higher level. China has advanced technology and experience in green transformation and clean energy, and Hungary welcomes more Chinese companies to invest and cooperate in Hungary. It is hoped that the two sides will continue to cooperate in running Hungarian-Chinese bilingual schools and Confucius Institutes, and strengthen cultural and linguistic exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

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