Looking at the 17th year of the first Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition organized by Chinese universities, I am accustomed to listening to various "global" initiatives from abroad | innovation | youth

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:45 AM

On the treetops, black headed eyebrows and Yunnan willow warblers compete to sing. Under my feet, yellow pine needles landed on the path in the forest, feeling soft when stepped on. Xue Zhe, a contestant from the University of Cambridge, followed the forest ranger as they walked through the Yunlong Tianchi Nature Reserve, feeling extremely excited. Although his major is zoology, this is his first formal field survey.

"Although I didn't encounter the golden monkey this time, it was a rare opportunity to have face-to-face communication with the relevant officials and forest rangers of the Tianchi Nature Reserve Management Bureau, which has greatly inspired my future research," Xue said. In 2014, a new population of Yunnan golden monkeys was discovered in the Tianchi Nature Reserve. Due to their small population size, they are easily on the brink of extinction. In recent years, through scientific monitoring and protection measures, the number of Yunnan golden monkeys has increased to over 200. In this competition, Xue Zhe and his partners from the University of Cambridge proposed using DNA testing in environmental samples to establish a database for evaluating changes in biodiversity, and won the "Most Creative Team Award".

Xue Zhe from the University of Cambridge

On July 16th, the 2023 Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition, hosted by Fudan University, Dali University, and Shanghai Rongchang Public Welfare Foundation, concluded at Dali University. Xue Zhe and 64 other contestants from 29 countries randomly formed 9 world teams to showcase their talents. 16 years ago, when little was known about the concept of "global governance", Fudan University and the United Nations Development Programme jointly launched this competition. This year's competition is themed "How to prosper? Let all things grow together, and live together", exploring how countries around the world can protect biodiversity. At the opening ceremony, Jin Li, president of Fudan University and academician of the CAS Member, and Alkabe Okabe, special adviser to the Ethiopian Prime Minister came to the scene to deliver keynote speeches.

Looking at the 17th year of the first Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition organized by Chinese universities, I am accustomed to listening to various "global" initiatives from abroad | innovation | youth

What role can youth power play in global governance? Will it just be "sitting and talking"? What is the value of "youth consciousness"? Jiefang Daily · Shangguan News Reporter Interview and Pursuit: In 16 years, the first competition founded by a Chinese university and aimed at young students from all universities around the world reflects the changes and progress of Sino foreign exchanges and young people?

[More visible and creative]

"This is my second time participating in the Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition, and I am very willing to participate for the third time if there is an opportunity in the future," said Lu Xiuyuan from Zimbabwe.

He first participated in the Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition in 2021, with the theme of "Smart City: Smart Making Cities More Livable". "Every year, there is a very important topic that I feel will benefit a lot, which is why I have been involved." He admitted that he did not really understand the connotation of the biodiversity involved in this year's theme before, thinking it was only related to flowers and plants.

Looking at the 17th year of the first Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition organized by Chinese universities, I am accustomed to listening to various "global" initiatives from abroad | innovation | youth

Lu Xiuyuan from Zimbabwe

"But now I understand more and am passionate about it. Taking garbage sorting as an example, it is also related to biodiversity, but people in Zimbabwe still lack such awareness. I am determined to promote this concept to my family and friends after returning to my home country. In addition, my social media account 'Photo Wall' has over a thousand fans, and I will also encourage them to do garbage sorting," Lu Xiuyuan told Liberation Daily's Shangguan News reporter.

Rich in vision, but also more visible in footsteps.

"Communicating with different people is what fascinates me the most." Zheng Yuhan, who is pursuing his PhD in Ireland, was invited by his British friend Walker to participate in the competition. In the "Passionate Speech" section, it is required to complete 16 pages of PPT within 4 minutes and set automatic page switching every 15 seconds. "This form is novel and interesting, and it is also a kind of exercise for me, which is a kind of ability improvement." In her opinion, the uniqueness of this competition is that it is completely designed independently for young people, and what surprised and admired her was that the staff is almost entirely composed of students.

Looking at the 17th year of the first Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition organized by Chinese universities, I am accustomed to listening to various "global" initiatives from abroad | innovation | youth

Zheng Yuhan, who is pursuing a PhD in Ireland

In the final presentation of the plan, the wisdom and vitality of the youth integrated are eye-catching. World Team 3 proposes to drive local economic growth through digital tourism while avoiding damage to local ecosystems; World Team 6 plans to apply a successful case experience from Nepal to rainforest conservation in Brazil; "World Team 4" drew inspiration from the popular "Pok é mon" game and designed an app that can "check in" animals and plants around them and generate an anime image, increasing everyone's understanding of the surrounding biodiversity and enhancing connections with species; And through the participation of the whole population, the monitoring of organisms, especially invasive organisms, is enhanced to assist research and decision-making, thereby achieving monitoring and data collection of rare species, and winning the "Most Valuable Solution Award".

"This plan was determined after about a dozen rounds of discussion with our supervisor, and everyone was very excited. My friend said that if they really made an app, they would definitely download and use it," said Qin Jin, a member of the "World Team 4" team from the University of Cambridge.

Enthusiastic and creative.

Looking at the 17th year of the first Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition organized by Chinese universities, I am accustomed to listening to various "global" initiatives from abroad | innovation | youth

"Only young people can achieve so much innovation, which is amazing," said Binayak Mara, a competition judge and assistant professor at the School of Management at Kathmandu University.

【 Step by step, building consensus and moving towards the future 】

Zefel Aptaikar's World Team 3 has yet to find a biodiversity conservation plan that satisfies every teammate. "Everyone has different academic backgrounds and interests, and it is indeed challenging to form consensus. Later, we decided that we must make changes, negotiate, communicate, and optimize to reach consensus, just as we proposed to balance tourism resource development and biodiversity conservation."

In addition, he and contestants from Montenegro, Romania, and Vietnam won the "Best Debate Team Award" in this year's newly established "Emotional Debate" segment, arguing that "using biotechnology to promote biological conservation is more beneficial than harmful or harmful than beneficial.". Zefel Aptaikar himself won the "Best Debater Award".

Looking at the 17th year of the first Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition organized by Chinese universities, I am accustomed to listening to various "global" initiatives from abroad | innovation | youth

Zefel Aptaikar

Similarly, in the "World Cafe" segment, contestants and judges are based on different professional backgrounds, which is also a process of constantly consolidating consensus and seeking the "maximum common divisor".

At the closing ceremony, the current "Our Common Future Agenda" was released, and participants reached a "youth consensus" on biodiversity conservation: "Global youth must embrace biodiversity, unite to promote ecological awareness, and make biodiversity conservation a way of life..."

In the interview, each contestant also mentioned the "Cultural Night" that left a deep impression on them. Despite the differences in local languages and customs, as music plays and dance moves, the contestants seem to have a common cultural code. From moving poems in Jordan to live reading of ancient Greek, from traditional Japanese dance to Singapore folk songs... The scene collides with indescribable chemical reactions, allowing one to appreciate the beauty of "harmony but difference" through laughter and joy. "Everyone is immersed in it and has a great time," said Yao Bingran, the winner of the "Best Speaker" award and from Fudan University.

Looking at the 17th year of the first Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition organized by Chinese universities, I am accustomed to listening to various "global" initiatives from abroad | innovation | youth

"Besides enjoying the competition itself, the biggest gain is friendship, making friends from all over the world," said Niha Dahar from Nepal.

Qin Jin from Cambridge University and Niha Dahar from Nepal

It not only shows individuality, but also tends towards commonality.

Veronica Rebuina, a competition judge and senior lecturer at the Law Department of Babish Boya í University in Romania, believes that young people are participants in future global governance, and by designing and sharing these plans, they have laid the foundation for the future.

Looking at the 17th year of the first Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition organized by Chinese universities, I am accustomed to listening to various "global" initiatives from abroad | innovation | youth

Jury of the competition, Veronica Rebuina, Senior Lecturer at the Law Department of Babish Boya University in Romania

"Come from the youth, go to the youth"

"'Embracing the world 'is one of the most needed consciousnesses for Chinese youth. Through this competition, we aim to cultivate a global awareness and a sense of community with a shared future for mankind among Chinese and foreign youth, laying a solid foundation for their future work. Professor Su Changhe, Dean of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University, said that starting from 2021, a youth consensus -' Our Common Future Agenda '- will be released every year at the competition.".

Looking back at this year, although the agenda on biodiversity governance may seem like a sit and talk, many suggestions and opinions are quite forward-looking and actionable. Su Changhe said: For young people, their ideas today are likely to become reality in the future. "In the 21st century, China will definitely play a more proactive role in the field of global governance, and cultivate outstanding young talents with the ability to participate in global governance as soon as possible. This is one of the talent cultivation goals of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University. This is also one of the original intentions of establishing this international global governance competition platform 16 years ago."

Looking at the 17th year of the first Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition organized by Chinese universities, I am accustomed to listening to various "global" initiatives from abroad | innovation | youth

In 2007, at the first Global Governance Innovation Youth Design Competition, "What are the unique ideas of young people from various countries in the face of global warming?"... 27 teams from 13 countries showcased their response plans on the theme of "Global Governance and a Harmonious World. Long Yongtu, Secretary General of the Boao Forum for Asia, encourages participants to remember that innovative thinking is the most important and fully realize their responsibilities and obligations as a global member.

In the past 16 years, as the first international innovation competition and international youth public welfare project independently founded by Chinese university students, the number of participants and projects in the Youth Global Governance Innovation Design Competition have continuously expanded. As of 2022, it has attracted 2539 young people from 98 countries and regions, 284 universities and institutions, and gathered nearly 800 creative solutions for global governance. As Fudan University President Jin Li said in his opening speech, "Youth as the mainstay, coming from youth, and going to youth" is its main theme.

In the past 16 years, the influence of this competition in the world has been increasing, and many foreign universities have voluntarily applied to host the competition. "When we founded this international competition, few people knew about the concept of global governance. Today, it has become a topic of concern for many disciplines in all universities around the world. As the initiator and organizer, we are very proud of it," said Su Changhe. It is understood that among the previous Chinese contestants, 21% have directly devoted themselves to global governance, and over 50% of them continue to participate in global governance and international public affairs through various means.

"I envy young friends very much," said Xiao Wen, Dean of the East Himalayan Research Institute at Dali University. The goal of biodiversity conservation is world sustainable development, and it is up to young people to take on the responsibility. Bochum Ruhr University Alliance - Asia Connectivity Center Management Director Bao Meilan sent a message to the participating youth: Try to take these creative solutions one step further and make them "live".

Bao Meilan, Managing Director of the Bochum Ruhr University Alliance Asia Connectivity Center

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