What are the functions? The director publicly introduced for the first time that the newly established bureau in Shanghai

Release time:May 09, 2024 13:20 PM

In January this year, the Shanghai Data Bureau was officially inaugurated. What are the functions of the newly established Data Bureau? This morning, Xu Huili, deputy secretary-general of the Shanghai Municipal Government and director of the Municipal Data Bureau, was a guest at the 2024 Shanghai Broadcasting Livelihood Interview, and started a dialogue around how data can better serve citizens.

Xu Huili introduced that the work of the Data Bureau mainly revolves around the approved and planned functions for releasing the value of data resources in the process of modern development, such as organizing and coordinating data development management, promoting data-related infrastructure construction, and urban digital transformation and digital economy. and digital industry development planning, establishment of relevant data systems, etc. "There is another function that everyone is most familiar with, which is the planning and construction of 'one-stop service' and 'one-stop management' that has been accompanying everyone."

Some people feel that data is still far away from people's livelihood, but in Xu Huili's view, data is around citizens every day. After the birth of "Sui Shen Code", it has become "urban service code" in many fields. Now, when citizens open the "Suishenban" APP and scan the "Suishen QR code", they can obtain more than 400 services in nine major fields, including government services, medical treatment, transportation, culture, sports and tourism, education, supervision and inspection, and convenience services. For example, taking public transportation, purchasing cultural tourism tickets to enter museums and parks, replacing medical insurance cards when seeing a doctor in the hospital, etc. "After experiencing it, you will feel that the data is invisible but it is always with you."

Since last year, 33.69 million people in the city have used the "Suishen code" to take public transportation, and 6.23 million people have used the "one code for medical treatment" service. This service is integrated with the "medical insurance electronic voucher" and has covered more than 2,600 hospitals in the city. , community health service centers, health stations and more than 1,700 pharmacies, enabling registered medical treatment and medical insurance drug purchase. Among them, Shanghai Children's Hospital, Huashan Hospital, Xinhua Hospital and other hospitals use it most frequently.

The application scenarios of "Suishen Code" are also constantly expanding. In August last year, Putuo District launched the "Sui Shen Ma" code-based photo-checking application. Schools, parents and students can scan the code to understand the operation status of school buses in real time to protect driving safety. It has been used more than 23,000 times so far. In the next step, the application is expected to be further promoted throughout the city. Last year, Shanghai held the first "Suishen Code" application innovation competition, and many cases emerged that have achieved initial results in practice and promotion. The second competition has also begun, "promoting application through competition" to promote "Suishen Code" Code” service continues to improve.

In recent years, the volume of "Subscription Application" services has continued to grow, with the number of services increasing from more than 800 to 2,044, the number of real-name users exceeding 80 million, and the peak monthly active users reaching 23.9 million. Xu Huili revealed that the upgrade and revision work of "Suibi" is also being stepped up. It will mainly focus on highlighting services, highlighting convenient access, highlighting personalization, and highlighting intelligence, so that services can be found and used well, and the processing type will be effectively improved. The "first-time completion rate" of services and the "stickiness of use" of inquiry services have been upgraded, the interface layout has been upgraded, and personalized versions for key groups such as the elderly, disabled, and students have been continuously optimized and upgraded. In addition, "Suibi" will also implement "search as a service" before the end of August. By upgrading text search, voice search, and intelligent search functions, it will strengthen the government affairs map correlation system and achieve "direct access to intentions in one step."

While serving people's livelihood, relevant departments are also actively serving enterprises through data. Shanghai’s customized commercial supplementary medical insurance “Huibao” launched in 2021 is a product to benefit the people based on data research. After desensitization, a large amount of public data is provided to enterprises through privacy calculations under the condition of data security, supporting enterprises to develop and launch more inclusive products, and ultimately achieving a win-win situation between citizens' needs and enterprise development.

What are the functions? The director publicly introduced for the first time that the newly established bureau in Shanghai
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