For a common goal, more than a hundred media gathered in Hangzhou

Release time:May 09, 2024 16:49 PM

On May 9, the launch ceremony of the "High-Quality Development Zhejiang Party Newspaper Survey" event was officially held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

More than 100 media including the People's Daily and other central media, 28 provincial-level party newspapers and some deputy-provincial party newspapers, industry media, prefecture-level media, and county-level integrated media centers participated. Relevant persons in charge of the central media, persons in charge of provincial party newspapers, persons in charge of newspaper associations, and representatives of editors and reporters focused on accelerating the in-depth development of newspaper media integration, opening up a new situation of high-quality integrated development of the newspaper industry, and building new quality productivity in the media industry. Conduct in-depth exchanges and build broad consensus.

May 9th is also the 75th anniversary of the founding of Zhejiang Daily. At the launching ceremony, a congratulatory letter sent by the China Press Association to Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group was also read out.

After the launching ceremony, the guests also had a themed exchange on "High-quality Integrated Development of Party Newspapers from the Perspective of New Quality Productivity". Li Gao, chief editor and deputy party secretary of Zhejiang Daily News Group, Hu Minghua, deputy secretary of the party committee, general manager and deputy president of Shanghai Press Group, Xiang Zeying, vice chairman of the China Newspaper Association, party secretary and president of Chongqing Daily Newspaper Group, Xu Baojian, a researcher at the Central Party School and former president of Study Times, and Lu Shaoyang, a professor and former dean of the School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University, spoke successively.

Li Gao, editor-in-chief and deputy party secretary of Zhejiang Newspaper Group, introduced in detail the active efforts of Zhejiang Newspaper Group from five aspects: making brand columns more refined and better, thematic reporting being vivid and colorful, setting topics powerfully and effectively, forming a team to innovate, and seeking truth and truth in publicity orientation. In the process of exploring new ways to produce high-quality content, a series of combination punches were launched.

When talking about how to use the breakthrough progress of media integration to cultivate new productive forces, Li Gao said that in practice, Zhejiang Newspaper Group regards communication capability building as the group’s key capability, and bravely serves as a pathfinder for media reform. By building a “big platform ", develop "big models", and build "big ecology" to continuously improve communication efficiency.

In the next step, Zhejiang Newspaper Group will take the 75th anniversary of its founding and this party newspaper survey as a starting point and opportunity to work with brother media to "jointly build a bridge for party newspaper linkage and cooperation, explore a new path for the high-quality development of party newspapers, and work together to fulfill the In the new cultural mission, the party newspapers and media have given high marks," Li Gao said.

Hu Minghua, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, general manager and deputy president of Shanghai Media Group, shared the exploration and practice of Shanghai Media Group in promoting the development of media integration with high quality.

According to Hu Minghua, since the integration and reorganization of the new group in October 2013, the Shangbao Group has adapted to the changes in the media landscape, actively seized the public opinion position, vigorously promoted the local practice of media integration development with disruptive innovation, and in running high-quality party newspapers and building the Internet Beneficial exploration was conducted in four aspects: platform, application of cutting-edge technology and activation of hematopoietic mechanism.

Next, the Shangbao Group will consolidate the new pattern of mainstream public opinion by building five leading platforms including current affairs, humanities, people's livelihood, news, and finance; improve new media productivity through technological leadership; and promote high-quality cultural industries by cultivating cultural benchmark projects. development; build a team of high-end media talents by increasing efforts in talent training.

"Currently, Shanghai is making every effort to implement the action plan for building the best practice place for Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts. Standing at the starting point of the new journey, we will keep our mission in mind, continue to struggle, and work hard to write the 'answer sheet' for building the best practice place for Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts." Hu Minghua said.

Xiang Zeying, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Chongqing Daily Newspaper Group, gave a keynote speech focusing on "Accelerating the cultivation of new productive forces and enhancing new momentum for integrated development-Practice and exploration of Chongqing Daily Newspaper Group".

Xiang Zeying believes that currently, developing new productive forces in the media field has become the key to the transformation and upgrading of today's media industry. Zhongbao Group is starting from the "six modernizations" of centralization, open source, intelligence, chain, project and innovation, to systematically promote the construction of the group's "112N" all-media communication system and promote the group's integrated development, transformation and upgrading.

The "High-Quality Development of Party Newspapers in Zhejiang" event is hosted by the China Press Association and hosted by Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group and Zhejiang Newspaper Association. The three-day event will be based on Zhejiang's regional characteristics. Heads and reporters from the central media, provincial and municipal party newspapers, county integrated media centers and newspaper associations will be invited to visit many places in Zhejiang for interviews and research, so as to personally experience Zhejiang's long-standing and profound traditional culture, The innovative vitality that leads the trend, the future scenarios led by digital, the thriving industrial economy, and the beautiful life of common prosperity.

For a common goal, more than a hundred media gathered in Hangzhou
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1. Lu Zhijian was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee, approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and Comrade Lu Zhijian was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee. Lu Zhijian, male, Han nationality, was born in May 1968 in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, and graduated from the Central Party School. He joined the CPC in January 1987 and started working in January 1990. Lu Zhijian has served in multiple districts and counties in Wuxi. Official information shows that after starting work at the age of 16, Lu Zhijian has worked in multiple positions at the grassroots and township levels. At the age of 33, he became a member of the Standing Committee of the Binhu District Committee in Wuxi City. Since then, he has successively held positions such as the District Mayor of Binhu District, the District Mayor of Xishan District, and the District Party Secretary. Since 2017, he has served as a leader of Wuxi City and has served as the Deputy Mayor of Wuxi City. In July 2020, he was transferred to the position of Standing Committee Member and Secretary General of Wuxi City Committee. In January of the following year, Lu Zhijian, a Standing Committee Member and Secretary General of Wuxi City Committee, also served as the Municipal Party Committee