The shopping festival in the "rice bags", "vegetable baskets" and "fruit trays" is really lively. Fresh rice, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits are all here.

Release time:May 08, 2024 13:30 PM

On the morning of May 8, the area along Changping Road and Jiaozhou Road in Caojiadu Street, Jing'an District was bustling with activity. Stalls composed of small white tents displayed rice, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables and other livelihood commodities to welcome the community. Residents’ Tasting…

It turns out that the "May 5th Shopping Festival" Guangming Agricultural Development Group's fresh rice and new product community neighborhood tour is being held here. At the event, Guangming Agricultural Development Group released the "100,000 Citizens Tasting Fresh Plan", which will give away 500 grams of "Guangming Gujin" new rice product tasting packs to 100,000 citizens in Shanghai, allowing citizens to taste new fresh rice products for free Makes for a delicious rice meal. During the same period, Xujiahui Street in Xuhui District and Huamu Street in Pudong New Area also launched the "Guangming Valley Brocade" fresh rice tasting event.

Rice plays an important role on people’s tables. It is not only necessary to eat fresh rice, but also preferably freshly ground and eaten, which has become a new pursuit of consumers. Why should we use the idea of ​​selling fresh food to sell rice? Experts say that because new rice is a "breathing creature" and during its "breathing" process, certain nutrients will be consumed, resulting in a gradual decline in the aroma and taste of rice. Therefore, the best period for rice to be appreciated is within 30 days. . In order to lock in the "freshness" of fresh rice, Guangming Agricultural Development Group promises that "Guangming Gujin" brand fresh rice will "only be made fresh in season" - in the harvesting process, the equipment is fully guaranteed and harvested at the best time; in the warehousing process , only one variety is stored in one warehouse, and is stored at low temperature; in the rice milling process, the temperature of the processing process is controlled; in the transportation process, short-link transportation is used, and extremely fast delivery is provided.

At the stall, the "Yinxiang 38" Guangming Hao rice and "Shanghai Nephrite No. 1" Yueyue fresh rice produced at the Chongming base of Guangming Agricultural Development Group attracted many community residents to come and taste them. Relevant people from Guangming Agricultural Development Group told reporters that "Yinxiang 38" is a high-quality rice seed independently developed by Guangming Agricultural Development Group. It has a soft and glutinous taste and is suitable for cooking porridge and rice. It uses seasonal rice and fresh rice is milled. Full control from field to table ensures stable product quality.

Next to the "Yinxiang 38" Guangming Hao rice, Yueyue Fresh rice produced using "Shanghai Nephrite No. 1" rice seeds has further accelerated the "freshness" of Shanghai's local rice. It achieves the goal of selling the same month it is produced. The fresh rice shipped from the constant-temperature warehouse is ground into rice in the morning, and is delivered to the front warehouse of e-commerce platforms such as Dingdong Maicai and the next day. It can be delivered by express delivery on the third day. consumers in this city. The reporter found that each bag of Yueyue fresh rice was marked with the month of production in a conspicuous place on the package.

Each bag of Yueyue Fresh Rice is marked with the month of production in a conspicuous place on the package.

"Good rice cannot be separated from good seeds. 'Shanghai Runyu No. 1' won the Shanghai Real Estate Gold Medal for High-Quality Medium and Late Mature Rice, and 'Yinxiang 38' won the National Gold Medal for Taste Quality Evaluation of High-Quality Rice Varieties. Currently, Guangming Agricultural Development Group independently developed There are 18 high-quality rice varieties. In the future, our high-quality rice will be printed with the corresponding rice varieties on the packaging so that customers can clearly consume it," the person said.

In addition, starting this year, Guangming Agricultural Development Group will further expand the sowing area of ​​machine-transplanted rice seedlings from the original 60,000 acres to 100,000 acres. Both "Shanghai Nephrite No. 1" and "Yinxiang 38" produced at the Chongming base use Machine transplanting. Compared with the original manual transplanting, the seedlings used for machine transplanting first need to be grown in the seedling breeding factory at the Chongming base for one month. After more mature seedlings are sown, they have stronger nitrogen-fixing abilities, thus reducing the use of chemical fertilizers by more than 20% and becoming more environmentally friendly. In the past few days, the seedlings for machine transplanting will gradually "go to the ground".

Not only fresh rice, fresh vegetables, but also fresh fruits come to Shanghai during the May 5th Shopping Festival. On the afternoon of May 8, the Shanghai Vegetable Group’s “Bright Food, Good Buying During the Five-Year Plan” campaign was launched at the Xijiao International Agricultural Products Wholesale Market. At the launch ceremony, focusing on the theme of "First in Shanghai", a new product release event was held at the Shanghai Consumer Assistance Hundred Counties Baipin Life Center located in Xijiao International. Binchuan County under the jurisdiction of Dali Prefecture in Yunnan brought Binchuan citrus, grapes, and pomegranates. Waiting for the launch of new local specialty fruits. The Shanghai Consumption Assistance Working Platform and the Binchuan County People's Government signed a memorandum of cooperation on special fruit promotion on-site. In the future, they will continue to further expand the online promotion platform, open up offline sales channels, and help Binchuan agricultural products enter the Shanghai market. Come to the common people's table.

It is reported that during the event, the Vegetable Group plans to hold 15 offline key brand events and 30 online live broadcast events.

The shopping festival in the "rice bags", "vegetable baskets" and "fruit trays" is really lively. Fresh rice, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits are all here.
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