One cup of coffee beans comes from Minhang... Hongqiao International Coffee Culture Festival opens, and every 2 cups of coffee sold in Shanghai

Release time:May 09, 2024 10:29 AM

"On average, 1 out of every 7 coffee shops in Shanghai is in Minhang; for every 2 cups of coffee sold in Shanghai, 1 cup uses coffee beans from the coffee port of Hongqiao Pinhui in Minhang..." May 9 , the nearly month-long Hongqiao International Coffee Culture Festival kicked off. The full text of the "2024 China Urban Coffee Development Report" was not only released, but also a detailed interpretation of Minhang District's series of policies to promote the development of the coffee industry.

As an important event on the industrial side of the 2024 Shanghai International Coffee Culture Festival, the 2024 Global Coffee Industry Hongqiao Forum was also held at Shanghai Hongqiao Pinhui on the same day. In 2023, in just one year, China has soared from the 17th to the 7th place in the world's coffee importing countries. China is rapidly becoming a market that cannot be ignored in the global coffee industry. This forum not only invited official representatives from the world's major coffee producing countries and some international coffee brand executives to communicate, but also attracted the founders of Internet celebrity boutique cafes and coffee festivals from Hainan, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places. Share experiences and stories and jointly decipher the future development direction of the coffee industry.

Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai account for half of the country’s coffee delivery consumption, and Shanghai is still the “leader”

In May, with the opening of the Shanghai International Coffee Culture Festival, "The number of coffee stores in Shanghai has reached 9,553" became a hot search again. Recently, a set of white paper data on the coffee industry was released - the average annual compound growth rate of the coffee industry in the past three years has reached 17.14%, the per capita annual number of coffee drinks increased from 9 cups in 2016 to 16.74 cups last year, and the export of green coffee beans Accounting for more than 40% of the country's total, Shanghai's exports of coffee products have increased by more than 70% compared with 2019, attracting the attention of many industry insiders.

These data are all from the "2024 China Urban Coffee Development Report", which is released for the second time this year. It is hosted by the Shanghai Culture Promotion Association, Hongqiao International Coffee Port, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Cultural Innovation and Youth Development Research Institute, Meituan, Joint release. On May 9, at the opening ceremony of the Hongqiao International Coffee Culture Festival, all relevant units jointly released the full text of the report, with many highlights worthy of attention.

The national coffee takeaway market exceeds 20 billion yuan and is still developing at a rapid pace; Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai account for half of the coffee takeaway consumption, and Shanghai is still the leader. From 2020 to 2023, the national coffee takeaway market will continue to grow rapidly, with a compound growth rate of 66% for orders and a compound growth rate of 57% for order amounts. From a city perspective, Shanghai's coffee takeout consumption accounts for more than 20% of the country's total, making it the city with the highest coffee takeout consumption in the country. The takeaway coffee consumption trend reflects Shanghai's unique urban lifestyle. From a regional perspective, coffee takeout consumption in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai accounts for more than 50% of the country's total, reflecting the regional agglomeration effect and to a certain extent the strong radiation power of Shanghai, driving a wave of "anytime, anywhere, anytime" in surrounding areas. "coffee consumption" fashion.

Portrait of coffee in-store consumer groups: 20-30 years old are the core coffee consumer group, and female users have more advantages in terms of number of users and consumption power. In 2023, the domestic coffee consumption market will gradually show obvious gender and age differences. Not only are there a larger number of female users, but their consumption power is more prominent. There is a positive correlation between the number of female users and the amount of consumption, accounting for more than 60%. At the same time, young consumer groups between the ages of 20 and 30 have been identified as the core consumer group in the coffee market, and their overall number of users and total transaction volume also exceed half.

Demand for brunch pick-me-ups is quickly rising. Between 2020 and 2023, the proportion of coffee takeaway consumption during breakfast time increased from 24.3% to 28.9%, reflecting consumers’ increasing tendency to use takeaway services to satisfy their morning coffee needs. This may be related to busy lifestyles and an increased need for a morning pick-me-up. In contrast, the consumption ratio during lunch time remains relatively stable, remaining at around 40% overall, indicating that lunch time is still the main consumption period for coffee takeaway. The proportion of consumption during afternoon tea and dinner time shows a downward trend.

Milk coffee is the most popular among takeaway consumers, and the popularity of local brands has driven overseas coffee brands to develop unique "Chinese tastes." Milk coffee, especially latte products, occupies a mainstream position in the market due to its smooth taste and diverse flavors. With its unique coconut flavor, raw coconut latte leads the way with an index of 37.4, making it the most popular milk coffee drink among consumers. Thick milk latte and whipped cheese latte ranked second and third with an index of 6.8 and 6.0 respectively, which reflects consumers' strong preference for rich taste and slightly innovative milk coffee products. Orange C American and Sauce Latte respectively occupy the fourth and fifth positions in the rankings with their unique flavor combinations, highlighting the Chinese market's high receptivity to flavor innovation.

Minhang District releases policies to promote the development of coffee industry

In order to further enhance the connotation of Minhang's coffee culture, promote the gathering of coffee resources and coffee talents in Minhang, grasp the innovative drive of the coffee industry, and broaden the coffee consumption market and routes, Minhang District today released "Several Policies to Promote the Development of the Coffee Industry" to strengthen policy guidance. , vigorously support the development of the coffee industry.

For example, in terms of supporting coffee companies to upgrade their capabilities, Minhang will vigorously develop headquarters economies such as regional headquarters of multinational companies, foreign-funded R&D centers, private enterprise headquarters, and trade-oriented headquarters, and leverage its location advantages as a bridgehead to the Yangtze River Delta and a gateway at home and abroad to create As an economic agglomeration of coffee enterprise headquarters, recognized institutions will be provided with a maximum subsidy of no more than 6 million yuan.

In terms of supporting the development of an open economy, coffee companies are encouraged to develop foreign trade business, develop new trade models and new formats, carry out bonded display business, explore overseas markets, etc., and provide subsidies of up to 1 million yuan to relevant qualified companies.

In terms of ensuring space resources for high-quality projects of coffee companies, companies that meet the guidance will be provided with pre-subsidies related to office buildings, up to a maximum of 5 million yuan.

In terms of broadening financing channels, coffee companies are encouraged to obtain guaranteed loans through the Municipal Financing Guarantee Center and other channels, and qualified companies are provided with guarantee fee subsidies, inclusive team subsidies, etc.; coffee supply chain companies and financial institutions are supported to use policy financing guarantee models Carry out supply chain finance business, and provide policy incentives of up to 1 million yuan in proportion to qualified enterprises.

In addition, the district also provides policy support to coffee companies in terms of talent settlement, public rental housing applications, and special loans. Through precise policies and corporate services, it attracts more coffee talents to settle in Minhang and cultivates more influential coffee brands to take root in Minhang. , and continue to promote the high-quality development of Minhang’s coffee industry.

Hongqiao International Coffee Port online platform launched to unleash the digital potential of coffee

At the opening ceremony, Oriental International Group held a signing ceremony with the Shanghai Branch of China Construction Bank, and jointly launched the "Hongqiao International Coffee Port" online Internet platform with the first batch of corporate representatives.

As a productive Internet service platform supported by Shanghai, the "Hongqiao International Coffee Port" online platform is a full industry chain transaction service platform jointly developed by Hongqiao Pinhui and China Construction Bank. It aims to "set standards, gather information, train talents, and build "Scenario" is our vision, providing one-stop online services "from seeds to cups" to all entities in the coffee industry chain, and is committed to expanding the domestic "coffee friend circle", forming the "Shanghai Standard" of the coffee industry, and going nationwide ,head to the World.

In order to further enhance the level of the platform, China Construction Bank Shanghai Branch actively leverages the advantages of financial technology and launches the "Coffee Port" and "Boutique Coffee Shop Membership Plan", which provides account opening discounts, free admission to CCB Life, exclusive store opening loans, employee training, and dual platforms Promote five major supports. In the future, the platform will also launch services such as "Creating Coffee Loans" to continue to use "financial water" to water the high-quality development of the coffee industry.

At the coffee industry forum, international brands share their traffic passwords in China

At the 2024 Global Coffee Industry Hongqiao Forum, as representatives of international coffee brands headquartered in Shanghai, executives from McCafé and Zhongyuan Legend were present to deliver speeches. Last year, McCafé and McDonald's "separated", causing a wave of attention. This year, McCafé has gone from IP cooperation to offline flash mobs, holding the traffic password in hand, and constantly breaking through the circle. Luo Wei, senior general manager of Shanghai Golden Arch Gate Food, shared how McCafé leverages the "fan economy" at the scene.

As a Vietnamese brand, Zhongyuan Legend Group has become popular in more than 83 countries and regions around the world. Its instant coffee brand sales are second only to Nestlé in the world. In 2022, Zhongyuan Legend's first overseas flagship store opened on Nanjing West Road, presenting Vietnamese coffee culture represented by "drip coffee" and bringing together the three major coffee civilizations of Ottoman, Roman and Zen Buddhism. Today, He Weibiao, deputy general manager of the Greater China Region of Zhongyuan Legend Group, will share with you the cultural collision between China and Vietnam using coffee as a medium.

As China's top three coffee bean importers, relevant representatives from Brazil and Ethiopia delivered keynote speeches at the forum, sharing coffee flavor maps of the world's two major coffee producing countries. In addition to the main production areas, the organizers also invited representatives from relatively niche international production areas and prepared more than ten kinds of coffee beans from different countries for the audience to taste on-site. In just one day, the audience will taste coffee flavors from all over the world at the forum. In addition to experiencing brain stimulation, their tongues will also experience a global flavor journey.

"The first cup of coffee upon arrival in Shanghai": given away for free at Hongqiao Railway Station for 5 consecutive days

As the venue for the Hongqiao International Coffee Culture Festival, Xinhong Street is also on the list of Shanghai’s street cafes due to its large number of cafes. There are more than 100 cafes in an area of ​​less than 20 square kilometers. "We want to use the soft power of 'a cup of coffee' to provide 'aromatic' hard support for Hongqiao to build a world-class urban living room." said the relevant person in charge of the street.

Next, at Hongqiao Longhu Tianjie and Hongqiao Railway Station, there will be a special promotion meeting on Shanghai-Yunnan Cooperation and Minbao, lunchtime music and entertainment, "Love in Greater Hongqiao" Shanghai Youth Love Festival, "Coffee Shop - I drink coffee in Xinhong" ” and other 9 unique coffee culture festival activities will be staged in turn. At that time, citizens and tourists can taste coffee at the market and make friends with "coffee". They can also watch the world's top cat racing and watch hundreds of famous cats compete in the same field. They can also listen to the famous Shanghai-style comedy master Mao Mengda talk about coffee in detail and enjoy You can experience the fashionable and romantic temperament of Hongqiao and the emotional temperature of the city in the mellow aroma of coffee through the classic arias of Han Tingting, a famous Yue Opera performer.

It is worth mentioning that the "First Cup of Coffee Arriving in Shanghai" brand activity carefully created by Minhang, following the first warm-up event of this year's Lantern Festival, will also be restarted during the Coffee Culture Festival, from May 20th to 24th. We will deliver a cup of heart-warming coffee to passengers at Hongqiao Railway Station for five consecutive days.

One cup of coffee beans comes from Minhang... Hongqiao International Coffee Culture Festival opens, and every 2 cups of coffee sold in Shanghai
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Assisting the high-quality development of the two new organizations, retired party members and cadres from Fengxian serve as enterprise instructors during their tenure | Party spirit | Enterprise

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