Major deployment by the State Administration of Financial Supervision! ,just

Release time:May 09, 2024 18:33 PM

According to news on the website of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration on May 9, the State Administration of Financial Supervision issued the "Guiding Opinions on the "Five Big Articles" for the Banking and Insurance Industry to Do a Good Job in Finance", focusing on the development of new productive forces, and effectively implementing the "Five Big Articles" Falling down to the ground.

The main goal set by the "Guiding Opinions" is that in the next five years, a multi-level, wide-coverage, diversified and sustainable "five major articles" service system for the banking and insurance industry will be basically formed, with relevant working mechanisms more perfected and products more sophisticated. Rich, service availability, coverage, and satisfaction have been greatly improved, effectively promoting the development of new quality productivity. Relevant regulatory systems and supporting mechanisms have been further improved, the evaluation system has become more complete and effective, and policy synergy has been continuously enhanced.

Increase credit extension and carry out “direct external loan investment”

Main goals: In the next five years, financial services for the entire life cycle of technology-based enterprises will be further enhanced, the level of funding and insurance protection for R&D activities and the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements will be significantly improved, the technology financial risk sharing mechanism will continue to be optimized, and efforts will be made to form a "technology- industry-finance” virtuous cycle.

How to optimize products and services: Encourage qualified regions and banking and insurance institutions to conduct pilot trials based on the development laws and characteristics of technology-based enterprises, develop exclusive financial products, and provide full-life cycle financial services for technology-based enterprises. On the premise that risks are controllable, credit loans will be increased. Effectively meet the medium and long-term financing needs of the manufacturing industry. Strengthen cooperation with external investment institutions and standardize the development of "loan external direct investment" and other businesses. Explore and promote intellectual property financial services. Optimize the safety and insurance operation mechanism of the first major technical equipment, the first application of key new materials, and the first version of software.

Develop mortgage and pledge financing of environmental rights and interests such as carbon emission rights and pollution emission rights

Main goals: In the next five years, green finance standards and evaluation systems will be further improved, financial support for green, low-carbon, and circular economies will continue to be strengthened, green insurance coverage will be further expanded, and the environmental, social, and governance performance of banking and insurance institutions will continue to improve.

How to optimize products and services: Guide banking and insurance institutions to actively support energy conservation, pollution reduction, carbon reduction, greening, and disaster prevention in key industries and fields, and promote the construction of clean and low-carbon energy systems and the promotion and application of green technologies. Enrich green financial products and services, develop mortgage and pledge financing of environmental rights such as carbon emission rights and emission rights, explore green insurance premium rate adjustment mechanisms, and promote the development of green insurance business in areas such as environmental protection, climate change, green industry and technology. Strengthen the classified management and dynamic assessment of customers' environmental, social and governance risks, incorporate them into business management processes and comprehensive risk management systems, and adopt differentiated management measures. Effectively meet the reasonable financing needs of low-carbon transformation of high-energy-consuming and high-emission industries.

Main goal: In the next five years, we will basically build a high-quality inclusive financial system and help common prosperity reach a new level. The inclusive financial service system continues to be optimized. The inclusive credit system has been consolidated and improved. The inclusive insurance system is gradually improving.

How to optimize products and services: Banking and insurance institutions must treat enterprises of all types of ownership fairly and continue to increase financial support for private, small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Encourage the development of products and services that meet the needs of small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, and increase the supply of first loans, renewal loans, credit loans, and medium and long-term loans. Actively serve the overall revitalization of rural areas and strengthen financing support for high-standard farmland, seed industry revitalization, industrial development, and agricultural infrastructure construction. Enrich the supply of inclusive insurance products, improve insurance and claim settlement services, and provide comprehensive insurance protection for key areas of inclusive finance. According to the characteristics of the financing needs of agricultural-related business entities, explore and enrich credit enhancement methods and optimize agricultural-related financial products and service models. Expand the implementation scope of full-cost insurance and planting income insurance policies, and develop insurance for agricultural products with local advantages and characteristics according to local conditions. Consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and maintain financial support. Improve the quality and efficiency of financial services for specific groups.

Main goals: In the next five years, the third pillar of pension insurance will develop in a standardized manner, pension financial products will become more abundant, and financial support for the silver economy, health and pension industries will continue to increase to better meet pension financial needs.

How to optimize products and services: Develop the third pillar of pension insurance and support the development of savings, financial management, insurance and other products with pension attributes. Expand the scope of commercial pension pilot projects. Enrich the supply of tax-advantaged health insurance products so that relevant policies can benefit more people. Explore commercial health insurance products including long-term care services and health management services. Continue to promote the pilot business of liability conversion between life insurance and long-term care insurance. Increase financial support for the health industry, elderly care industry, and silver economy. On the basis of effective isolation of risks, support insurance institutions to participate in the construction of the elderly care service system in appropriate ways, and explore the effective connection of long-term care, risk protection, institutional elderly care, community elderly care and other services. Promote aging-friendly financial transformation and improve the financial service experience for the elderly.

Encourage leading technological financial institutions to provide technical services to small and medium-sized financial institutions

Main goals: In the next five years, the digital transformation of the banking and insurance industries will achieve significant results, the digital operation and management system will be basically established, and digital services will be widely popularized, providing effective assistance to the development of the digital economy. The digital supervision architecture process has been basically completed, and the level of digital and intelligent supervision has been greatly improved.

How to optimize products and services: Actively guide the digital transformation of banking and insurance institutions, enhance digital operation and service capabilities, strengthen business management, improve service quality, and reduce service costs. Consolidate and expand the advantages of the digital economy with digital financial innovation. Strengthen risk management such as data security, network security, and technology outsourcing, prevent risks caused by the application of new technologies, and improve operational resilience. Encourage leading technological financial institutions to export risk control tools and technical services to small and medium-sized financial institutions. Vigorously develop mobile Internet terminal business, expand online channels, and strengthen online and offline business collaboration. Improve the financial supervision system that adapts to the digital era, and enhance digital supervision capabilities and financial consumer protection capabilities.

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Life or death unknown, there is a 2-year-old girl and her family on the plane that was intercepted and crashed by the US F-16 emergency

According to US media reports, last Sunday afternoon, a small plane flew over Washington without permission. The US F-16 fighter jet took off urgently to pursue it at high speed and caused a sonic boom over the US capital, followed by the plane crash. It is reported that there were four people on the crashed plane, including a 2-year-old girl. The F-16 fighter jet has crashed in Virginia, according to the Associated Press. According to public aviation records, the crashed plane was registered under the name of the Melbourne Encore Electric Co., Ltd., headquartered in Florida. The CEO of the company is Barbara Rupert, and her husband, John Rupert, claimed that his "whole family" was on the crashed plane, including his daughter, 2-year-old granddaughter, and nanny. He said his daughter came to North Carolina with her child to see him, and then returned to East Hampton on Long Island

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"Can't I sit on someone else's hot stool?" Illness | Seating | Stool

In places such as buses, subways, and parks, it is inevitable that people will come into contact with "hot chairs". Recently, the topic of "why can't we sit on someone else's hot chair" rushed to hot search. A netizen asked, "Someone got off the bus, and a boy next to him wanted to sit, but was reminded by an aunt in the same bus to wait for the seat to cool down before sitting." I also heard my mother say similar things and I really want to know why? "? This topic quickly sparked discussion. Some people believe that sitting on hot stools that others have sat on is due to the possibility of infectious diseases. However, some netizens believe that this statement has no scientific basis. "I don't want to sit on hot stools because of psychological effects," or because "I have been educated and obedient since childhood." They say they often sit on "hot stools" on the subway, "when the stool cools down, the seat disappears." Sitting on hot stools

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Foreign media: President of Timor Leste criticized some countries for viewing China's rise from the perspective of "frog in the well" | Lianhe Zaobao | China

[Global Network Report] According to Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, President Jos é Ramos Horta of Timor Leste, who went to Singapore to attend the 20th Shangri La Dialogue, talked about the struggle of major powers in his speech at the sixth plenary meeting entitled "New Partnership for Asia Pacific Security" on the 4th. He called on Europe and the United States not to look at China from a narrow perspective. After all, China's national interests and people's well-being are intertwined with the world. He did not believe that China would do harm to others but harm to itself. Jos é Ramos Horta, President of Timor Leste, made a speech at the sixth plenary meeting entitled "New Partnership for Security in the Asia Pacific". From the Lianhe Zaobao, he reported that Horta criticized some countries for viewing China's rise from the perspective of a "frog in the well", and believed that China was a regional and global threat, but there was no such view

What kind of grievance does the United States pretend to be?, Xiake Island | Termination: The defense ministers of China and the United States did not fulfill their request. US | China US | United States
What kind of grievance does the United States pretend to be?, Xiake Island | Termination: The defense ministers of China and the United States did not fulfill their request. US | China US | United States

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