Mutual Learning丨It is valuable to know each other in the mountains and rivers, and the future can be expected in both directions.

Release time:May 09, 2024 06:48 AM

President Xi Jinping pointed out: China-France relations have precious history, unique value and important mission. Both sides should pass on the baton of history, carry forward the spirit of establishing diplomatic relations between China and France and give it a new era connotation, and start a new era of China-France relations in the next 60 years. journey. Today's program follows President Xi Jinping from Paris to Tarbes. It is a special invitation with great affection and profound meaning, and a meaningful itinerary, which reflects the special friendship between China and France. It is precious to know each other in the mountains and rivers, and the future is promising in both directions.

On May 7, local time, at the special invitation of French President Macron, President Xi Jinping took a special plane to visit the Hautes-Pyrenees province in southwestern France.

As early as 1866, China established its first French-style university, the Fujian Shipping School. This university produced a large number of intellectuals at that time.

In Paris in May, the scenery is bright and sunny. Main station host Kang Hui invited friends from China and France to talk about mutual learning among civilizations on the Seine River. Three friends, three identities: host, writer, translator. What sparks will emerge from this cross-industry and cross-disciplinary dialogue? What are their true feelings about participating in international cultural exchanges? Good book recommendations, which book is highly regarded?

"Have you eaten? Let's have a meal together!" Chinese people make dinner appointments "simple and crude" and get straight to the point. In some Western countries, meals require reservations in advance and full preparation. This is the difference between Eastern and Western food cultures. Chinese people are hospitable and straightforward. So, how should foreign friends respond to this sudden enthusiasm from Chinese people for dinner dates? The answer is found in the book "Chinese in Time" written by foreign friends.

"What a beautiful jasmine flower~ What a beautiful jasmine flower~" Have you already started singing along after seeing the lyrics? This song "Jasmine" that is very familiar to Chinese people was actually included in the French "Music Dictionary" as early as 1768, and French friends can also hum it together.

This year, Anna produced the Chinese version of the play "Les Misérables", in which her husband, actor Liu Ye, starred as the male protagonist "Jean". This is a Chinese drama directed by a French director.

The countdown to the Paris Olympics has entered, and the mascot "Friget" has also come to the "Mutual Learning" studio. The image of "Frige" comes from one of the French cultural symbols - the Phrygian hat, which reflects France's profound historical and cultural heritage.

Grandet = stingy, Cosette = poor child... These vivid characters in literary works have become "synonymous" and integrated into the language of our daily lives.

"The most beautiful thing is a little book. Besides borrowing, you can only rent it." Almost every one of us has a little book that accompanied our childhood. Host Zhu Guangquan discovered the short version of "Les Misérables" when he was a child. Let's hear how this book helped him open the door to understanding France!

I believe everyone can't sing the children's song "Two Tigers", but its original version is actually a French song? Host Zhu Guangquan sang the French version of "Two Tigers" live.

Tomorrow, the program will continue to follow President Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe and enter Serbia, a colorful country in the Balkan Peninsula. From May 5th to 11th, at 17:00 every day, lock on the CCTV News Channel and CCTV News New Media Platform, and experience the friendship between countries and the intimacy between the people in "Mutual Learning".

Editor丨Li Yikun, Li Jianing, Chen Lei, Kang Yufeng, Zhang Shuo, Liu Zhenhai, Chang Qi, Gao Jinyu, Zhao Yiting

Coordinator | Ma Yayang, Wang Mengmeng, Shi Wei, Wang Jianfeng, Wang Xu, Duan Rui, Li Yi

©2024 China Central Radio and Television. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce or use without permission.

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