Continuously enhance consumption vitality, continue to create traffic attraction, and carefully shape the charm of Shanghai. Mayor Gong Zheng conducts research to promote consumption

Release time:May 09, 2024 16:30 PM

Gong Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, pointed out when investigating the work of promoting consumption today that consumption is a lasting driving force for economic growth. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Shanghai, and in accordance with the relevant deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee Under this circumstance, strong measures will be taken to release consumption potential, the "May 5th Shopping Festival" and the "Shanghai Summer" international consumption season will be successfully held, and the work of replacing old consumer goods with new ones will be done solidly. It is necessary to give full play to the comprehensive advantages of Shanghai's economic center city, combine it with the construction of an international consumption center city, capture the "new trend" of fashion consumption, create a "check-in place" for consumption and shopping, build a "strong engine" for economic growth, and better satisfy the people's yearning for a better life.

In recent years, Shanghai has been actively building a first-office economy, with 1,215 new first-office stores opened last year. Since the Arc'teryx Museum store, located in the core area of ​​Nanjing West Road business district, opened in January this year, its customer flow and business volume have continued to rise. In the afternoon, Gong Zheng and his party came to the store and inspected the jungle space, urban space, regeneration space and service experience center created in the store layer by layer, and learned in detail about the store's exploration of creating new consumption scenarios and responding to changes in the consumption structure.

Gong Zheng welcomed the Arc'teryx brand to open the world's largest experience center in Shanghai. He said that Shanghai prospered because of business, and business created Shanghai’s unique urban temperament. It is necessary to innovate consumption supply, focus on cultivating new consumption formats such as first-office economy, brand economy, duty-free economy, night-time economy, and digital economy, promote the upgrading of business districts in conjunction with urban renewal, create the world's top commercial landmarks, and launch immersive, experiential, and interactive consumption New experience, continue to lead new trends in fashion consumption. It is necessary to stimulate consumption potential, carefully shape the charm of Shanghai, continue to create traffic attraction, continuously enhance consumption vitality, and meet consumers' needs for quality and individuality. It is necessary to optimize the consumption environment, implement policies and measures, and make greater efforts to attract external consumption.

JD Appliances Changning Road City Flagship Store is one of the four flagship stores opened by JD in Shanghai, innovatively creating an integrated online and offline shopping experience. City leaders conducted on-site inspections to understand new consumption trends and carefully inquired about the implementation effects of the subsidy policy for green smart home appliances and trade-in convenience measures. Located in Shanghai's Hongqiao Business District, Aokangda Car Plaza specializes in second-hand car sales, providing customers with a full range of pre-sales, sales and after-sales services, and innovating a variety of service models. Gong Zheng inspected the second-hand car sales and transfer registration process, and communicated with business leaders on promoting the development of the second-hand car market and optimizing the supply of second-hand car circulation policies.

Gong Zheng pointed out that promoting large-scale equipment updates and replacing old consumer goods with new ones is the key to expanding investment, promoting consumption, and stabilizing growth. It is necessary to comply with consumers' expectations for a better life, vigorously promote car energy exchange, home appliances exchange for smart devices, and home decoration renewal, use vigorous consumption to promote the construction of a modern industrial system, consolidate Shanghai's core urban functions, and promote high-quality economic development. It is necessary to adhere to market leadership, support various business entities to participate in the exchange of old products for new ones, encourage "national trends and domestic products" to do a good job in product innovation and upgrading, smooth the entire recycling chain, and develop new models such as "replacement recycling" and "Internet recycling". At the same time, efforts should be intensified to promote the functional improvement and technological upgrading of consumer goods, guide consumers to update their consumption concepts, and combine subsidy policies to allow citizens to enjoy a high-quality life.

Continuously enhance consumption vitality, continue to create traffic attraction, and carefully shape the charm of Shanghai. Mayor Gong Zheng conducts research to promote consumption
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