The Shanghai Municipal Mobilization Meeting of the First Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Team was held in Shanghai

Release time:May 09, 2024 12:52 PM

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, with the approval of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and in accordance with the spirit of the 2nd meeting of the 20th Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Leading Group, the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervisor The team recently entered Shanghai to conduct ecological and environmental protection inspections. On May 9, a mobilization meeting for the inspection team was held in Shanghai. The leader of the inspection team, Xu Dazhe, and the deputy team leader Zhang Xueqiao respectively delivered speeches on how to carry out inspection work. Chen Jining, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, conducted the mobilization meeting.

Xu Dazhe pointed out that the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core attaches great importance to the construction of ecological civilization and ecological environment protection, and regards the construction of ecological civilization as an important part of coordinating and promoting the "five-in-one" overall layout and coordinating the promotion of the "four comprehensives" strategic layout, and promote my country's ecological civilization construction and ecological environment protection have undergone historic, turning points and overall changes. In July 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference and delivered an important speech, comprehensively summarizing the great achievements that have attracted world attention in the construction of ecological civilization in our country, profoundly expounding on the major relationships that need to be properly handled to promote the construction of ecological civilization on the new journey, and systematically Deploying the strategic task of comprehensively advancing the construction of a beautiful China, it clearly requires upholding and strengthening the party's overall leadership in the construction of ecological civilization, further deepens and expands our party's regular understanding of the construction of ecological civilization, and enriches and develops Xi Jinping's ecological civilization on the basis of practice Thought, fully embodies the strategic determination of the Party Central Committee to promote high-quality development and the firm determination to promote the construction of ecological civilization. The development strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and is related to the overall development of the country. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to it. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has chaired four symposiums on the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and delivered important speeches. He has visited the provinces along the Yangtze River for inspection and research many times, clarified the strategic positioning of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and called for the restoration of the Yangtze River to be carried out. The ecological environment is placed in an overwhelming position, and we must jointly protect it and not engage in large-scale development. The Central Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision is a major institutional innovation and major reform measure that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed, and promoted. It is a hard-hitting practical measure and institutional guarantee for the implementation of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization. At every critical link and moment of the inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping took the helm and led the way forward, making a series of important instructions and instructions, fully affirming the results of the inspection, emphasizing the need to adhere to the strict tone and pay close attention to the rectification of problems discovered by the inspection, Continue to play the role of inspector's sword. Prime Minister Li Qiang and Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang have also made clear requirements for inspection work many times. It is necessary to further improve the political stance, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, implement the deployment of the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference, coordinate the implementation of river basin inspections and provincial inspections, and promote the Yangtze River New progress has been made in the high-quality development of the economic belt, the green and low-carbon transformation of economic and social development has been promoted, the quality of the ecological en

Xu Dazhe emphasized that to do a good job in central ecological and environmental protection supervision, we must regard the implementation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thoughts as a major political task, the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions as a top priority, adhere to the people-centered approach, adhere to serving the overall situation, and adhere to A systematic concept, adhering to a problem-oriented and strict tone, adhering to precise science and law, and coordinating economic development, people's livelihood security and ecological environment protection. The inspectors not only pay attention to the overall common issues of the Yangtze River Economic Belt basin, but also focus on identifying outstanding issues in Shanghai based on Shanghai's economic and social development, natural resource endowment, and ecological security positioning. Focus on the implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and instructions; the implementation of relevant major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the Yangtze River Protection Law and other laws and regulations; green and low-carbon development, and actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality , resolutely curb the blind launch of "two high and one low" projects; the progress of the battle against pollution; outstanding problems in air pollution prevention; illegal occupation of natural reserves, development and construction that breaks through the ecological protection red line, destruction of coastlines, and ecological damage to cultivated land and the inadequate implementation of the ten-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River; the construction and operation of environmental infrastructure, the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution, the treatment and disposal of solid waste, especially construction waste; the protection and management of important lakes and the ecological environment protection of important tributaries; inspection and ecological environment The rectification of problems found in the warning film; the outstanding ecological and environmental problems reported by the people; the implementation of "equal responsibilities of the party and government" and "double responsibilities for one post" for ecological and environmental protection, etc.

Chen Jining said that the Central Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision is a major institutional innovation and major reform measure personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. It is a major original achievement and institutional guarantee of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. All departments at all levels in the city must unify their thoughts and actions with the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", loyally support the "two establishments", and resolutely achieve the "two maintenances" , take the central ecological and environmental protection inspection as an important driving force to strengthen and improve the construction of ecological civilization in our city, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, improve governance capabilities, and coordinate high-quality development and high-level protection.

Chen Jining emphasized that we must cooperate with the central ecological and environmental protection inspection work with a serious attitude and a solid style, resolutely obey the work arrangements, strictly implement disciplinary requirements, and ensure that the inspection work proceeds smoothly and achieves effective results. Taking the rectification and implementation of inspection feedback issues as a major task and an important starting point should be closely integrated with the green transformation of the development model and the construction of a beautiful Shanghai. We will formulate task lists and rectification lists one by one for the issues reported back by the inspection team. We will make changes while supervising and make changes immediately. We will draw inferences from one example and establish rules and regulations. We will strive to achieve new breakthroughs in the ecological and environmental protection systems and mechanisms, solidify the rectification results through system construction, and continuously Improve people's happiness and satisfaction.

At the meeting, Zhang Xueqiao put forward requirements for cooperation with inspectors, supervision while making corrections, information disclosure, accurate and scientific inspections in accordance with the law, etc. He also made a statement on all members of the inspection team to strictly implement disciplinary requirements and accept supervision from the inspected local government and society. All members of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Group, relevant personnel from the Office of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Leading Group, and relevant leading comrades of Shanghai attended the meeting. Party and government leaders from all districts attended the meeting via video conference.

According to the work arrangement, the first central ecological and environmental protection inspection team will be stationed for one month. During the period of settlement, a special duty phone number will be set up: 021-96999115, and a special postal box: Shanghai Postal Box No. A03013. The inspection team accepts reporting calls from 8:00 to 20:00 every day. In accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the responsibilities of the inspection team, the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Team mainly accepts letters, calls and reports on ecological and environmental protection in Shanghai. Other letters and reports that do not fall within the scope of acceptance will be handed over to the inspected locality for handling according to regulations. .

The Shanghai Municipal Mobilization Meeting of the First Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Team was held in Shanghai
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