Foreign media pay attention to Xi Jinping's European trip: "Welcome like home" BBC | China News Service | Xi Jinping

Release time:May 09, 2024 18:43 PM

China News Service, May 9th. From May 5th to 10th, Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to France, Serbia, and Hungary. In response to this visit, international mainstream media paid close attention to it and reported it one after another.

On the evening of May 8, local time, Xi Jinping arrived in Budapest by special plane and paid a state visit to Hungary at the invitation of Hungarian President Šuyuk and Prime Minister Orban.

In response to Xi Jinping’s visit to Hungary, Euronews said that Hungary is the first European country to sign an intergovernmental cooperation document on the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” with China. In the eyes of many people in Europe and China, the relationship between the two countries is very important. .

On May 7, local time, to welcome President Xi Jinping’s visit, the national flags of China and Hungary were hoisted on the Elisabeth Bridge on the Danube River, a landmark building and transportation thoroughfare in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. In its report, the Associated Press also noticed that the national flags of China and Hungary were hung at both ends of the Elizabeth Bridge, a landmark building in Budapest, the capital of Hungary.

Hungary's mainstream media "Hungary Daily" quoted Horvat, director of the Hungarian Eurasian Center, as saying that Hungary and China have similar views on the evolution of the world order, and economic cooperation between the two countries will also help deepen their relations.

Foreign media pay attention to Xi Jinping's European trip: "Welcome like home" BBC | China News Service | Xi Jinping

Horvath believes that China is Hungary's important economic partner because China is the world's second largest economy, with a market of 1.4 billion people and advanced technology.

Horvat also said that Hungary is also very important to China because Hungary is a member of the European Union and has a good geographical location and a stable political and economic environment. He also said that Hungary has been following its own path in foreign policy, responding in a timely manner to the changing international environment, proposing an "opening to the east" policy, and its relations with China and other Asian countries have become increasingly closer.

Horvath emphasized that Hungary needs to diversify its relations and cooperate with both the East and the West, which is in line with Hungary's national interests.

Before visiting Hungary, the last stop of President Xi’s visit was Serbia.

The British "Guardian" previously reported that the Chinese flag "dots the roads of Serbia" and that Serbia welcomed the Chinese leader like a home away from home.

Foreign media pay attention to Xi Jinping's European trip: "Welcome like home" BBC | China News Service | Xi Jinping

On May 6, local time, in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, the five-star red flag and the Serbian national flag were lined up along the streets on the city's main roads. Photo by China News Service reporter Han Haidan

The Economist magazine pointed out that Serbia is China’s close friend in Europe.

The British "Independent" reported that Serbian President Vucic previously said that he was "honored" by Xi Jinping's visit to Serbia and said that Serbia would seek further cooperation with China.

The BBC also noticed that the entire Gnec Tower, a landmark building in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, was "draped" in the Chinese flag. The report also analyzed that Serbia has been deepening its relations with China in recent years.

On May 6, local time, in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, a huge five-star red flag was hoisted on the Gnec Tower, a building known as the "Western Gate of Belgrade". Slogans such as "Warmly Welcome Dear Chinese Friends" were particularly eye-catching. Photo by China News Service reporter Han Haidan

Foreign media pay attention to Xi Jinping's European trip: "Welcome like home" BBC | China News Service | Xi Jinping

From May 5 to May 7, local time, Xi Jinping also paid a state visit to France. In this regard, many mainstream media around the world, including Agence France-Presse, Associated Press, Reuters, and RIA Novosti, carried out detailed reports immediately.

Agence France-Presse reported that this visit to France coincides with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. This is also the first visit to Europe by a Chinese leader since 2019.

The BBC also paid attention to some details: After President Xi Jinping's special plane arrived at Paris Orly Airport, French Prime Minister Attal went to the airport to greet him and greeted him with "Hello" in Chinese.

The report also mentioned that the French side held a grand welcome ceremony at the airport that day, with an extra-long red carpet laid out near the aircraft ramp extending indoors, with double rows of French guards standing on both sides of the carpet.

On May 7, local time, Chinese President Xi Jinping flew to Tarbes from Paris, France, to continue his state visit to France. President Macron and his wife greeted him at the airport. Photo by China News Service reporter Sheng Jiapeng

Foreign media pay attention to Xi Jinping's European trip: "Welcome like home" BBC | China News Service | Xi Jinping

In its report, France 24 News noted that Xi Jinping published a signed article in the French newspaper "Le Figaro" on May 5 titled "Inheriting the Spirit of Establishing Diplomatic Relations between China and France and Jointly Promoting World Peace and Development." The report pointed out that Xi Jinping stated in his column that China hopes to cooperate with the international community to find a solution to the Ukrainian crisis, while emphasizing that China is "neither the creator of the Ukrainian crisis, nor a party or participant."

According to the Associated Press report, on the afternoon of May 6, local time, Xi Jinping and Macron jointly met with reporters after their talks at the Elysee Palace in Paris and expressed concerns about the situation in the Middle East and the crisis in Ukraine.

The BBC also introduced the 4 joint statements and 18 cooperation agreements issued by the two sides after the meeting between the Chinese and French heads of state. The media said that among them, the "Joint Statement between China and France on the Situation in the Middle East" has attracted international public attention; the 18 cooperation agreements between China and France involve aviation, environmental protection, grape planting and other issues.

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