Happy to see companies from both places investing in each other, the mayor of Shanghai meets with the Australian ambassador to China

Release time:May 08, 2024 15:42 PM

The Mayor of Shanghai Gong Zheng met with Australian Ambassador to China Keith David and his delegation today.

Gong Zheng said that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Australia. As an important bridge for friendly cooperation between China and Australia, Shanghai has become a sister city with Queensland, and has established friendly exchange relations with Victoria, New South Wales and other places. Achieve fruitful cooperation results. Currently, Shanghai is accelerating to build a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence. It hopes to further deepen practical cooperation with Australia, jointly expand the space for economic and trade cooperation, and promote two-way investment and education, science and technology cooperation. Australian companies are welcome to actively participate in the CIIE. We are happy to see companies from the two places invest in each other. We welcome Australian companies to locate more new projects, new businesses and new technologies in Shanghai. At the same time, we hope to continue to promote in-depth exchanges between universities and scientific research institutions in the two places, strengthen innovative cooperation in biomedicine, high-end manufacturing, electronic information, etc., and encourage more tourists to appreciate each other's scenery, food and culture.

Jiside said that Shanghai has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development and the construction of the "Five Centers", and has made important contributions to the Chinese and world economies. Australia and Shanghai have a long and friendly history of exchanges, in which the business community plays an important role. Many Australian companies have invested and established business in Shanghai and have achieved good business development. Economic and trade cooperation is in the fundamental interests of both countries. Looking into the future, Australia is willing to deepen economic and trade exchanges with Shanghai, especially to strengthen cooperation in green steel and other fields, and welcomes Chinese students and tourists to Australia.

Australian Consul General in Shanghai William Zhang attended the meeting.

Happy to see companies from both places investing in each other, the mayor of Shanghai meets with the Australian ambassador to China
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