Take on a new job! The deputy secretaries of the provincial party committees of three provinces also hold this position. The 59-year-old deputy secretary of the municipal party committee of a municipality directly under the Central Government also holds this position.

Release time:May 09, 2024 10:45 AM

According to the "Tianjin Daily" report today, on May 8, Chen Min'er, Secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, went to the city's Education Commission and the city's universities for investigation. Chen Fukuan, deputy secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Education Working Committee, attended the event.

This news shows that Chen Fukuan has concurrently served as secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee Education Working Committee.

The public resume shows that Chen Fukuan, male, Han nationality, was born in March 1965 in Gaoyou, Jiangsu Province. He started working in July 1985 and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1985. He has an on-the-job postgraduate degree and a doctorate in law. Chen Fukuan has worked in Shanghai for a long time, serving as secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau and deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Corps; deputy director of the Political Department and director of the Organizational Cadres Department of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau; member of the Party Committee, Director of the Political Department and Organizational Cadres of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau Director of the Division; Member of the Party Committee and Director of the Political Department of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau; Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Shanghai Municipal People's Procuratorate, Chief Prosecutor of the Second Branch of the Shanghai Municipal People's Procuratorate; Deputy Prosecutor General and Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Shanghai Municipal People's Procuratorate. Since January 2016, Chen Fukuan has served as director of the Tenth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, and secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. In November 2021, Chen Fukuan was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Deputy Director and Acting Director of the Municipal Supervisory Committee; from February 2022, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the Municipal Supervisory Committee; since December last year, he has been appointed as the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee vice secretary.

Wang Xu, who previously served as Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Committee, has been appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Hexi District Committee. Public resume shows that Wang Xu, male, Manchu, born in June 1970, from Funing, Jiangsu Province, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1991 and started working in July 1992. He has a university degree and a master's degree in public administration. Wang Xu has served in the Ministry of Commerce for a long time, including the Director-General of the Department of Americas and Oceania of the Ministry of Commerce. In March 2021, he was appointed as deputy mayor and member of the Party Leadership Group of the Tianjin Municipal People's Government. In June 2022, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Education Working Committee.

Take on a new job! The deputy secretaries of the provincial party committees of three provinces also hold this position. The 59-year-old deputy secretary of the municipal party committee of a municipality directly under the Central Government also holds this position.

Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News found that currently, the deputy secretaries of Hunan, Heilongjiang, and Jilin provincial committees also serve as secretaries of the provincial committees’ education working committees.

The public resume shows that Li Dianxun, male, Han nationality, was born in November 1967 in Shangcai, Henan. He graduated from university with a bachelor's degree in history and a bachelor's degree in law. He started working in July 1991 and joined the Communist Party of China in June 1994. He is currently an alternate member of the 20th Central Committee, deputy secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Education Working Committee, and principal of the Provincial Party School.

Zhang Anshun, male, Han nationality, born in April 1965, is from Pingyin, Shandong Province. He started working in July 1988 and joined the Communist Party of China in March 1986. He graduated from the Party School of Jilin Provincial Committee with a postgraduate degree in economic theory, a master's degree in business administration, and is an engineer. He is currently an alternate member of the 20th Central Committee, deputy secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and principal of the Provincial Party School.

Wu Haiying, female, Han nationality, born in February 1967, from Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, started working in July 1989, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1985, and holds an Executive Master of Business Administration. He currently serves as deputy secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Education Working Committee.

Take on a new job! The deputy secretaries of the provincial party committees of three provinces also hold this position. The 59-year-old deputy secretary of the municipal party committee of a municipality directly under the Central Government also holds this position.
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