Several officials have been disciplined, and Shanghai has publicly exposed four typical issues of violating the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:58 PM

Recently, Shanghai publicly exposed four typical cases of violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations. Specifically, as follows:

1. Xu Shiping, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, President, and Editor in Chief of Shanghai Dongfangwang Co., Ltd., violated regulations by entering and exiting private clubs, accepting arrangements for banquets, entertainment, and other activities that may affect the fair execution of official duties, accepting gifts, gifts, and consumption cards, and changing official itineraries to take advantage of travel opportunities. From 2014 to 2018, Xu Shiping frequently visited private clubs and accepted "one table dining" banquets. From 2012 to 2022, Xu Shiping received long-term arrangements for banquets, entertainment and other activities from multiple business units and former subordinates of Dongfang Net, as well as large gifts, cash gifts, and consumption cards. From October 15th to 21st, 2019, Xu Shiping changed his itinerary without authorization during his business trip abroad and borrowed public funds to travel. In addition, Xu Shiping also has other serious violations and suspected criminal issues. In June 2023, Xu Shiping was expelled from the Party and public office, and his illegal gains were confiscated. His suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law.

2. Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Vice President of the Fourth Institute Shi Zuhui, and Heating and Ventilation Professional Designer Xu Pengchao of the Fourth Institute, are facing standard reception issues. In August 2022, Shi Zuhui and Xu Peng spent a total of 7200 yuan on business receptions with 9 people. There was a problem of exceeding the standard reception. With Shi Zuhui's approval in violation of regulations, Xu Peng reimbursed the catering expenses in two separate invoices. In March 2023, Shi Zuhui and Xu Peng were respectively given party warnings and ordered to refund disciplinary fees.

3. Wang Gui, the head of the Law Enforcement and Inspection Department of the Huangpu District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and a fourth level researcher, Huang Hui, the director of the Huaihai Middle Road Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Yi Zhichao, the then deputy director, and Yuan Xiaodong, the third level organizer, have violated regulations by accepting banquets and gifts from management and service targets. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2020, Wang Xuan, Huang Hui, Yi Zhichao and Yuan Xiaodong jointly accepted banquets for management and service objects in violation of regulations, and received 3000 yuan in cash red envelopes respectively. In August 2022, Wang Gui, Huang Hui, Yi Zhichao, Yuan Xiaodong and others were respectively warned and punished within the party, and were ordered to refund disciplinary fees.

4. Sun Weiquan, member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Songjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone, violated regulations by accepting banquets and gifts from management and service recipients. From 2016 to 2021, during his tenure as a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the District Planning and Land Management Bureau and the District Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Sun Weiquan repeatedly violated regulations by accepting banquets from management and service recipients, as well as receiving gifts and consumption cards totaling 24000 yuan. In addition, Sun Weiquan also has issues of dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty. In November 2022, Sun Weiquan was given a serious warning within the party, a disciplinary action was taken, and he was ordered to return the disciplinary fee.

The Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stated that since the beginning of this year, all levels of disciplinary inspection and supervision organs in the city have deeply implemented the deployment of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, continuously deepened the implementation of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations, and rectified the "four winds", achieving positive results. The four typical cases publicly exposed above, some frequently visit private clubs to receive "one table meal" banquets, some evade inspections by splitting invoices, some "group" to accept banquets during holidays, and some "eat and take". This reflects that the situation faced by the construction of work style is still severe and complex, with a prominent phenomenon of transforming from wind to corruption and integrating wind and corruption. There are hidden variations, changes in appearance, and hidden growth, as well as occasional violations of discipline. Party members and cadres should deeply learn from their lessons, enhance their awareness of discipline and rules, continuously promote the spirit of integrity, cultivate new and positive values, and be the leaders, creators, and maintainers of a good political and social atmosphere.

The Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision pointed out that the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays are approaching, and the implementation of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation must adhere to the nodes and not give up. Party organizations at all levels should regard the Central Eight Point Regulations as long-term and effective iron rules and hard bars, enhance their historical consciousness and political responsibility in promoting work style construction, remember the "three musts", practice the "three stricts and three realities", persist in the strict tone, measures, and atmosphere for a long time, always play the trumpet of charge, never allow resurgence, and never allow old shortcomings to be eliminated or new ones to emerge. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels should take deepening the implementation of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations and continuously rectifying the "Four Winds" situation as an important benchmark for testing theme education and educational rectification. They should strengthen the rectification and discipline with a strict tone, show a strict attitude, establish strict standards, enforce strict discipline, and promote the implementation of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations through practical recruitment and hard recruitment. We need to continue to increase supervision and inspection efforts, closely monitor stubborn diseases such as illegal eating and drinking, "eating and taking", and "not eating public funds to eat from bosses", and vigorously rectify the phenomenon of indulgence and extravagance behind high priced mooncakes, crab cards, crab coupons, and excessive packaging. We should closely monitor the new trends and manifestations of the "Four Winds" problem, focus on illegal eating and drinking in hidden places, using express delivery and electronic means to receive gifts and cash, and using public vehicles for personal use, strengthen cooperation and cooperation with functional departments, innovate the use of information technology and big data methods, and target the correction of hidden and mutated "Four Winds". We must grasp the characteristics of corruption and misconduct, which are both external and internal, and share the same root and source. We must improve the mechanism for investigating corruption and resolutely cut off the chain of corruption and misconduct. We must adhere to the integrated promotion of the "three non corruption" policy, strengthen regular party and disciplinary education, increase the intensity of problem reporting, strengthen post case governance, deepen the use of cases to promote reform and governance, vigorously promote new and positive trends, guide party members and cadres to solidify their ideological foundation and cultivate their character, consciously resist corrupt practices, and lead social and folk customs to improve and improve with excellent party conduct.

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