What are the mysteries of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone?, Attracting foreign investment through large-scale projects landing one after another

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 22:00 PM

The opening of Toyota Synthetic China headquarters and research and development center; The expansion project of Solvay China Research and Innovation Center has been completed; Since September, the production and research and development integrated base of the UK's Haomai Group in the Asia Pacific region has opened, with 15 subsidiaries settling in... Good news has been circulating in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone, and many foreign companies have announced a significant increase in their investment in the Chinese market.

Two months ago, 7 major industrial projects in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone began construction, with Junjian Junze, Bolimuo, Xiongke, and others all being foreign-funded projects. According to statistics, from January to August this year, Xinzhuang Industrial Zone added 24.6 million US dollars in foreign investment and received 360 million US dollars in foreign investment, with a growth rate of 180% compared to the same period in 2021.

In the current situation, how can Xinzhuang Industrial Zone attract foreign investment and implement large-scale projects one after another? What are the considerations behind the expansion of investment, research and development, and production by well-known foreign companies?


This year, Shanghai's economy has experienced a strong recovery, and as a strong manufacturing area in Shanghai, Minhang has also demonstrated remarkable resilience and magnetic field.

In the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone, a large number of major foreign-funded projects negotiated and signed during last year's epidemic have recently achieved fruitful results.

What are the mysteries of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone?, Attracting foreign investment through large-scale projects landing one after another

"In our global strategy, the Chinese market holds significant strategic significance. We will continue to expand investments to meet the needs of the Chinese market." Dr. Ilham Kadri, CEO of Solvay Group in Belgium, said that after the expansion and opening of Solvay's China Research and Innovation Center, it will have core competitiveness in developing advanced material applications and strengthening synthesis and processes, providing innovative solutions for key markets such as transportation, industrial applications, and consumer goods.

Strengthening investment and research and development in the Chinese market, like Solvay Group, has become one of the important global strategic layouts for many foreign companies.

Since its official entry into China in 2006, Haomai Group has had nearly 40 subsidiaries conducting business in China. China accounts for nearly half of its revenue in the Asia Pacific region. Therefore, Haomai Group has decided to build a new integrated production and research and development base in the Asia Pacific region, and will settle the base in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone.

"As an important strategic market and long-term growth engine, China and the Asia Pacific region have always been the focus of Haomai Group's development." Wang Chunwen, a member of the group's executive board and chairman and president of the Asia Pacific region, said that the group's decision to establish an integrated production and research and development base in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone in the Asia Pacific region was carefully considered, and what it valued was the strong scientific and technological innovation atmosphere and good business environment here.

There is still a small episode in the cooperation between the two parties. At the beginning of last year, shortly after negotiations between the two sides, we encountered the epidemic. "Faced with numerous uncertain factors, some partners began to hesitate and wait. At this moment, the leaders of Minhang District and the senior management of the group had a remote video connection, and both sides were frank and reached a consensus, giving us confidence," said the relevant person in charge of Haomai Group.

Be sure to snatch back the delayed time! The Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has launched a full process dual agency service, which collaboratively solves the development bottlenecks and difficulties of foreign-funded enterprises in a "one-stop" manner. "As long as a company has problems, they can always come up with solutions overnight." said the investment promotion service personnel of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone. "Enterprises need factories, and the big data of the park platform can be matched immediately."; If a company has a demand, it can "link" to a service specialist with just one click

What are the mysteries of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone?, Attracting foreign investment through large-scale projects landing one after another

On the day of the opening of the new base, Haomai Group announced the entry of 15 subsidiaries, covering areas such as safety, environment and analysis, and healthcare. Wang Chunwen is full of confidence in the development of the group in Minhang. "Accelerating the organic growth of subsidiary businesses, increasing acquisitions and expansion in China and the Asia Pacific region, Haomai Group will form a sustainable growth model.".


In recent years, as a carrier of Minhang's advanced manufacturing industry, Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has gathered a large number of world-renowned enterprises, including Daikin Air Conditioning, Mitsubishi Electric, Bosch, ZF, Evonik, Klein, Est é e Lauder, and Luwei Mingxuan.

Data shows that currently, Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has 56 Fortune 500 enterprises, with an annual industrial output value and commercial sales reaching double 100 billion yuan. It has ranked third in comprehensive strength among the 108 parks in the city for four consecutive years.

Bosch Rexroth is an industrial brand under the Bosch Group, a Fortune 500 company. In October 2022, Dr. Hack, CEO of Bosch Rexroth, led a team to visit the Xinzhuang Industrial Park. During discussions and exchanges, they reached a consensus with the park and decided to land their industrial automation project in the park. On August 28th this year, Bosch Rexroth Xinzhuang Industrial Park officially opened.

This is due to the profound manufacturing heritage of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone. "Manufacturing is the foundation of the real economy, and Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has 28 years of manufacturing industry heritage. We have accompanied the growth of many enterprises and deeply understand the difficulties and difficulties behind the development of manufacturing enterprises. We cherish and care for the manufacturing sentiment of every entrepreneur." said Tong Lingling, Deputy General Manager of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone Economic and Technological Development Co., Ltd.

What are the mysteries of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone?, Attracting foreign investment through large-scale projects landing one after another

On the morning of July 6th this year, Qu Zheng, Secretary of the Party Working Committee, Executive Deputy Director of the Management Committee, and Chairman of the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone, invited eight representatives of entrepreneurs with significant scale and influence in the automotive industry, including Ma Chuan, President of Faurecia Investment Co., Ltd. in China, to have breakfast together.

In the eyes of the heads of foreign-funded enterprises present, such a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, as well as open communication between the government and enterprises, has built an information exchange and resource sharing platform for enterprises related to the Minhang automotive industry chain.

Communication platforms such as "Enterprise Talk", BOSS Salon, Executive Afternoon Tea, and Enterprise Visits have become the norm in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone. Every event will always spark friendship and give birth to new cooperative projects.

It is reported that in recent years, Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has moved from "traditional manufacturing" to "high-end manufacturing", forming a "5+1" leading industrial pattern in machinery and automotive parts, major equipment, electronic information, new materials, fine chemicals, biopharmaceuticals, and productive service industries.

Numerous renowned enterprises have come here, forming an advanced industrial cluster, which in turn has attracted more attention from enterprises, choosing to seek partners here and capture new business opportunities.

Recently, following the investment agreement signed between the Minhang District People's Government and Meide Na Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Meide Na registered an mRNA production enterprise - Meide Na Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone, with a registered capital of 250 million yuan. This project will inject a "booster" into the biopharmaceutical cluster of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone, with nucleic acid drugs as the forefront, high-end medical devices as the main force, and chemical raw materials and preparations as the industry matrix.

What are the mysteries of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone?, Attracting foreign investment through large-scale projects landing one after another


Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has always played a role as a locomotive and main force in the development of Minhang's real economy and advanced manufacturing industry. In order to inject a continuous stream of kinetic energy into the locomotive, industrial development alliances have emerged one after another.

On September 8th, the Minhang District Hydrogen Energy Industry Alliance and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Antai New Energy and Environmental Protection Association jointly held a hydrogen energy industry exchange and seminar activity. During the event, the "Tongxin" meeting of the Hydrogen Industry Alliance in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone was officially established. It is understood that the Minhang District Hydrogen Energy Industry Alliance was established in November last year in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone. Among the first 25 initiators of the alliance, in addition to state-owned enterprises and universities, many well-known foreign enterprises participated, such as Faurecia, Air Liquide, Voith Drive, Klein Chemical, and Evonik.

Hu Jinghai, Executive President of Voith Drive Technology Systems Co., Ltd., was the convener of the meeting. In his view, "forming an online and offline platform that integrates the collection and disposal of enterprise demands, negotiation and notification of alliance affairs, information exchange, and resource sharing through deliberation meetings is conducive to strengthening enterprise services, helping to attract investment, and continuously improving the core competitiveness of industrial clusters."

The hydrogen energy industry is flourishing in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone and has also attracted the attention of other foreign-funded enterprises. After the completion of the new R&D building at Solvay China Research and Innovation Center, Dr. Ilham Kadri, CEO of Solvay Group, revealed the company's development plan in China for the next five years. In promoting the expansion and efficiency of the second phase innovation center, the company will increase the capabilities of six R&D platforms, with key areas such as green hydrogen energy, new energy batteries, biotechnology, electronics, and semiconductors being the focus.

By strengthening the confidence of enterprises in development and innovating to provide a development platform, Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has launched a series of high-quality development "combination punches".

What are the mysteries of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone?, Attracting foreign investment through large-scale projects landing one after another

In October 2022, with Shanghai Aerospace serving as the rotating chairman and leading state-owned enterprises such as aviation, shipbuilding, electrical, and instrumentation, which shoulder the responsibility of being a "great power", a "Shen" square development community for heavy equipment was born in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone. In the new fields and tracks of economic development, the community has gathered multiple economic development entities, promoting central and state-owned enterprises to lead, mechanism guarantee to assist, and supporting enterprises to run together, striving to form new domestic and even international competitive advantages.

In July 2023, on National Low Carbon Day, the "Carbon Pathfinder" Alliance of Xinzhuang Industrial Zone was officially launched. The first batch of 19 enterprises joined hands to build a low-carbon development practice zone, injecting green energy into the high-quality development of the park and providing support and guarantees for park enterprises to better cope with future carbon tariffs and carbon tracing.

Industrial collaboration platforms have emerged one by one, continuously promoting the integrated development of large, medium, and small enterprises in the park.

According to statistics, as of August this year, there are a total of 11160 foreign-funded enterprises and 152 foreign-funded functional institutions in Minhang District. The value of foreign-funded enterprises in Minhang is increasing.

"The expansion of 'traditional manufacturing' into 'future fields' has activated the industrial advantages accumulated in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone over the past 28 years. Currently, the park is leading by party building, building various types of enterprise innovation and development consortia, promoting collaborative innovation among upstream and downstream enterprises in the' 5+1 'dominant industrial chain, enhancing the core competitiveness of the industry, and deeply participating in the global division of labor in the industry." Qu Zheng said.

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On June 12th, the first innovative branch established by Haitong Securities in the university community, the Shanghai Minhang District Humin Road Securities Business Department, officially opened, actively supporting the high-quality development of "Big Zero Bay" science and technology innovation finance. At the scene, the Shanghai Haitong Yitai Phase I Fund jointly initiated by Haitong Securities and Inner Mongolia Yitai Co., Ltd. was officially unveiled. At the opening ceremony, the Minhang District Government also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Haitong Securities. Next, Haitong Securities will engage in closer, deeper, and more comprehensive exchanges and cooperation with Minhang District in areas such as industrial cooperation development, cultivation of listed enterprises, improvement of financial services, joint party building and talent exchange, organization of forum activities, and investment promotion cooperation, jointly promoting regional economic development. It is reported that in order to accelerate the cultivation of a science and technology innovation financial ecosystem, Minhang has held more than 40 events in "Big Zero Bay"

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