Building a new benchmark for urban development in the new era, with the North Bund of Hongkou as the engine

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:06 PM

Since the approval of the new round of development and construction plan for the North Bund in 2020, Hongkou District has firmly grasped the once-in-a-lifetime major historical opportunity. In the past three years, the World Reception Hall has been completed and put into use. A number of high-end business carriers such as Magnolia Plaza, North Bund Raffles, and AIA Financial Center have been built and put into operation successively. Iconic projects such as the 480 meter Puxi New Landmark Shanghai North Bund Center and the 59th Street Shanghai Huamao Center have started construction. 22 major projects with a total investment of over 80 billion yuan have accelerated, and development and construction are gaining momentum comprehensively.

On September 14th, the "High quality Development in Shencheng" series of municipal government press conferences were held in Hongkou District. The reporter learned from the meeting that Hongkou District clearly runs innovation through the whole process of high-quality development, accelerates the construction of "Shanghai North Bund, Pujiang Golden Triangle", and better becomes an important display window of Chinese path to modernization with a new look of the new benchmark of urban development in the new era.

New benchmarks for urban development continue to accumulate momentum and increase energy

Hongkou is located at the confluence of the Huangpu River and the Suzhou River, enjoying a century old shared border on both sides of the Pujiang River. It has significant geographical advantages and profound development accumulation.

Li Qian, Secretary of the Hongkou District Committee, stated that Hongkou will deeply implement the new development concept, anchor the goal of "creating an image in three years, shaping functions in five years, and basically completing construction in ten years", gather the power of the city center, gather global wisdom, and accelerate the organic renewal and transformation development of the North Bund city. Compile a comprehensive plan, deepen the completion of special plans such as the central green axis, underground space, and landscape protection neighborhoods. The renovation of buildings below the second level old neighborhood in the North Bund area will be fully completed in the first half of 2021, and development and construction will enter the fast lane.

As an important position of Shanghai's "central radiation", Hongkou District has always adhered to a high level of opening up to the outside world, and its regional investment attraction and core competitiveness have been significantly enhanced. Since the beginning of this year, investment promotion has been carried out in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan, attracting 106 key projects with a total investment of over 60 billion yuan. From January to August, the cumulative registered capital of newly established enterprises reached 23.6 billion yuan, ranking first in the central urban area; From January to July, the actual foreign investment received was 262 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 22.9%, and 15 new headquarters enterprises at the city and city levels were added. Functional institutions such as the Shanghai Representative Office of the International Chamber of Shipping and the Shanghai Asset Management Association have successively settled in. International financial giants such as Dutch Global Life and Canadian Manulife are accelerating their gathering, and the world's hidden champion enterprise Hongkou Bank has successfully launched. The regional economy is accelerating its move towards high-end links in the industrial chain and high-value segments in the service chain.

The advantages of the shipping and financial industries continue to improve. Recently, the entire region has gathered more than 4500 shipping enterprises and nearly 40 functional institutions, as well as more than 2100 various financial enterprises and institutions. The asset management scale exceeds 8 trillion yuan, and there are 15 billion yuan private equity companies, ranking first in the city. The regional economic contribution of the two dominant industries exceeds 30%. From January to August, the general public budget revenue of the entire region reached 15.442 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.1%, achieving 80.1% of the annual target. The total amount and growth rate ranked fourth in the central urban area, and the completion progress ranked first.

Fully promote the "five-year plastic function" of the North Bund

Building a new benchmark for urban development in the new era, with the North Bund of Hongkou as the engine

Building the North Bund of Shanghai and creating a new urban benchmark not only requires showcasing the form and foundation of the new benchmark, but also strengthening the global resource allocation function and forging core competitiveness that leads the future.

Li Qian introduced that Hongkou District focuses on resource integration internally, based on limited space, strengthens overall resource coordination and linkage, promotes regional coordinated development, complementary advantages, and overall improvement, and maximizes resource utilization efficiency, carrying capacity, and output efficiency. We focus on external agglomeration and radiation, actively serve and integrate into the construction of Shanghai's "Five Centers" and "Four Functions", deepen high-level reform and opening up, strive for more market-oriented and globalized platforms, institutions, and enterprises to gather at Hongkou, gather key strategic elements such as global capital, talent, technology, and information, and enhance resource allocation capabilities.

At present, based on the "2+4+X" industrial foundation, Hongkou vigorously promotes the internationalization, digitization, greening, and distinctive development of industries, and enhances the level of industrial development.

In terms of internationalization, we will improve the utilization of foreign investment in advantageous industries such as finance and shipping, create international cooperation zones for shipping and service trade, deepen the global investment partnership plan, attract a group of high growth invisible champion enterprises, vigorously develop professional and productive service industries, integrate into the high-end of the global value chain and industrial chain, and enhance the internationalization level of industries.

In terms of digitalization, we will promote the landing of a group of chain owners and digital application scenarios, empower small and medium-sized enterprises and traditional industries to use digital technology to achieve iterative upgrades, promote innovation in enterprise service methods, business models, and industrial formats, and accelerate the digital transformation of industries.

In terms of greening, relying on platforms such as the Shanghai Environmental Protection Exchange and the Green Technology Bank, we will comprehensively carry out relevant matters related to the implementation of the China Carbon Exchange, develop professional services such as carbon auditing, carbon testing, carbon assessment, and carbon finance, and promote the development of industrial greening.

In terms of specialization, we will accelerate the construction of projects such as the Beike Chuang Biotechnology Park, rely on benchmark enterprises such as Blue Crystal Microorganisms, and lay out new tracks for "two major and two new" characteristic industries such as big data, big health, new materials, and new energy.

At present, the North Bund is making every effort to promote the "five-year plastic function". Focus on improving functional positioning, optimizing business environment, transforming development momentum, and optimizing spatial carriers.

Building a new benchmark for urban development in the new era, with the North Bund of Hongkou as the engine

In the future, the North Bund will strive to become the core engine for Shanghai to build a "central node" and "strategic link" in the new development pattern, forming a complete regional support and social governance, and gathering high-end elements and vitality.

Exploring new paths for development in the construction of people's cities

The biggest population characteristic of Hongkou at present is that it has the highest population density and the highest degree of aging among all districts in the city. Hongkou District deeply implements the important concept of a people's city, continuously leaves the best resources for the people, and serves the people with high-quality supply.

Hongkou District Mayor Lv Ming introduced that this year, Hongkou District has arranged 36 livelihood projects, of which 15 have been completed ahead of schedule, and the rest are being orderly promoted.

Nowadays, low-carbon living has become a new trend, and the entire region is deepening the promotion of garbage classification and resource utilization. The effectiveness of garbage classification ranks among the top three in the city, with a 35% reduction in daily dry waste production compared to 2018 and a 200% increase in daily recyclable waste production.

New breakthroughs have been made in urban renewal. Since the beginning of this year, Hongkou has completed sporadic old renovation contracts with 440 households, and Ruikangli has been selected as a pilot project for urban renewal in the city, promoting the implementation of a "Beautiful Home" of 2.5 million square meters. Especially, significant progress has been made in the issue of housing safety in Baomin New Village in the past 10 years. A round of willingness consultation was launched on June 26th, with a approval rate of 98.4%.

Social governance forms a new brand, and the grassroots governance innovation mechanism of the linkage of police stations, judicial offices, and law firms forms a brand, which is replicated and promoted throughout the city, becoming the "Fengqiao Experience" of the new era in Shanghai. This year, more than 13000 conflicts and disputes have been resolved, with over 98% of them resolved on-site at the grassroots level. The number of disputes and police incidents decreased by 19.4% compared to the previous month.

In addition, Hongkou District is building a "Leye Hongkou" 15 minute employment service circle. Introduce the "Big Exhibition Rainbow Map" seven action plans, and launch more than 40 services covering 18 categories, including talent development, housing, education, and health management; Amplify the pioneering effect of international talent stations, attracting more than 440 people to sign up and stay. We will carry out the construction of friendly communities for elderly cognitive impairment, pilot "property+elderly care", install "one click" intelligent terminals for key groups such as those living alone and the elderly, and carry out the "elderly partner program" for family mutual assistance, with a total of 587000 people caring for the elderly.

Building a new benchmark for urban development in the new era, with the North Bund of Hongkou as the engine

Next, Hongkou will adhere to the principle of "every increase in financial resources, every improvement in people's livelihoods", effectively expanding the supply of public services in multiple fields and levels, and responding to the needs and expectations of the people with the tangible results of people's livelihood and public opinion projects.


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