Why are some not open? Explore the current situation of Xuhui Binjiang parking: 9000 parking spaces

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:44 PM

"I drove to the Dragon Art Museum to see an art exhibition on the weekend, but I didn't expect to find a parking spot even after a long detour. There was a parking spot that was clearly available, but it was declared not open to the public. In the end, I parked my car 5 kilometers away and took a taxi." Ms. Zhang, a citizen, said of the parking difficulties in Xuhui Binjiang.

This is also a long-term concern of Lin Xi'ai, a representative of the Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of Shanghai Lingxi Industrial Co., Ltd. - the 11.4 kilometer long shoreline on the west bank of Xuhui Binjiang attracts a large number of residents and tourists to carry out activities such as health sports, riverside leisure, art gatherings, and business connectivity. As a result, the transportation along the river faces huge challenges, especially the parking problem has become a major difficulty.

According to data provided by the traffic police department, as of June 2022, Xuhui Binjiang has 17 parking areas available for social vehicles, 8715 parking spaces, and only 2594 available parking spaces.

Why are only a portion of the nearly 9000 parking spaces open for use? What is the current situation of Xuhui Binjiang parking? The reporter conducted a field visit.

On site visits: insufficient mobile open parking spaces

The riverside scenery of Xuhui is spacious, with beautiful hiking trails and scattered art galleries, sports venues, and more along the coast. Every weekend, you can see people walking dogs, camping, skateboarding, cycling, running, and picnicking everywhere.

Weekend dog walking crowd on Xuhui Riverside

Why are some not open? Explore the current situation of Xuhui Binjiang parking: 9000 parking spaces

The reporter noticed that unlike other areas in the city center where public transportation and parking in office buildings are the main vehicle parking methods, most of the citizens and tourists who come here on weekends are family trips and pet trips, and most of them choose to drive themselves. This is a waterfront activity area with huge vehicle mobility.

The crowd activities that come to Xuhui Binjiang for sightseeing are mostly concentrated in the area north of Longhua Port, where there are core attractions such as Binjiang Green Space, Skateboard Park, and Dragon Art Museum. Most public parking spaces are concentrated in commercial and commercial building areas in the south and west, such as the West Bank Smart Tower, Greenland Colorful City, and Zhengda Lecheng, which are at least 500-1000 meters away from the riverside line, and most of them are located south of Longhua Port.

"After finding a place to park, it takes a long walk to reach the Binjiang area." Ms. Liu, a citizen, believes that the distance between the parking points and the intersection of pedestrian flow is unreasonable. Every time she comes camping or walks her dog, she has to walk for a long time.

There are still vacant spaces in the parking lot of Binjiang City Development Center on weekday afternoons

The reporter conducted on-site visits to several parking lots in Xuhui Binjiang. The Binjiang City Development Center, located in the west bank area, is not too crowded with parking spaces on weekdays. This parking lot is relatively close to the West Bank Art Center and Oil Tank Art Center, and is one road away from the Huangpu River. However, it is slightly far from the lively central area of Xuhui Binjiang, about 2 kilometers away. According to security personnel, both the second and third underground floors are parking lots, and parking spaces are relatively tight on weekends and good weather days.

The parking lot of the West Coast Museum of the Dragon Art Museum is also popular among travelers, but tourist Ms. Tian feels that parking underground is not very convenient. "The basement is relatively dark, and there is no elevator when coming up, so it is very inconvenient if you have poor legs or need to carry a baby stroller or camping equipment.".

The reporter found that most of the parking lots located closer to the central area of Xuhui Binjiang are residential areas or belong to enterprises and are not open to the public. Many tourists are not sure which parking lot is open to the public. "The navigation doesn't indicate it either, so I'm afraid of being stopped by security guards when I go, so I usually look for commercial public parking lots." Mr. Zhang, who used to be "shut off" from parking, always does his homework before going out.

Why are some not open? Explore the current situation of Xuhui Binjiang parking: 9000 parking spaces

The reporter noticed that parking along the riverside roads is mostly closed to major events, and nearby large parking areas are often in commercial and entertainment areas. Sunshine Riverside World is loved by travelers because it is only one road away from Xuhui Riverside. The security personnel of the shopping mall parking lot indicate that the underground second floor of the parking lot is a commercial parking lot, and the underground third floor is a dedicated parking lot for Shanghaiwan owners. Weekends from 5pm to 7pm are popular time for play, and commercial parking lots often have full parking.

At around 19:00 on Saturday evening, the reporter walked along the west bank and found that there were relatively few outdoor parking spaces along the river. The outdoor parking spaces closer to the popular tourist attraction Manner Coffee Shop and the central area of Xuhui Binjiang were already fully booked. In addition, nearby project sites such as the West Bank Financial City are no longer open to the public due to development and construction, and many car owners who come to park based on navigation can only turn back to find another parking space.

Around 6pm on Saturday afternoon, the Xuhui Binjiang Riverside Outdoor Parking Lot was full of vehicles

A resident living nearby told reporters that every time there is a large exhibition, the parking here is very messy. The recent parking spaces have been reserved for a few regular customers and are not open to the public. In order not to delay the exhibition, many car owners can only park on the roadside, and to maintain traffic order, there are more traffic police here than elsewhere, and the guard time is also longer.

Reason analysis: Why some parking spaces are not open

With the development strategy of "one river, one river", Xuhui Binjiang has taken the lead in transforming from an "industrial rust belt" to a "lifestyle show belt". Its cultural exhibition area and public open space have become the favorite waterfront space areas for citizens and tourists, and the demand for parking is increasing day by day.

"I have visited many times and observed many nearby parking lots, and found that there is a serious shortage of mobile open parking spaces, uneven layout of parking points, unreasonable distance between parking points and pedestrian intersections, and traditional single parking forms." Lin Xi'ai said.

Why are some not open? Explore the current situation of Xuhui Binjiang parking: 9000 parking spaces

Why is it difficult to park in Xuhui Binjiang? In her opinion, on the one hand, the distribution of public parking does not match the activity areas along the river. At present, public parking spaces in Binjiang are mainly distributed in commercial and office buildings in the hinterland, such as the West Bank Smart Tower, Greenland Colorful City, and Zhengda Lecheng. There is still a considerable distance from the riverside line, and most of them are located south of Longhua Port. There are approximately 1700 parking spaces along the Yangtze River, with limited service capabilities.

"At present, the larger parking areas are two commercial and entertainment areas. Citizens and tourists have to walk a long way to the Binjiang Public Open Space Area after parking here."

The second issue is that the construction schedule does not match the parking needs of tourists. The Xuhui Binjiang public open space has been fully completed and opened up, but commercial carriers along the river such as the West Bank Financial City and Binjiang City Development Center are still under construction. It is expected to be gradually completed from 2024 to 2027, and a large number of public parking spaces along the river still need to be invested in 2-4 years.

Due to the development and construction of many parking spaces that are not open to the public, vehicles are forced to park illegally, take shortcuts, and even damage the use of riverside greenery and public areas. In Lin Xi'ai's view, the Xuhui riverside area is currently in a stage of both construction and operation, and its ability to cope with large passenger flows needs to be improved.

For this reason, Lin Xi'ai suggested building a three-dimensional and multi space vehicle parking building along the Xuhui Riverside, and constructing a three-dimensional and multi space vehicle parking building at multiple locations. In her opinion, a three-dimensional multi space garage has the characteristics of low construction cost, small footprint, large number of parking spaces, and simple management and maintenance. This type of garage can achieve more flexible layout, less land occupation and personnel, and more efficient self operated traffic management without relying solely on commercial complexes for parking points.

Zhang Liang, a representative of the Municipal People's Congress, also suggested conducting a parking demand analysis and parking facility planning for the Xuhui Binjiang area, and meeting the regional parking development requirements through moderate interconnection and intelligent scheduling of parking lots on the land.

Department response: Approximately 40000 public parking spaces will be provided

Why are some not open? Explore the current situation of Xuhui Binjiang parking: 9000 parking spaces

During the 14th Five Year Plan period, with the gradual operation and use of media ports, digital valleys, and financial cities in the Xuhui Binjiang area, the problem of parking difficulties in the Xuhui Binjiang area is expected to be alleviated. "In the next two years, about 12000 public parking spaces will be put into use. After the completion of the business district, it will provide about 40000 public parking spaces, which can effectively support the parking demand of the Yangtze River's main stream."

"At present, Xuhui Binjiang is actively conducting regional transportation research and systematically optimizing the transportation system." The Xuhui District Government stated that it will strengthen parking guidance and management to alleviate supply-demand conflicts. Guide citizens and tourists to park in an orderly manner, strengthen the guidance and guidance of commercial and commercial parking spaces in the area, allocate parking resources reasonably, and improve the efficiency of using public parking spaces. At the same time, connecting the last mile provides convenient travel. By combining the bus routes within the region with the opening of regional buses, a rapid connection is formed between the rail transit stations, main commercial centers, and the open spaces of the Binjiang River, achieving convenient access to the last mile, enhancing the willingness to use parking spaces in the hinterland of the Binjiang River, and increasing the proportion of people traveling by public transportation.

The pedestrian flow in Xuhui Binjiang on the weekend evening

"We will guide staggered roadside parking to alleviate peak pressure." The Xuhui District Government stated that it will explore the implementation of weekend limited roadside parking in the Binjiang area, release convenient parking space, alleviate the shortage of public parking spaces in the short term, and improve the convenience of parking for citizens and tourists.

Transportation is the lifeline for the development of the Xuhui Binjiang area. The Municipal Transportation Commission has stated that it is focusing on promoting the pilot construction of new intelligent mechanical garages such as vertical shield tunneling to improve land use efficiency. Xuhui District also stated that it will pilot smart parking to improve parking efficiency - combined with the Shanghai New Infrastructure Construction Demonstration Project, promote the Xuhui Binjiang Smart Parking Demonstration Project, achieve seamless connection between municipal roads and underground parking guidance, garage congestion alleviation, parking reservation, and contactless payment functions, and unify them into the Shanghai Public Parking Information Platform. With the help of the intelligent waterfront management system, we will strengthen the early warning analysis of large passenger flows along the riverbank and the management of temporary parking of motor vehicles, and systematically improve our parking management capabilities.

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