What does Shanghai rely on to attract talents?, Over the years

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:22 PM

Tang Xinmeng, Associate Researcher at Tsinghua International Innovation Center in Shanghai, is currently in a happy moment for a researcher: "Recently, there have been many inspirations, and many new ideas flash in my mind. Sometimes I even have to get up in the middle of the night and jot them down with a pen..."

In Shanghai, there are more and more young talents like Tang Xinmeng. Cities need to develop, and talent is the foundation. In recent years, Shanghai has implemented the spirit of the Central and Shanghai Talent Work Conference, accelerated the construction of a high-level talent highland, and the total number of talents in Shanghai has increased by 990000 in the past five years, reaching 6.75 million.

Recently, the third "Gathering Talents from the Sea" Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit is about to open. As envisioned by the theme of this summit, "Gathering Shanghai to Create the Future," Shanghai has always been striving to achieve the goal of "gathering talents from all over the world and utilizing them.".


Introducing a talent, bringing a team, supporting a project, and expanding an industry. Shanghai's talent workers have reached a consensus that only by finding the best team and talents in the world can we grasp the new trends and trends of future development.

To this end, Shanghai focuses on key areas such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and integrated circuits, actively recruiting world-class talents overseas. At the same time, measures such as the Magnolia Talent Plan, Oriental Talent Plan, and Super Postdoctoral Incentive Plan will be taken to introduce and cultivate outstanding young talents, innovate new market-oriented and socialized talent introduction models, and create a strong magnetic field for talent aggregation.

In 2014, Xu Kailiang, a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Fudan University, went to work at the Sixth University of Paris. Afterwards, he received the Marie Curie Scholars Fund from the European Union and served as a researcher at the Langevin Institute in France. However, facing good opportunities for overseas development, he made the decision to return to his home country.

"I think there is also a lot of room for domestic entrepreneurs to start their own businesses and contribute to the country's innovation and development. Now, he, born in the 1980s, is a researcher and doctoral supervisor at the Biomedical Engineering Center of Fudan University, and has also founded a medical technology company.".

After a series of explorations to attract and gather talents, the internationalization level of talents in Shanghai continues to deepen. More than 408000 foreign work permits have been issued, accounting for about a quarter of the country's total, and the number of foreign talents gathered ranks first in the country; There are 12000 foreign talents holding permanent residency permits in Shanghai, ranking first in the country; The number of overseas returnees who come to Shanghai for work and entrepreneurship has exceeded 290000, ranking first in the country; Selected as the most attractive Chinese city in the eyes of foreign talents for 11 consecutive years. In addition, the high-end agglomeration effect continues to improve, and the number of academicians and high-level talents from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering in Shanghai continues to increase. Currently, there are nearly 2000 leading military personnel in Shanghai.


In April of this year, the final of the third "Gathering Talents from the Sea" Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was successfully held. This is the main platform and competition that Shanghai has been persistently building for three consecutive years to attract talents. Using competitions as a carrier, Shanghai has fully stimulated the innovation and entrepreneurship vitality of global talents coming to Shanghai, accelerating the gathering of a group of high-level innovation and entrepreneurship talents who lead independent technological innovation and assist in industrial transformation and upgrading.

For Shanghai, in order to achieve the goal of attracting talents from all over the world, it is necessary to expand the breadth of talent attraction through multiple channels and dimensions, adhere to the principle of promoting and nurturing talents simultaneously, and create a career stage for talents to achieve their dreams.

In recent years, many talents who have developed in Shanghai have a common feeling: there are fewer "hats" and more "insides". In fact, promoting the optimization and integration of talent plans is precisely the focus of Shanghai's efforts to strengthen local talent cultivation. This involves optimizing and integrating the original city level talent plans, transforming education, health and other original industry talent plans into several evaluation platforms, reducing the number of "hats" from the source, and allowing talents to focus more on scientific research itself.

In addition, Shanghai has strengthened the construction of its strategic technology talent team through top-level design, and has introduced a special talent cultivation plan for the three key industries of integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine. At the same time, we adhere to gathering talents through career platforms and fully rely on the world-class career platforms laid out by the country in Shanghai to attract and cultivate talents. In terms of scientific research and innovation platforms, relying on major scientific facilities such as Shanghai Light Source and ultra strong and ultra short lasers, Shanghai has gathered a group of world-class talents and teams engaged in basic cutting-edge fields and key core technology research. For example, Shanghai Light Source has attracted nearly 30000 scientists from around the world to come to Shanghai for research; We have also expanded our industrial innovation platform, cultivated a group of well-known technology leading enterprises, and built an innovation consortium led by leading enterprises and supported by universities and institutions; To optimize the technology service platform and provide low-cost, convenient, and all factor open platform and professional services for innovative and entrepreneurial talents and teams. At present, there are over 600 incubators and over 24000 incubating enterprises in Shanghai.


A set of data can reflect the development trend of Shanghai's biopharmaceutical industry: in the past four years, there have been a total of 16 Class 1 innovative drugs in Shanghai, accounting for about 1/4 of the country; There are a total of 23 innovative medical devices in 3 categories, accounting for about 1/6 of the country's total; The world's first newly developed drugs, such as the anti-tumor drug Fuquitinib, have also emerged

Behind the small pill lies a significant breakthrough in the field of basic research, which cannot be separated from the dynamic changes brought about by the reform of institutional mechanisms. At the final of the third "Gathering Talents from the Sea" Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition held in April this year, Luo Jiangnan, CEO of Shanghai Puyou Biomedical Co., Ltd., lamented that the important reason why Shanghai can cultivate a fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship is that the city has genes that encourage innovation and tolerate failure.

In recent years, Shanghai has adhered to the principle of "delegating power" as a driving force for employers, and "loosening ties" as a way to boost talent and vitality. For example, canceling a batch of administrative approval and filing matters in talent recruitment, professional title evaluation, personnel mobility, and other processes; Explore the establishment of a group of new research and development institutions to create more career development platforms for talents.

Xu Kailiang has been selected for both provincial and national talent programs. In recent years, the hardware conditions for scientific research in China have changed rapidly, and the development of the country has enhanced our confidence. Our generation must and will definitely do world-class work.

Only by breaking through institutional barriers can we activate the talent pool and make the talent foundation thicker. In recent years, Shanghai has explored the implementation of the top scientist responsibility system and innovative talent evaluation mechanism, which clearly states that more than 70% of the net income from the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements can be used to reward individuals and teams. In addition, we will continue to improve the mechanism for cultivating young talents and provide annual funding for approximately 5000 outstanding young scientific and technological talents.


The distance from Putuo District Talent Apartment to Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center is only five to six hundred meters. Tang Xinmeng wakes up around 6 o'clock every day, walks to the workplace, reads for a while in the morning, goes to the cafeteria for breakfast, and then starts the day's research work.

Three years ago, Tang Xinmeng returned from Japan and "stayed abroad for a long time, feeling somewhat disconnected from domestic life.". Fortunately, as soon as their whole family arrived in Shanghai, they successfully moved into talent apartments and enjoyed rental subsidies in accordance with relevant policies. In addition, he can also enjoy better resources in areas such as medical care and children's education, which relieves him of his worries about staying in Shanghai for development.

A city with warmth is bound to attract attention in every detail. Shanghai vigorously creates a talent environment that is close to and pleasant to come from afar, and adheres to improving the city's soft power with high-quality, convenient, and international living guarantees. In 2022, Shanghai will further optimize the policy for graduates to settle down, lower the employment and household registration threshold for graduate and undergraduate students, and relax the household registration restrictions for overseas returnees. At the same time, efforts have been made in talent housing projects, talent medical service levels, digital transformation of talent work, urban hardware facilities, and the construction of Shanghai style culture, allowing talents to focus on striving in Shanghai.

Xu Kailiang has a deep understanding of this. "Shanghai is a city full of daring and daring spirit. Struggling here is stressful, but more motivated." He always carried a tie with him, which was given to him by his mentor, the late renowned biomedical engineering expert, and the chief professor of Fudan University, Academician Wang Weiqi, before he was sent to study in the United States. The inheritance of the teacher's path symbolized by this tie is also a microcosm of the talent ecology in Shanghai: generations of talents have paved a wider stage for future generations through relay efforts.

Gather wise men from all over the world, and recruit talents from all over the world. The third "Gathering Talents from the Sea" Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit will become an annual event for international talent innovation and entrepreneurship. In the future, Shanghai will implement a more open talent policy, create a "quasi international" or even "super international" institutional environment, and take the lead in exploring a talent development system and mechanism that has both Chinese characteristics and international competitive advantages. This will enable all types of talents to "come, stay, use well, and flow", fully unleashing the vitality of talent innovation and creation.

Shanghai has confidence and the ability to play a greater role. Mayor Gong Zheng meets with officials from UNESCO | UNESCO | Shanghai
Shanghai has confidence and the ability to play a greater role. Mayor Gong Zheng meets with officials from UNESCO | UNESCO | Shanghai

Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng met with the delegation led by the Assistant Director General of UNESCO, Fermin Madogo, today. Gong Zheng introduced the economic and social development situation in Shanghai.We always attach great importance to education, technology, and culture, promote the improvement of urban level and core competitiveness, focus on building a high-quality education system, enhance scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and stimulate urban cultural vitality. A series of important indicators rank at the forefront of the country and even the world. For a long time, Shanghai has had extensive and in-depth cooperation with UNESCO, and we will continue to strengthen our cooperation under the guidance of the central government

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Increase policy support for key private enterprises to expand their positions! Shanghai Releases 18 Measures for Optimizing and Adjusting Stable Employment Policies Training | Support | Policies

Recently, the Shanghai Employment Work Leading Group issued a notice on the issuance of several measures to optimize, adjust and stabilize employment policies, and fully promote the development and benefit of the people. Based on the implementation of the central government's decision and deployment on stabilizing employment, combined with the actual situation in Shanghai, 18 specific measures were proposed from five aspects: stimulating vitality, expanding employment capacity, expanding channels to promote employment and entrepreneurship among young people such as college graduates, strengthening assistance to secure the bottom line of people's livelihood, promoting the improvement of employment service quality, and strengthening organizational implementation. Multiple measures were taken simultaneously to ensure the overall stability of the employment situation. The Notice points out that it is necessary to increase support for job expansion policies for industries and enterprises with strong employment capacity, include key engineering, manufacturing key industrial chain main enterprises, key private enterprises, etc. in the scope of employment services for key enterprises, equip employment service specialists, and implement the "one enterprise" policy

The per capita enjoyment level is 69500 yuan, and the number of insured employees in Shanghai's work-related injury insurance exceeds 10 million. Enterprises | work-related injuries | per capita
The per capita enjoyment level is 69500 yuan, and the number of insured employees in Shanghai's work-related injury insurance exceeds 10 million. Enterprises | work-related injuries | per capita

Today is the concentrated promotion day for work-related injury insurance in this city. Staff members from various levels of human resources and social security departments in Shanghai walked out of the office and further popularized policies and regulations such as the Social Insurance Law, the Work Injury Insurance Regulations, and the Shanghai Work Injury Insurance Implementation Measures through distributing promotional materials, on-site consultations, training lectures, and online interactions. They strengthened the awareness of employers and workers to understand, abide by, and use the law, and made every effort to promote the entry of work injury insurance policies into parks, enterprises, government agencies, and communities. In addition, the Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Department launched a centralized publicity campaign on work injury insurance throughout the city in July, with the theme of "Work Injury Insurance, Accompanying You", which is one of the government open activities for the local human resources and social security department. It is understood that in recent years, the work injury insurance work in this city has broken through the traditional institutional framework, increased reform and innovation efforts, and implemented multiple measures simultaneously

Representative's suggestion to alleviate public concerns: It is not easy for residents of Chongming Changxing Island to handle property transactions. National People's Congress Representative | Demand | Chongming Changxing Island
Representative's suggestion to alleviate public concerns: It is not easy for residents of Chongming Changxing Island to handle property transactions. National People's Congress Representative | Demand | Chongming Changxing Island

Changxing Island in Chongming District has multiple medium to large residential areas with a large population and strong demand for real estate transactions. However, due to the distance between Changxing Island and Chongming Island, the public has a long journey to handle real estate transactions, and the round-trip time is long, which brings many inconveniences to the residents of Changxing area. Now, the integration of online registration services in the eastern center of Changxing Island will make the offline round trip of certificate processing go through a lot of trouble. And this is thanks to the handling of the suggestions made by the National People's Congress deputies. This year, the Standing Committee of the Chongming District People's Congress conducted a law enforcement inspection on the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on Further Promoting and Ensuring the Reform of "One Network Service". On the basis of extensive collection of social and public opinion, Gu Fangliang, a representative of the District People's Congress and Chairman of the Changxing Town People's Congress, put forward suggestions on the difficulty of obtaining certificates in Changxing Island. Based on the actual needs of the people, we will play a role in empowering information technology,

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According to the arrangement of theme education work, on June 13th, the Central Group of the Party Committee of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Central Group of the Party Committee of Shanghai Conservatory of Music conducted a joint study, focusing on in-depth learning and discussion on the theme of "continuing the red bloodline and serving the people's city", and continuously promoting the deepening and implementation of theme education. At the meeting, Xing Bangzhi, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Liao Changyong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Dean of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, closely focused on the learning theme and exchanged ideas and discussions based on their own thoughts and practical work. The meeting pointed out that Shanghai is the birthplace of the Party, the birthplace of its original aspiration, and the birthplace of the great spirit of founding the Party.want

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