Civilization comes first! Yangpu District provides inexhaustible driving force for innovative development through the creation of civilization, becoming a people's city

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 22:06 PM

On August 15 this year, Carrefour Farmer's Market located at No. 9 Yongji Road, Yangpu District was upgraded and returned. Nearby residents were pleasantly surprised to find that the new market not only has a higher "appearance" and a cleaner environment, but also offers affordable prices as before. It also has complete barrier free facilities, full of a "civilized flavor"! It has attracted many citizens to come and "check in", and the market's customer flow has reached an average of more than 8000 people per day.

Yangpu District is the largest and most populous central urban area in Shanghai, and also the first place to propose the important concept of "People's City". In recent years, Yangpu District has actively practiced the important concept of "People's City", insisting on leaving the best resources for the people, serving the people with the best supply, and striving to build a beautiful urban area that belongs to the people, serves the people, and achieves the people.

Since the beginning of this year, Yangpu District has sounded the horn of "people's city" and "civilization first", continuously improving the hard environment and soft power of the urban area by creating for the people. In the process of civilization creation, efforts have been made to create a Yangpu model of "creating for the people, benefiting the people, and relying on the people", and to make every effort to create the best practice place for the important concept of "people's city", providing inexhaustible impetus for the innovative development of Yangpu District.

Civilized creation, continuous optimization of urban quality

"Before the connection was established, there were all kinds of things that were sold, which looked chaotic. There were also car owners who parked their cars here for a long time. Now that people and vehicles are separated, the environment is also being cleaned up very well!" Recently, Mr. Chen, a resident of Xinyuan Community in Yangpu District, looked at the tidy temporary parking diversion point in front of him and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Originally, Mr. Chen's residential area was located on one side of Baotou South Road, and some sections of this road were not fully connected, making it an unowned dead end road. Taking advantage of the opportunity of carrying out anonymous road renovation in Yangpu District, this section of the road has been transformed into a temporary parking diversion point, helping the surrounding communities solve parking problems and receiving praise from residents at intersections.

Nameless roads are the "capillaries" of a city. For a long time, due to unclear management subjects, inconsistent management requirements, lack of internal road management, and prominent contradictions at certain points, problems such as uneven roads and disorderly parking of vehicles have become the "pain points" of urban management.

In order to further implement the comprehensive, normal, and long-term creation of national civilized urban areas, eliminate management blind spots, Yangpu District has established a three-level linkage of "district committee, district government - functional departments, streets - communities" to determine rectification standards, define rectification responsibilities, and implement measures tailored to local conditions. Nameless roads are included in the management to enhance the "appearance" of the block, while also making the city more orderly, safer, cleaner, and more civilized.

Various disorderly and upside down aerial cables also affect the urban environment and safety. To this end, Yangpu District focuses on conducting a comprehensive investigation of the installation of aerial cables in areas with high traffic such as main and secondary roads, vegetable markets, and the surrounding areas of schools, and has sorted and stored them one by one. A total of 116 rectification works have been completed, involving 12 streets, and the total length of approximately 1600 kilometers of aerial cables has been effectively rectified.

In the process of creating civilization, Yangpu District strives to bring all the work of benefiting the people to the hearts of the people. Since the beginning of this year, 17 improvement projects have been carried out in 5 categories, including the repair of building facades and the renovation of building structures. At the same time, in response to difficult and cross disciplinary issues such as non motor vehicle parking, departmental responsibilities have been further clarified, effectively improving the urban environment and enhancing the level of urban management.

In 2022, Yangpu District fully completed the renovation of old houses below the second level, improving living conditions for 29000 households in the past three years. Through the construction of "Beautiful Home", more than 120000 old houses with an area of 6.2 million square meters have been revitalized. Within this year, Yangpu District will launch three urban renewal demonstration projects, namely Fengnan, Dongdan, and Neijiang, to fully promote the renovation of old housing with an area of 134000 square meters and 4458 households.

The creation of civilization has also added warmth to people's well-being. This year, Yangpu District has accelerated the implementation of a new round of 17 popular projects and 55 practical projects related to people's livelihoods. Among them, 13 projects, including the construction of inclusive childcare centers, have been included in the 2023 Shanghai Spiritual Civilization "Creating for the People" project database. Civilization creation is integrated into the lives of citizens, allowing them to truly feel the fruits of civilization creation.

Let the people become practitioners of civilization creation

In the creation of civilization, Yangpu District focuses on mobilizing the enthusiasm of the whole people and effectively bringing practical projects into the hearts of the citizens. Citizens are not only beneficiaries of civilization creation, but also initiators and practitioners.

At present, there are a total of 32 standardized vegetable markets in Yangpu District, many of which were founded in the 1990s. Although they are close to residential areas and offer affordable and high-quality products, the environment and purchasing experience are headache inducing. To this end, Yangpu District takes the creation of civilization as the starting point, further improves the coordination and linkage mechanism of Yangpu District's vegetable basket work, and accelerates the transformation and upgrading of demonstration smart vegetable markets.

In the process of promoting the renovation, Yangpu District has held several demonstration smart vegetable market livelihood practical engineering symposiums, widely soliciting social sentiment and public opinion, opening up channels for people's suggestions, gathering diverse forces to improve the project renovation plan in a "listening while changing, listening while changing" way, and convening on-site supervision and inspection meetings for livelihood practical projects to report on the progress.

The "Renren Lecture Hall" located in Wujiaochang Street, Yangpu District, formerly known as a vegetable greenhouse on a national branch road, is surrounded by three residential areas built in the 1980s. In the past, the environment here was dirty, messy, and poor, which caused headaches for nearby residents. Later, after some renovation, the greenhouse of the vegetable market was transformed into a "lecture hall for everyone". While residents were buying groceries and taking walks, they could turn around to read books and listen to a lecture by a celebrity.

In the activity schedule of "Renren Lecture Hall", 100 themed activities will be held annually, covering topics such as Shanghai style cultural lectures, intangible cultural heritage inheritance, traditional Chinese medicine consultation, and cultural walks. Here, it has become a new spiritual and cultural landmark for nearby residents, university teachers and students, and creative white-collar workers, as well as an important practical base for college students to integrate into society.

Yangpu District also actively utilizes digital technology to promote everyone's participation. As a part of the "Smart City Creation" system for creating a national civilized urban area in Yangpu District, the "Yangpu District Civilization Code" WeChat mini program has been officially launched. Citizens can take photos at will, transmit questions with just one click, and provide feedback at any time through their mobile phones. This year, about 1500 issues and opinions raised by citizens have been summarized, making the handling of related issues efficient and closed-loop.

In the process of building a pattern of co construction, co governance, and sharing, Yangpu District actively practices full process people's democracy and takes the lead in establishing a grassroots people's suggestion collection network in the city. This year, 50 innovative ideas have been collected, including corridor and building renovation, civilized pet care, and drone inspections, which have been effectively transformed into measures to promote urban construction and development.

In addition, Yangpu District actively organizes the "people are practical and determined by the people" activity, fully leveraging the collaborative governance role of Yangpu District's pioneering community political workers, planners, health professionals, party building consultants, governance consultants, and legal advisors, effectively expanding the channels for orderly participation of various groups.

By closely relying on the people to create civilization, Yangpu District has emerged a large number of good role models around it. Yu Yi, the model of "National Education and Education", was awarded the national honor of "People's Educator". Jing Zaiping, the director of vascular surgery at Changhai Hospital, was nominated for the 6th "National Moral Model" award. Professor Zhong Yang from Fudan University was posthumously awarded the title of "Model of the Times". Recently, the People's City Good People List and the Shanghai "Derun Shencheng" live broadcast room have settled in Yangpu Binjiang, continuing to play a leading and value oriented role in demonstrating advanced models.

Innovative development to enhance the level of urban civilization

Innovation is the primary driving force for development. The Yangpu District focuses on the requirements of the City Spiritual Civilization Construction Work Conference, which aims to "better serve to boost development confidence, better serve to deepen reform and opening up, better serve technological innovation breakthroughs, and better serve people's urban construction". By promoting technology and civilization, innovation and creation are on the same frequency, and innovative development is gradually becoming a strong engine to enhance the level of urban civilization.

Over the years, Yangpu District has deeply implemented the innovation driven development strategy and embarked on a path of transformation and upgrading from "Industrial Yangpu" to "Innovative Yangpu". It has become one of the first national innovative urban areas, an important carrier area of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center, a pilot urban area of "Science and Technology Innovation China", and a national innovation driven demonstration area.

This year, the development of strategic emerging industry clusters in Yangpu District has received supervision and incentives from the State Council, and the construction of entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases has been commended five times. The resilience and endogenous driving force of economic development have significantly increased. At present, Yangpu District is focusing on further activating the "first driving force" of innovation, grasping the "key move" of reform and opening up, and achieving high-quality development as the "primary task". It is focusing on enhancing the "four forces" of innovation and seeking practical results, promoting the sustained growth of regional innovation momentum.

Yangpu District has gathered more than ten well-known universities, including Fudan University and Tongji University, as well as more than a hundred research institutes, with a total number of universities exceeding one-third of the city's total. Yangpu District fully leverages its advantages in science and education resources, deeply implements the action to enhance the scientific literacy of the whole population, comprehensively deepens the new connotation of the "three district linkage" of university campuses, science and technology parks, and public communities, and explores a new path of the "three city integration" of learning, industry, and innovation.

In terms of serving as the "Logistics Minister" for major technological innovation, Yangpu District actively provides necessary spatial carriers, talent services, and policy matching to help local universities and colleges build primitive innovation highlands. Take the lead in building a number of high-quality incubators, new research and development institutions, and university science and technology park demonstration parks, to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of university enterprises into productivity.

In recent years, Yangpu District has focused on shaping the leading function of high-end industries, striving to build an innovative modern industrial system of "1+2+3+4" with the digital economy as the core leadership and "intelligence+" and "Internet plus" as the two key directions. The three hundred billion level industrial clusters of online new economy, intelligent manufacturing and creative design have flourished, and the four emerging fields of science and technology services, artificial intelligence, life health, and green low-carbon are forward-looking layout. Through full cycle and precision service support, efforts have been made to cultivate more first-class enterprises with benchmarking and demonstration significance.

The resource advantages of the science and technology innovation urban area have also injected strong momentum into the creation of a national civilized urban area in Yangpu District, and a number of civilized creation brand projects have deeply rooted in people's hearts.

For example, relying on the joint meeting system of district school propaganda ministers, a civilized creation cooperation project that consolidates the intellectual resources of universities through social practice, public welfare propaganda, and other means can be formed. Yangpu District has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Fudan University to jointly build the "Taoli Bookstore", creating a new ecosystem of cultural co creation, cultural sharing, and talent cultivation through the radiation of university collections to the community.

In addition, a large number of Internet leading enterprises settled in Yangpu District, such as Tiktok, Meituan, Bilibili, and Shengwang, actively contacted the District Civilized Office, actively created civilized units, carried out civilized network actions, and organized activities such as employee public welfare days. More than 200000 knowledge workers gave play to their industry expertise in civilization creation and fulfilled their corporate social responsibilities.

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