The Editorial Department of Qiushi Magazine: The Fundamental Follow for Accelerating the Construction of an Education Strong Country in the New Era

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:22 PM

The Fundamental Principles for Accelerating the Construction of an Education Strong Country in the New Era

The editorial department of Qiushi magazine

"For a long time, teachers from all over the country, represented by you, have conscientiously implemented the Party's educational policy, taught and nurtured people, and cultivated generations of socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. They have also created a large number of capable and capable pillars, making important contributions to the development of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation."

"On the new journey, we hope that you and all teachers across the country can take educators as role models, vigorously promote the spirit of educators, remember the original mission of educating people for the Party and talents for the country, establish the ambition and aspiration of 'cultivating the education industry and strengthening the country with me', be confident, self reliant, and work hard, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation."

Education is the great plan of the country and the party. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposes to build a strong education country by 2035. For the first time, "implementing the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, strengthening the support of modern construction talents" is regarded as a separate part, and strategic arrangements are made for "running education that satisfies the people", sounding the horn of accelerating the construction of a strong education country.The speech connects history, reality, and the future, revealing patterns, directions, and trends, and has strong political, ideological, and strategic significance. It is a guiding document for the construction of a strong education country in China.

A strong country must first strengthen education, and Chinese path to modernization needs the support of education modernization.

Scientific guidance for transitioning from an education powerhouse to an education powerhouse

"Throughout human history, if education is prosperous, a country will prosper, and if education is strong, a country will be strong. Every world power is not an education power, and education has always been a key factor in the rise of a strong country."

"Building a strong educational country is a strategic guide to building a strong socialist modernization country in an all-round way, an important support for achieving self-reliance in high-level science and technology, an effective way to promote common prosperity for all people, and a basic project to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization."

Education is related to national development and the future of the nation.When working in Zhengding, Hebei, he would transfer to schools whenever he had time, demanding that the best house in the village be the school; When working in Ningde, Fujian, a common saying is "supporting the will before poverty alleviation, and governing poverty before governing ignorance", emphasizing that "education issues are absolutely not allowed to wait for a moment"; When working in Zhejiang, incorporating the development of science and education and the strengthening of talent into the "88 Strategy"; When working in Shanghai, it was emphasized that "education should always be prioritized for development, and teachers should be made the most respected and desirable profession in society.".

——Education is the great plan of the country and the Party.Education is an important cornerstone of national rejuvenation and social progress, and a moral and political project that benefits the present and the future. It has decisive significance in improving the comprehensive quality of the people, promoting comprehensive human development, enhancing the innovative and creative vitality of the Chinese nation, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; Building an educational powerhouse is the fundamental project for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; Wait a minute.

——Strengthen the Party's comprehensive leadership over educational work.Party committees at all levels should regard strengthening comprehensive leadership over education work as an important responsibility, and include education reform and development in their agenda. Party and government officials should be familiar with education, care about education, and research education; The effective implementation of the Party's leadership in the education system depends on whether the Party's organizational system in the education system is sound or not, and whether the Party's construction is well carried out; Ideological and political work is the lifeline of various work in schools, and party committees at all levels, education authorities at all levels, and school party organizations must firmly grasp it; Wait a minute.

The Editorial Department of Qiushi Magazine: The Fundamental Follow for Accelerating the Construction of an Education Strong Country in the New Era

——Implement the fundamental task of cultivating virtue and talent."China is a socialist country under the leadership of the CPC, which determines that our education must take the training of socialist builders and successors as the fundamental task, and train generation after generation of useful talents who support the leadership of the CPC and our socialist system and are determined to fight for socialism with Chinese characteristics for life"; To regard the effectiveness of moral education as the fundamental criterion for testing all work in schools; Wait a minute.

——Vigorously promote the spirit of educators.

——Carry out education that satisfies the people well.Quality education is the core of education, which should focus on putting people first, teaching students according to their aptitude, and emphasizing the integration of learning and practice; Adhere to the principle of public welfare in education and make educational equity a fundamental national education policy; Increase support for vocational education in rural areas, ethnic regions, and impoverished areas, and strive to provide everyone with opportunities to excel in life; Wait a minute.

The light of thought illuminates the future.In the important article "Solidly Promoting the Construction of an Education Strong Country", General Secretary reviewed the extraordinary process that China's education industry has gone through since the founding of the People's Republic of China, highly affirmed the historic achievements and structural changes in the education industry in the new era, and pointed out: "This fully proves that the development path of socialist education with Chinese characteristics is completely correct."

In today's world, a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening, and international competition around high-quality talents and technological high ground is unprecedentedly fierce. There are still many gaps, shortcomings, and weaknesses in building China into an education powerhouse, and achieving the leap from an education powerhouse to an education powerhouse is still a long and arduous task.The General Secretary pointed out: "The education power we want to build is a socialist education power with Chinese characteristics. We must adhere to the Party's overall leadership over education as the fundamental guarantee, take moral cultivation as the fundamental task, take educating people for the Party and the country as the fundamental goal, take serving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as the important mission, take the education concept, system, system, content, methods, and governance modernization as the basic path, take supporting and leading Chinese path to modernization as the core function, and ultimately run education to the satisfaction of the people." The General Secretary stressed that we should comprehensively implement the Party's education policy, adhere to the people centered development of education, take the initiative to advance the layout, effectively respond to changes, work hard to open up new situation, accelerate the modernization of education, and The power of education is deeply rooted in the happiness of the people, and the foundation for the prosperity of the country is strengthened by education, providing strong support for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Implementing the fundamental task of cultivating virtue and talent

In the early autumn of 1935, during the critical moment of the Chinese nation, Zhang Boling, the president of Nankai University, asked three questions to all teachers and students at the opening ceremony. This famous "three questions about patriotism" is essentially asking the primary question of what kind of people education should cultivate.

"The fundamental issue of education is who, how and for whom to cultivate people. It is also the core issue of building an educational power." China is a socialist country under the leadership of the CPC, running socialist education, and cultivating people must establish the communist vision and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which is the "virtue" we want to establish.

Encourage contemporary youth to live a meaningful life with beliefs, dreams, struggles, and dedication; Message to the students: "Strive to be a new generation capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation, and forge ahead with courage and determination in the tide of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."; The General Secretary's earnest teachings instruct teachers and students to "cultivate students into what kind of person they should first become", guiding them to grow and make contributions in the hot practice of building a strong country and national rejuvenation in the new era, demonstrating a firm determination to listen to the Party and follow the Party, as well as an upward spirit.

On June 9, 2023, students from the 7th Middle School in Tongling City, Anhui Province were taking a "walking ideological and political class" in the workshop, experiencing the new atmosphere of high-quality development of the copper industry in Tongling up close. Visual China Guo Shining/Photo

One is to persistently use the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics for the new era to cultivate people's souls, focus on strengthening education on socialist core values, guide students to establish firm ideals and beliefs, always listen to the Party, follow the Party, and be determined to contribute to the country and the people. The second is to adhere to reform and innovation, promote the integration of ideological and political education in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools, and improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses. Third, "improve the ability of network education, and do a solid job in the ideological and political work and ideological work of schools in the Internet era".

Making high-quality development the lifeline of education at all levels and types

The Editorial Department of Qiushi Magazine: The Fundamental Follow for Accelerating the Construction of an Education Strong Country in the New Era

Improving the quality of education is a systematic project that involves a comprehensive adjustment of educational concepts, systems, and methods. It requires achieving a trinity of "teaching well" by teachers, "learning well" by students, and "managing well" by schools.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhao Hongyu/Photo

On the one hand, building an education powerhouse is based on basic education. General Secretary emphasized the need to promote the popularization, inclusiveness, safety, and high-quality development of preschool education, as well as the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education and urban-rural integration; Basic education should not only strengthen students' knowledge foundation, but also stimulate their interest in science and exploring the unknown, and cultivate their exploratory and innovative thinking qualities; Establishing a scientific view on talent, achievement, and education throughout society, accelerating the reversal of the utilitarian trend in education, and creating a healthy educational environment and ecology. On the other hand, to build an education powerhouse, higher education is at the forefront. General Secretary emphasized that "accelerating the construction of Chinese characteristic and world-class universities and advantageous disciplines should be given top priority, vigorously strengthening the construction of basic disciplines, emerging disciplines, and interdisciplinary disciplines, aiming at the forefront of world science and technology and major national strategic needs to promote scientific research and innovation, and continuously improving original innovation capabilities and talent cultivation quality.". General Secretary also pointed out that "we should build a learning society and a learning country that promotes lifelong learning for all, promote learning for everyone, everywhere, and at all times, continuously improve the education level of the people, comprehensively enhance the level of human resource development, and promote comprehensive human development.".

Forming a multiplier effect to promote high-quality development

Not seeking maximum, but seeking optimal, but seeking to adapt to social needs.

On the stone tablet on one side of the entrance of Minjiang University, 16 characters are particularly eye-catching.

It is the glorious mission of China's education to "meet the needs of society", serve the people, serve the CPC in governing the country, serve the consolidation and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and serve the reform, opening up and socialist modernization.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made a systematic deployment to accelerate the construction of a strong education, technology, and talent country.One is to further strengthen science and engineering education, strengthen the independent training of top-notch innovative talents, and provide talent support for solving the bottleneck problem of key core technologies in China. The second is to systematically analyze the development trends and gaps of talents in various aspects of China, focus on major national strategic needs based on the trend of scientific and technological development, dynamically adjust and optimize the setting of higher education disciplines, cultivate national strategic talents and urgently needed talents with targeted goals, and enhance the support and contribution of education to high-quality development. The third is to coordinate vocational education, higher education, and continuing education, promote the integration of vocational education, industry and education, and science and education, and continuously cultivate high-quality technical and skilled talents, great country craftsmen, and skilled craftsmen.

Driven by reform and innovation

"Reform and innovation are the spirit of the times, and teenagers are the most active group. The construction of ideological and political courses should be dynamic towards reform and innovation."

Develop questions and reform articles.From deepening the reform of the examination and enrollment system to coordinating the construction of world-class universities and disciplines; A series of top-level design plans have been successively released, from promoting the integrated reform and development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas within the county, to comprehensively deepening the reform of teacher team construction in the new era, and standardizing the development of off campus training institutions. The "four beams and eight pillars" of comprehensive deepening education reform have been built, and a dynamic, efficient, more open, and conducive to high-quality development education system mechanism is accelerating its formation.

Reform is always on the way. To build an education powerhouse, it is necessary to further enhance the systematic, holistic, and collaborative nature of education reform, and continuously transform institutional advantages into governance effectiveness.One is to adhere to a systematic concept, coordinate the reform of education methods, educational models, management systems, and guarantee mechanisms, resolutely eliminate all ideological constraints and institutional shortcomings that restrict the high-quality development of education, and comprehensively improve the modernization level of the education governance system and governance capacity. The second is to integrate the promotion of educational equity into all aspects and links of deepening comprehensive reforms in the field of education, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, regions, schools, and groups in education, strive to ensure that every child can enjoy fair and quality education, and better meet the needs of the masses for 'good education'. The third is to closely adhere to the goal of building an education powerhouse, deepen the reform of education evaluation in the new era, and build an education evaluation system with diverse subject participation, in line with China's actual situation, and at the world level. The fourth is to strengthen the construction and management of teaching materials, firmly grasp the correct political direction and value orientation, and carefully create high-quality teaching materials that cultivate the soul of Bacon, enlighten and enhance wisdom. The fifth is to further promote digital education, providing effective support for personalized learning, lifelong learning, expanding the coverage of high-quality educational resources, and modernizing education.

Improve the strategy of opening up education to the outside world

The Editorial Department of Qiushi Magazine: The Fundamental Follow for Accelerating the Construction of an Education Strong Country in the New Era

Do not reject the stream, only then will the river and the sea be formed.

Opening up education to the outside world is an important component of China's reform and opening up. To promote the modernization of education, we must unwaveringly adhere to opening up to the outside world and strengthen mutual tolerance, learning, and exchange with countries around the world.

One is to improve the strategy of opening up education to the outside world in accordance with the development and changes of the international situation, coordinate the two major articles of "bringing in" and "going out", effectively utilize world-class educational resources and innovative elements, and make China an important education center with strong influence in the world. The second is to actively participate in global education governance, vigorously promote the construction of the 'Study Abroad in China' brand, tell the story of China well, disseminate Chinese experience, voice China's voice, and enhance the international influence and discourse power of China's education. The third is to "unwaveringly expand the opening up of education to the outside world", while "deeply implementing the overall national security concept, and ensuring the correct direction and security bottom line of education opening up to the outside world".

Strong education requires strong teachers first

"In a few days, it will be Teachers' Day. I extend holiday greetings to all teachers in the school and wish them a happy holiday throughout the country."

Teachers are engineers of the human soul, inheritors of human civilization, carrying the responsibility of spreading knowledge, ideas, truth, shaping the soul, shaping life, and shaping new people. Meeting a good teacher is luck in life for a person, having a good teacher in a school is the glory of the school, and the continuous emergence of a group of good teachers in a nation is the hope of the nation.This article provides a profound interpretation of China's unique spirit of educators from six aspects: the ideal and belief of having a great self in one's heart and serving the country with utmost sincerity, the moral sentiment of speaking as a scholar and behaving in a world like manner, the educational wisdom of enlightening and educating according to one's aptitude, the diligent and innovative attitude of learning and practicing, the benevolent heart of loving and dedicating oneself to education, the broad mindedness of the world, and the pursuit of the teachings of cultural people; We earnestly hope for teachers to establish the "three solid foundations", "four good teachers", "four guides", "four unifications", and "great teachers", and point out the direction for deepening the construction of the teaching staff in the new era. The quality of the teaching staff in the new era is constantly improving, the structure is constantly optimizing, and the treatment is constantly improving

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