Solidly promote the construction of an education powerhouse

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:21 PM

Solidly promote the construction of an education powerhouse

Xi Jinping

Today, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee held its fifth collective learning session, which focused on building a strong education country. The purpose of arranging this study is to implement the deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, summarize the progress and achievements of building an education strong country in China, analyze the situation and problems that need to be solved, explore the major issue of what kind of education strong country China should build and how to build an education strong country, and solidly promote the construction of an education strong country.

Throughout human history, if education is prosperous, the country will prosper, and if education is strong, the country will be strong. Every world power is an education powerhouse, and education has always been a key factor in the rise of a strong country. Building a strong educational country is a strategic guide to building a strong socialist modernization country in an all-round way, an important support for achieving self-reliance in high-level science and technology, an effective way to promote common prosperity for all people, and a basic project to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.

Valuing education and learning is a fine tradition passed down from generation to generation by the Chinese nation, and it is the inherent driving force for the continuous growth of the Chinese nation. Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, China's education industry has gone through an extraordinary journey from old to new, from small to large, and has achieved a transformation from an illiterate country to an education country, and from a populous country to a human resources country. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has adhered to making education the national and party's major plan, made major decisions to accelerate the modernization of education and build a strong education country, and promoted historic achievements and structural changes in the education industry in the new era. China has built the world's largest education system, and the overall level of modernization in education has entered the ranks of middle and upper tier countries in the world. According to the calculation of the China Academy of Educational Sciences, China's current education power index ranks 23rd in the world, up 26 places from 2012, making it the country with the fastest progress. This fully proves that the development path of socialist education with Chinese characteristics is completely correct.

On September 10, 2018, the National Education Conference was held in Beijing.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ye

Solidly promote the construction of an education powerhouse

In today's world, a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening, and international competition around high-quality talents and technological high ground is unprecedentedly fierce. There are still many gaps, shortcomings, and weaknesses in building China into an education powerhouse, and achieving the leap from an education powerhouse to an education powerhouse is still a long and arduous task.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has separated education and technology talents into separate chapters for layout, sounding the horn of accelerating the construction of an education strong country. The education power we want to build is a socialist education power with Chinese characteristics. We must take upholding the Party's overall leadership over education as the fundamental guarantee, take moral cultivation as the fundamental task, take educating people for the Party and the country as the fundamental goal, take serving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as the important mission, take education concepts, systems, systems, contents, methods, and governance modernization as the basic path, and take supporting and leading Chinese path to modernization as the core function, and ultimately run education to the satisfaction of the people. We must fully implement the Party's education policy, adhere to the development of education centered on the people, proactively plan ahead, effectively respond to changes, and vigorously explore new situations, accelerate the modernization of education, cultivate the foundation of people's happiness with the power of education, and consolidate the foundation of national prosperity with the strength of education, providing strong support for the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ye

Firstly, cultivate new generations who are responsible for the great task of national rejuvenation. What kind of people to cultivate, how to cultivate them, and for whom to cultivate them are the fundamental issues of education, and also the core issue of building an educational powerhouse. Our goal in building an education strong country is to cultivate generation after generation of socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. We also aim to cultivate generation after generation of talented individuals who can be used and shoulder heavy responsibilities in socialist modernization construction, ensuring that the Party's cause and the construction of a socialist modernized strong country have successors. Watering flowers and roots, nurturing people and nurturing the heart. We must persistently use the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to cultivate our souls and strengthen education on socialist core values, guide students to establish firm ideals and beliefs, always listen to the Party, follow the Party, and be determined to contribute to the country and the people. We must adhere to reform and innovation, promote the integration of ideological and political education in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools, and improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses. The network has become an important space for the majority of young people to learn and live. We should improve the ability of network education and do a solid job in the ideological and political work and ideological work of schools in the Internet era.

Secondly, accelerate the construction of a high-quality education system. Currently, education in China has shifted from a stage of scale expansion to a stage of high-quality development. We must adhere to making high-quality development the lifeline of education at all levels and types, accelerate the construction of a high-quality education system, and empower sustainable economic and social development with high-quality education development. Building a strong education country is based on basic education. The more solid basic education is, the more stable the pace of building a strong education country will be, and the more momentum it will have. To promote the popularization, inclusiveness, safety, and high-quality development of preschool education, and to promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education and urban-rural integration. Basic education should not only strengthen students' knowledge foundation, but also stimulate their interest in science and exploring the unknown, and cultivate their exploratory and innovative thinking qualities. We need to establish a scientific view on talent, development, and education throughout society, accelerate the reversal of the utilitarian trend in education, and create a healthy educational environment and ecology. Building a strong education country, the leader is higher education. Looking at the world, any education powerhouse is a higher education powerhouse. We must prioritize accelerating the construction of world-class universities and advantageous disciplines with Chinese characteristics, vigorously strengthen the construction of basic disciplines, emerging disciplines, and interdisciplinary disciplines, target the forefront of world science and technology and major national strategic needs to promote scientific research and innovation, and continuously improve the original innovation ability and talent training quality. To build a learning society and a learning country with lifelong learning for all, promote learning for everyone, everywhere, and anytime, continuously improve the education level of the people, comprehensively enhance the level of human resource development, and promote comprehensive human development.

Thirdly, comprehensively enhance the ability to provide high-quality development in educational services. We must make serving high-quality development an important task in building an educational powerhouse. In today's era, talent is the primary resource, technology is the primary productive force, and innovation is the primary driving force. Building an education, technology, and talent strong country has inherent consistency and mutual support. The three should be organically combined and coordinated to form a multiplier effect in promoting high-quality development. We need to further strengthen science and engineering education, strengthen the independent training of top-notch innovative talents, and provide talent support to solve the bottleneck problem of key core technologies in China. To systematically analyze the development trends and gaps of talents in various aspects of China, based on the trend of scientific and technological development, focus on major national strategic needs, dynamically adjust and optimize the setting of higher education disciplines, cultivate national strategic talents and urgently needed talents with targeted goals, and enhance the support and contribution of education to high-quality development. We should coordinate vocational education, higher education, and continuing education, promote the integration of vocational education, industry and education, and science and education, and continuously cultivate high-quality technical and skilled talents, great country craftsmen, and skilled craftsmen.

Solidly promote the construction of an education powerhouse

Fourthly, stimulate the vitality of educational development in deepening reform and innovation. The transition from an education powerhouse to an education powerhouse is a systematic leap and qualitative change, which must be driven by reform and innovation. We must adhere to a systematic concept, coordinate the reform of education methods, educational models, management systems, and guarantee mechanisms, resolutely eliminate all ideological constraints and institutional shortcomings that restrict the high-quality development of education, and comprehensively improve the modernization level of the education governance system and governance capacity. Educational equity is an important foundation of social equity and an inherent requirement for building an educational powerhouse. To integrate the promotion of educational equity into all aspects and links of deepening comprehensive reforms in the field of education, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, regions, schools, and groups in education, and strive to ensure that every child can enjoy fair and quality education, better meeting the needs of the masses for "good education". Educational evaluation is related to the direction of educational development and the success or failure of building a strong education country. We must closely adhere to the goal of building a strong education country, deepen the reform of education evaluation in the new era, and build an education evaluation system with diverse subject participation, in line with China's actual situation, and at the world level. We need to strengthen the construction and management of teaching materials, firmly grasp the correct political direction and value orientation, and strive to create high-quality teaching materials that are rooted in Bacon's spirit, enlighten and enhance wisdom. Digitalization of education is an important breakthrough for China to open up new avenues for educational development and shape new advantages in educational development. The number of Internet users in China has reached 1.067 billion. We need to further promote digital education to provide effective support for personalized learning, lifelong learning, expanding the coverage of high-quality educational resources, and modernizing education.

Fifth, enhance the international influence of China's education. We should improve the strategy of opening up education to the outside world in accordance with the development and changes in the international situation, coordinate the two major articles of "bringing in" and "going out", effectively utilize world-class educational resources and innovative elements, and make China an important education center with strong influence in the world. We should actively participate in global education governance, vigorously promote the construction of the "Study Abroad in China" brand, tell the story of China well, disseminate China's experience, and voice China's voice, enhancing the international influence and discourse power of China's education. We must persist in expanding education and opening up to the outside world without wavering. Deeply implement the overall national security concept, ensure the correct direction and security bottom line of education and opening up to the outside world.

Sixth, cultivate a high-quality teaching team. Strong education requires strong teachers first. We should take strengthening the construction of the teaching staff as the most important basic work in building an education strong country, improve the teacher education system with Chinese characteristics, and vigorously cultivate and cultivate a high-quality professional teaching team with noble professional ethics, exquisite skills, reasonable structure, and full of vitality. To meet the practical needs of building an education powerhouse, we need to increase the overall allocation of teaching staff and cross regional adjustments. We should promote the social trend of respecting teachers and valuing education, improve the political, social, and professional status of teachers, and make them one of the most respected professions in society. We should support and attract outstanding talents to be enthusiastic, meticulous, long-term, and lifelong in teaching. We need to strengthen the construction of teacher ethics and conduct, guide teachers to firmly uphold their ideals and beliefs, cultivate moral character, cultivate solid knowledge, and cultivate a heart of kindness. We should establish the ambition and aspiration of "cultivating the teaching world and strengthening the country with me", adhere to the three foot podium, and devote ourselves to teaching and educating people.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi/Photo

Building a strong education country is a common task of the entire Party and society. We must adhere to and strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the Party over education work, continuously improve the education leadership system of unified leadership by the Party Committee, joint management by the Party and the government, and departmental accountability. The Central Leading Group for Education Work should take building an education strong country as the overall focus, strengthen top-level design, overall coordination, overall promotion, and supervision of implementation. Party committees and governments at all levels should always hold in mind the importance of the country, prioritize the development of education, and increase efforts in organizational leadership, development planning, resource guarantee, and funding investment. Schools, families, and society should closely cooperate and work together to actively engage in the practice of building a strong education country, and jointly promote the cause of building a strong education country. The whole party and people of all ethnic groups in the country should have firm confidence, work hard for a long time, and work together to achieve the goal of building a strong education country as soon as possible.

Solidly promote the construction of an education powerhouse
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