Holding up "steady happiness"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:33 PM

The cause of disabled people is an important component of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, and helping the disabled is an important symbol of social civilization progress.

Systematically planning the cause of people with disabilities, further improving the leadership system for disability work

In 2011, a car accident caused Yang Shuting to become paralyzed from a high position, and her family owed her over 200000 yuan for medical treatment, causing her life to plummet. On the road of fighting against fate, Yang Shuting did not yield. With the support of all parties, she established an enterprise that produces football and luggage, and also helped hundreds of impoverished families in her hometown lift themselves out of poverty.

"Disabled people are a special and difficult group that requires special care and attention." "All construction projects should include the cause of disabled people and continuously improve the protection system for the rights and interests of disabled people." "Healthy people can live a wonderful life, and disabled people can also live a wonderful life."

Deeply caring and warming people's hearts, with earnest instructions indicating the direction.The work of people with disabilities has become an important part of the "Five in One" overall layout and the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout, and the cause of people with disabilities has further achieved coordinated development with the economy and society.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will include strengthening disability rehabilitation services in the construction of the social security system; The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will include the improvement of the disabled care service system and facilities, as well as the improvement of social welfare systems such as assisting disabled people, in the 14th Five Year Plan proposal; The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China once again emphasized the acceleration of the development of the cause of people with disabilities; The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposes to "improve the social security system and care service system for people with disabilities, and promote the comprehensive development of the cause of people with disabilities.".

While carrying out systematic planning, the leadership system for disability work in China has also been further improved. At present, various regions have generally established a leadership system and working mechanism for the cause of people with disabilities, with party committees leading, government responsible, social participation, and disability organizations fully playing their roles. The work of people with disabilities has been included in the practical work and annual assessment of people's livelihood of party committees and governments. Local government disability work committees strengthen overall coordination, establish and improve work rules, explore the implementation of annual job reporting, key work supervision and other systems, and form an efficient and collaborative work force. The Disabled Persons' Federation fully fulfills its representative, service, and management functions, and plays a role as a bridge and link between the Party and the government to connect people with disabilities. Local finance continues to increase investment in the cause of disabled persons, and disabled service resources are effectively aggregated. Various regions have also actively carried out pilot projects for government purchase of disability assistance services, established guiding catalogs and standard specifications, and significantly improved the governance capacity and service level of the disability cause.

Secure the bottom line of people's livelihood and weave a dense basic livelihood guarantee network for people with disabilities

"Increasing income and gaining recognition through my own labor is the happiest thing for me!" Li Qin, a hearing impaired person, said with a smile at the "Canyi Workshop" in Haishu District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. Handicrafts such as keybags and wallets are sorted and stacked around the workbench, all of which are her newly made order products. In 2019, the Disabled Persons' Federation of Haishu District established a disabled cultural and creative product exhibition and sales center in the local tourist attraction Nantang Old Street, which brought Li Qin a stable monthly income of thousands of yuan and helped her family lift out of poverty. "I look forward to selling handicrafts to more people, and I believe that the days ahead will get better and better." Li Qin was full of confidence.

Once upon a time, poverty was a huge obstacle that hindered disabled people from achieving a moderately prosperous life, and poverty alleviation was a strong expectation for impoverished disabled people. Due to limited labor capacity and low level of education, impoverished people with disabilities often face more difficulties in overcoming poverty and need to make more efforts.

During the 13th Five Year Plan period, the cause of people with disabilities achieved historic achievements, and the goal of "building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020, with no one disabled" was achieved as scheduled. More than 7 million registered impoverished people with disabilities have been lifted out of poverty as scheduled, creating a miracle in the history of human poverty reduction. In order to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation for people with disabilities, various regions and departments continue to make efforts without slackening, strengthen dynamic monitoring and assistance for people with disabilities who are prone to returning to poverty, and ensure that poverty does not occur.

A clean and beautiful yard, spacious and bright nursing room, and a happy and bright smile... At the Beihai Disabled Care Service Center in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Pang Jian and Pang Qiang take the initiative to greet people every day and receive careful care from the center staff in their daily lives.

"I don't have to spend all day taking care of them now. I can rest assured to go out and work to earn money and improve my family's life," the sister of the two brothers told reporters. Both brothers are severely intellectually disabled and used to be afraid to communicate with others. In 2021, the two brothers entered the Disabled Care Service Center in Beihai City and received 24-hour care. The two brothers gradually became outgoing and lively from being isolated to introverted. "I feel particularly relieved to see their lives getting better and better!"

While solving the problem of poverty caused by disabilities, relevant departments have also introduced a series of measures to further improve the social security system for people with disabilities, gradually improve the pension insurance system, medical insurance system, etc., promote the continuous increase in the number and proportion of insured persons, and weave a dense basic livelihood security network for people with disabilities. Various regions are accelerating the construction of childcare service systems for people with disabilities, improving the quality of childcare services, greatly alleviating the care pressure on families with disabilities, and providing effective ways for people with disabilities to improve their lives and achieve comprehensive development. As of the end of 2022, the number of disabled people participating in the basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents in China reached 27.617 million, with 12.093 million disabled people receiving pensions. There were 8906 institutions at all levels and types providing childcare services for disabled people.

Improve the care service system to help people with disabilities participate equally in social life

"Smooth out all the straw, tie it with ropes of these colors, and then weave a pattern to create a back hammer." The straw and silk thread dance back and forth in the hands of disabled people, transforming into beautiful and durable brooms, back hammers, pendants, and ornaments. Recently, the Disabled Persons Federation of Chengde City, Hebei Province organized practical skills training for disabled people at the Pingquan Disabled Employment and Entrepreneurship Incubation Center. Dozens of students learned weaving techniques under the guidance of teachers. Since the beginning of this year, Chengde City has promoted the precise disability assistance service project, and through a series of measures such as organizing diversified vocational skills training and relay funding for disabled students, more disabled people have benefited.

Serving people with disabilities is the basic function of the Disabled Persons' Federation organization. The service for people with disabilities is related to millions of families with disabilities, reflecting the care of the Party and the state for disadvantaged groups. Over the past five years, China has continuously improved its disability care service system, further enhancing the quality and efficiency of disability services.

Recently, more than 3800 undergraduate freshmen from Tsinghua University have registered for admission. At the scene, a boy in a wheelchair caught the attention of many people. His name is Cheng Zimo, and he is a new student majoring in mechanical, aviation, and power. "Love makes me grow, adversity makes me soar!" Although he suffered from illness from childhood to adulthood, thanks to the development of integrated education and the care and help of various sectors of society, he never gave up his thirst for knowledge. With tenacious perseverance, he overcame unimaginable difficulties and was admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent grades.

Continuously improving the level of health services for people with disabilities and strengthening disability prevention work; Special education continues to develop, and the educational rights and interests of people with disabilities are protected; Improve the quality of employment for people with disabilities and promote their full employment; Promoting the vigorous development of cultural and sports undertakings for people with disabilities, and making their lives more diverse and colorful... Through the continuous and unremitting efforts of organizations and relevant departments of disability federations at all levels, the urgent and difficult problems of various groups of people with disabilities have been solved, significantly improving their health, education, and quality of life.

"Since the establishment of this accessible garden, we often come here to gather and engage in various outdoor activities like healthy people, making life more rich and beautiful!" said a blind tourist happily at Xuanwu Lake Accessible Garden in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

Intelligent voice prompts, handrails and guardrails, Braille signage... meticulously designed barrier free facilities create safer and more comfortable outdoor activity spaces for people with disabilities. A gentle breeze blew, and a group of visually impaired running enthusiasts ran along the trail. Blind massage therapist He Longhua said that they would come here for a run every Sunday morning. "The accessible passage is very safe, making us feel at ease."

Environment is unobstructed, life has love. On September 1st of this year, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Construction of Accessible Environment came into effect. As a specialized law formulated by China on the construction of accessible environment, this law will provide a solid legal guarantee for people with disabilities to participate and integrate into social life equally, fully, and conveniently, and promote the sharing of economic and social development achievements by all members of society.

The Marrakech Treaty has come into effect in China, further safeguarding the equal rights of people with reading disabilities to access culture and education; Continuously strengthening and improving travel services for people with disabilities, and improving the convenience of travel for people with disabilities; To implement barrier free transformation for families with severe disabilities in difficulties, and effectively solve the difficulties faced by people with disabilities in their home life; In recent years, China has made significant achievements in the construction of an accessible environment, with the concept of accessibility deeply ingrained in people's hearts, and the accessibility environment greatly improved, by promoting the acceleration of accessibility transformation of websites and mobile applications, so that people with disabilities can better feel the benefits of informatization.

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