Harvest Scenery in Hemei Countryside (Special Report on Rural Observation and Celebrating the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival)

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 22:08 PM

Figure ①: Villagers in Fengling Village, Gonglang Town, Nanjian Yi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province are drying corn.

Photographed by Shi Zhihong

Figure 2: Tourists are enjoying flowers at the Chrysanthemum Garden in Yaogujiang Village, Xuanwei Town, Majiang County, Guizhou Province.

Photo by Chen Xiaoxin

Figure 3: Villagers from Wangmuliao Village, Kongzhen Town, Leling City, Shandong Province pick peaches at the Modern Forest and Fruit Demonstration Park.

Photo by Dong Naide

Figure 4: The first "Village BA" basketball competition in Mingxing Town, Shehong City, Sichuan Province, China, is currently in full swing.

Photo by Liu Changsong

Figure ⑤: In Shukou Village, Langju Town, Jinxi County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, villagers drive harvesters to harvest rice.

Photo by Deng Xingdong

Exploring Autumn Grain in North China Plain

There is a promising future in technology grain cultivation

Our reporter Shao Yuzi

In the North China Plain, the green gauze tent is rolling. Walking into the 10000 acre farmland in Yaojiazhuang Village, Zhaozhou Town, Zhao County, Hebei Province, corn plants stand tall and upright.

Approaching the autumnal equinox, the autumn harvest begins. In a corner of the field, a large harvester and transport vehicle efficiently cooperate, and golden corn ears pour down. Straw is cut and turned into fine crushed storage material. "The corn cobs are transported to the granary for drying and storage. After being compacted, sealed, and fermented, the stored materials are transformed into feed. The corn is not only returned to the granary as granules, but also dried and squeezed out." Yao Fengjuan, the person in charge of the Guanghui Agricultural Machinery Service Professional Cooperative in Zhao County, calculated, "More than 18000 acres of corn are expected to yield over 1300 kilograms per acre, which is another year of abundant harvest."

Where does a good harvest come from? "By relying on technology, grain cultivation has a bright future. In recent years, the cooperative has purchased more than 100 large agricultural machinery, which operates in a one-stop process from cultivation to drying and storage." Standing in front of a combine harvester, Yao Fengjuan said, "The harvester is powerful, efficient, and equipped with a satellite positioning system, which can walk straight, harvest quickly, and minimize losses.". The precision seeder saves seeds and labor, and can sow over 10 acres per hour. The crushing and bundling machine synchronously carries out straw crushing, dust removal, and packaging, returns straw to the field, and improves soil fertility. "Agricultural machinery is equipped with a 'brain', providing confidence for high yields and increased production. It has been calculated that the yield of wheat per mu has increased by more than 100 kilograms, and the yield of corn per mu has increased by 163 kilograms."

A good opportunity must be accompanied by good skills. "Water is the courage of farmers, and in the past, water shortage was a problem." Yao Fengjuan said, "Micro spray belts and vertical and buried sprinkler irrigation facilities have been installed in the fields, turning flood irrigation into precise drip irrigation. When there is a shortage of water, water should be irrigated. Combined with integrated water and fertilizer facilities, nutrition is balanced, water and fertilizer are saved, and soil compaction is not caused. Each acre of land can save 30% of water and 20% of fertilizer."

Data has become a new agricultural input. "From relying on tactile sensing to remote sensing, watching the 'trend map' while planting, I feel more confident." Yao Fengjuan said with a smile, "Take wheat as an example. Plant protection drones are equipped with multispectral sensors and fly by, generating data maps of wheat growth. Technicians measure soil formulas based on different plot conditions and accurately formulate plant protection plans."

"The way out for grain production lies in technology." Zhao Suohui, director of the Zhao County Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, introduced that agricultural technicians provide precise one-on-one guidance, synchronous online and offline training, promote good varieties, techniques, and methods, encourage farmers to use technologies such as mechanized planting and fertilization of corn, soil testing and formula fertilization, and integrated pest control to ensure a bumper harvest. At present, Zhao County has prepared more than 40000 agricultural machinery for autumn harvest. During the autumn and winter planting period, the focus will be on promoting technologies such as returning straw to the field, deep plowing and loosening, fine soil preparation, and formula fertilization.

"It is our duty to maintain a stable rice bowl," said Gao Yunfeng, Deputy County Magistrate of Zhao County. As a major grain producing county, the county has an annual planting area of about 1.12 million acres of grain. The county fully implements the same responsibility of the Party and government for food security, vigorously implements the strategy of storing grain in the ground and storing grain in technology, strengthens the construction of high standard farmland, and strives to do a good job in grain production, comprehensively consolidating the foundation of food security. This year, Zhao County has achieved another bumper harvest of summer grain, with a total wheat production of nearly 290000 tons in the county; There is a foundation for a bountiful autumn harvest, with a corn planting area of 548000 mu and balanced growth. It is expected that the average yield per mu will reach about 670 kilograms, a significant increase from last year.


This year, a new round of action to increase grain production capacity by billions of kilograms has been implemented. Each region and department should strengthen infrastructure construction, accelerate the breeding and promotion of excellent varieties, accelerate the research and development and promotion of agricultural machinery, and tap into the potential for increased production. At present, the coverage rate of excellent crop varieties in China is over 96%, and the contribution rate of excellent varieties to agricultural yield increase exceeds 45%. The contribution rate of national agricultural scientific and technological progress has reached 62.4%.

Northwest Fruit Township Inquires about Industry

"Local specialties" grow into rich fruits

Our reporter Chang Qin

Autumn is getting stronger, and the kiwifruit for martial arts is ripe! Entering the Green Yilong Kiwifruit Base in Shangpo Village, Wugong County, Shaanxi Province, one's eyes are filled with greenery, with a fruity aroma wafting in the wind. "The fruit is still on the branch, so it has been reserved." Liu Xiaofeng, the person in charge of the base, took out an instrument to test the sugar content of the kiwifruit and determined the optimal picking time based on its sweetness.

Why do we need to "stop picking"? "Connecting the e-commerce industry chain, from the beginning to the end, to the dining table, to ensure that consumers taste good taste." Liu Xiaofeng said, "In the past, sales were not smooth, and people dared not wait for fruits to fully mature before picking them. Fruits that were not cut off could not sell at a good price, which is a headache for fruit farmers." In recent years, the county has not only introduced e-commerce platforms to expand sales, but also established planting standards, provided technical guidance, and stored freshness. "The kiwifruit we are growing now has become an 'e-commerce fruit'. The fruit not only sells quickly, but the selling price is also increasing," said Liu Xiaofeng.

"If rural areas need to be revitalized, industries must be revitalized," said Li Xinchang, director of the Fruit Industry Center in Wugong County. Wugong County is located at the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains, with abundant soil organic matter and water resources, and long annual sunshine hours, which are conducive to the accumulation of kiwifruit nutrients. The county regards the development of high-quality kiwifruit as a characteristic industry for promoting agriculture and enriching the people. Local technical specifications for kiwifruit have been formulated, and kiwifruit experimental demonstration stations have been built to high standards. Six demonstration bases have been built, and 116000 acres of high-quality kiwifruit have been developed.

"To do a good job in producing 'local specialties', we need to focus on both production and sales, and have both hands strong." Li Xinchang said that on the one hand, the county should build a kiwifruit industry cluster, play the role of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, large growers, and industry associations, strengthen quality control and brand building, and improve the scale, intensity, and green level of the kiwifruit industry. On the other hand, utilizing the advantages of the first batch of "digital rural" pilot counties and comprehensive demonstration counties for e-commerce entering rural areas, we will lead e-commerce enterprises to establish direct procurement bases, guide cooperatives and fruit farmers to develop live streaming and other sales methods, and polish the golden signboard of "martial arts kiwifruit".

The small fruit has grown into a "fruit of wealth". With the help of e-commerce sales platforms, the sales of Wugong kiwifruit have increased significantly, bringing considerable profits to fruit farmers. In 2022, e-commerce sold 5500 tons of kiwifruit, and the per capita income of fruit farmers in the main production areas exceeded 8000 yuan. At present, the regional brand value of "Wugong Kiwi" has reached 1 billion yuan.

Harvest Scenery in Hemei Countryside (Special Report on Rural Observation and Celebrating the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival)

"Big size, good sweetness, and brand guarantee, buy with confidence." In the live broadcast room of Fuchuan Farmers' Planting Professional Cooperative, the anchor is promoting martial arts kiwifruit. Liu Xiaofeng said, "The early maturing variety 'Cuixiang' has started to be harvested, and various varieties have followed suit. The fresh fruit period can last until early November, and with the preservation in the cold storage, it can be sold until May of the following year."

Li Xinchang said that the next step will be to standardize and support the development of e-commerce, build and operate a big data platform for Wugong Fruit Industry, organize and promote the "public brand+enterprise brand" marketing model, and continuously expand the influence of Wugong Kiwi through promotional activities. At the same time, we will accelerate the construction and application of kiwifruit big data collection and management platforms, promote agricultural modernization through industrial digitization, and turn kiwifruit, a local specialty, into a leading industry for rural revitalization.


Industrial prosperity is an important foundation for rural revitalization. Relying on characteristic resources, various regions should focus on promoting local specialties, transforming rural resource advantages, ecological advantages, and cultural advantages into product and industrial advantages, developing distinctive rural industries according to local conditions, and forming a group of "township name" and "local name" brands. As of now, 50 national modern agricultural industrial parks, 40 advantageous characteristic industrial clusters, and 200 strong agricultural industrial towns have been built nationwide, enabling more farmers to achieve local employment nearby.

Welcome to Southwest Mountain Village

Eating "tourist meals" at the doorstep

Our reporter Yu Jingxian

Terraced fields layer upon layer, the Barra River flows continuously, and hanging buildings on the banks are neat and tidy... Walking into Changtan Village, Laotun Township, Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, a colorful autumn painting unfolds before your eyes.

The singing is melodious, and the villagers are smiling as they bring the wine from the gate. "This is a Miao village custom, expressing our greetings and blessings. Walking along the Qingshi Banlu, the first secretary stationed in the village, Zhou Xingwen, said in a gentle voice," Guests come here to enjoy the Miao scenery, eat colorful sister meals, stay in ancient Miao houses, and experience various intangible cultural heritage skills. This trip is definitely worth it. "

"In recent years, Changtan Village has taken advantage of its cultural resources and embarked on a path of integrated development of agriculture, culture, and tourism that is' small yet refined 'and' small yet unique '. Zhou Xingwen said that in order to highlight its unique business card, the village has invited professionals to choreograph Miao ethnic song and dance, create intangible cultural heritage experience projects, and rely on local traditional festivals such as Sister Festival, Roaring Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival to carry out diverse agricultural folk activities such as catching fish in rice paddies, playing sheng and drums, and bonfire parties.".

The unique charm has attracted strong popularity, and more and more villagers are enjoying "tourist meals" at their doorstep. At the "Mom Made" cultural workshop in Changtan Village, embroiderers sit in groups of three or five, with needles and thread weaving back and forth on the embroidery pieces. In no time, they embroider a delicate Miao decoration pattern. The village organized skilled embroiderers to participate in the production of characteristic cultural and creative products, and the "fingertip technique" lying in the corner became a favorite souvenir for tourists. Embroidery expert Zhang Yinhua has also set up three homestays at her home. During the recent summer, a team of students and tourists has brought in more than 15000 yuan in income for her family.

"Not only folk customs, but now when it comes to Taijiang, the first thing that comes to mind is' Village BA '," said Tang Ying, director of the Taijiang County Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television, and Tourism. The booming' Village BA 'has injected new elements into rural culture. The deep integration of agriculture, culture, sports, and tourism, with villages and villages linked by beads, effectively drives the rapid development of the entire region. Only the Changtan Scenic Area has received 50000 tourists so far this year.

In October this year, the final of the first National Hemei Rural Basketball Competition will be held in Taijiang. How does "traffic" change to "retention"? Changtan Village also has its own planning plans. Zhou Xingwen said that the village has increased protection efforts for the well preserved Qing Dynasty Huizhou style buildings, ruins, and 17 century old Miao ethnic houses, restoring the original style of the village. Not long ago, a number of silver embroidered intangible cultural heritage courtyards, dragon boat model making courtyards, and grain painting art courtyards were also built, continuously enriching the tourism industry in the village.

On the eve of the Harvest Festival, the terraced fields of the dam in Changtan Village were filled with rice, fragrant fish, and fertilizer. "It's time to open the fields and catch rice and fish again. The meat of rice and fish is delicious and is also a prize in the village sports competition." Villager Jiang Shangying opened a farmhouse and looked forward to more guests coming to the village to appreciate the autumn scenery and taste delicious food.


Excellent traditional culture is an important spiritual force in the construction of harmonious rural areas. At present, there are over 33000 comprehensive cultural stations in townships across the country, and rural libraries have covered 587000 administrative villages nationwide. A total of 6 batches of 8155 traditional villages have been included in the national protection list, and 4789 provincial-level and above intangible cultural heritage have been inherited and developed. Through the integration of agriculture, culture, and tourism, various regions continuously stimulate the vitality of excellent traditional local culture and empower rural revitalization.

Looking at the Village Appearance in Jiangnan Water Town

The village is beautiful and the days are beautiful

Reporter Li Xiaoqing from this newspaper

"The road is wide and flat, and the car drives directly to the doorstep." Looking at the wide cement road and clean and refreshing road surface in the village, Lu Wenlong, a villager from Tongguanshan Village, Haiyu Town, Changshu City, Jiangsu Province, felt very happy.

After dinner, 60 year old villager Zhou Ping came to the elderly activity room in the village, where many old friends were already sitting together watching TV. "The room is spacious and bright, clean and tidy, the chairs are comfortable, and I feel good sitting here when I have nothing to do..." Zhou Ping couldn't help but smile when she talked about this activity room.

In recent years, Tongguanshan Village has continuously improved the completeness of rural infrastructure and the convenience of public services. In order to facilitate the travel of villagers, the original gravel road has been transformed into a cement road with a width of 4 meters; In order to provide elderly people with happiness, in May this year, the village purchased integrated houses, added supporting furniture and items, and created a clean and bright activity space, providing a good place for the elderly in the village to drink tea and chat.

Harmonious villages are built for farmers, so it is very important to preserve the local flavor and rural style. Drawing on the wisdom of traditional rural construction, Tongguanshan Village has adopted a wooden house structure rich in Jiangnan characteristics when renovating old houses, constructing civilized stations, and cultural halls. Villager Huang Limei said, "The village has undergone significant changes in recent years. The village is beautiful, the environment is clean, and more and more tourists are coming to check in. After my old house was transformed into a special homestay, I also gained an additional income!"

The appearance of the village has improved, and the rural governance system has kept pace. Liyuan Village in Bixi Street is focusing on establishing a long-term management mechanism to protect the achievements of rural construction.

White walls and gray tiles, clear water and green banks, the picturesque scenery of Liyuan Village in autumn. What stands out in the beautiful scenery is that each household has a rural governance agreement posted on the exterior wall, which specifies everything from the front and back environment of the house, courtyard layout, garbage classification, and field management. After the villagers approve, they sign a contract with the village committee. Now, the signing rate in the village has reached 100%.

How to implement assessment and supervision? Li Yuan Village has divided the entire village into 7 long-term management grids for residential environments, with village cadres serving as grid leaders and party members, village representatives, and honest supervisors as grid members. Implement dedicated management and achieve "one grid, one person management". Villager Ma Junwei said, "Since the implementation of this system, the village environment has been getting better and the neighborhood relationships have become more harmonious."

In recent years, Changshu City has promoted the construction of beautiful and livable villages throughout the region, coordinated the renovation of rural houses, improvement of village roads, and revolution of toilets. A total of 3794 types of beautiful rural construction have been implemented, with a coverage rate of over 80%. At the same time, promote the experience and practices of "village butlers" and "civilized and courteous", so that villagers can share the achievements of construction and a better life.


Each region and department will coordinate the construction of rural infrastructure and public service system, and implement the tasks of livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural construction. Since the beginning of this year, the central government has allocated 7.4 billion yuan to implement incentives and subsidies for the rural toilet revolution, and allocated 3 billion yuan from the central budget to support the construction of rural living environment infrastructure. Various regions are coordinating and promoting the treatment of rural domestic sewage and garbage. Currently, the national popularization rate of rural sanitary toilets exceeds 73%, and over 91% of natural village domestic garbage is collected and treated.

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Liu Shiyou is measuring cultural relics. Liu Shiyou and colleagues are researching materials. The above pictures are the biographies of Liu Shiyou, born in 1966 in Longde County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, who is the director of Longde County Cultural Relics Management Institute and museum director. He has been engaged in local history research and cultural management for more than 30 years, participated in the third national cultural relics survey, the first national survey of movable cultural relics, wrote more than 20 local cultural research articles, was employed by the Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences and Ningxia Normal University as a researcher, compiled and published 8 works such as Longde County Cultural Relics Chronicle, and was rated as the exemplary individual of the national cultural relics system in 2022. In Longde County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the most well-known tourist destination is the Old Lane in Hongya Village. Walking in the old alley, with earthen walls, stages

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